How to Learn the Trendiest Slang in a Foreign Language

You’re up-to-date on all the trends, but there’s one trend you may have overlooked: slang.

There’s no doubt that slang is pervasive in any language, and it’s possible you haven’t learned some of the more provocative terms native speakers might use.

You also have to keep the variations within your target language straight—for instance, Spanish slang, Mexican slang and slang from other Spanish-speaking countries vary quite a bit.

Luckily, there are plenty of great resources out there to keep your vocabulary up-to-date.


The 30 Best Resources to Learn Slang in Different Languages

It’s important to note that slang is highly regional, so not all slang will be used in every place that speaks the language. If you’re targeting a particular region, you might try looking for slang from that specific region.

In addition to the 30 language-specific resources below, another program that can help you learn slang in several languages is FluentU.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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It’s currently available for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian, English and Portuguese, all of which can be accessed from one account.

Here are some groovy resources for learning slang from popular languages.


Cool Slang Arabic Dictionary

Arabic slang is cool. If you want to look fab in Arabic, try Cool Slang Arabic Dictionary. This free website offers slang from all over the Arab-speaking world.

Each entry includes the Arabic word or phrase, how to pronounce it, where it’s from and what it means. While this is a very useful tool, it’s important to keep in mind that entries are submitted by users, so there could be occasional errors. Be sure to do a little research and verify terms in a language forum or with a language exchange partner.

“A Roving Eye: Head to Toe in Egyptian Arabic Expressions”

A Roving Eye: Head to Toe in Egyptian Arabic Expressions

Dialects of Arabic vary quite a bit regionally, so it should come as no surprise that slang also varies a good deal by region. “A Roving Eye” focuses exclusively on Egyptian Arabic. The book includes common colloquialisms, including proverbs, idioms and other expressions.

Each phrase is presented in Arabic along with a transliteration to help you with pronunciation. There’s also a literal English translation as well as a figurative translation. The book features many images, making it easy to browse casually.

“Levantine Colloquial Arabic Vocabulary”

Levantine Colloquial Arabic Vocabulary

“Levantine Colloquial Arabic Vocabulary” focuses on colloquial expressions from Lebanon. However, many of these expressions are also understandable in other parts of the Levant region, including Jordan, Palestine and Syria. The book is intended for beginning through advanced students and offers over 4,500 entries in 57 thematic categories.

Entries contain grammatical information to help you understand gender, usage and more. Plus, the purchase of this book also grants you access to free downloads, including MP3 audio to help you nail down pronunciations and Anki flashcards to help you memorize vocabulary.


China Smack

If Chinese slang is your drug of choice, China Smack is the free online resource for you. That’s because this website offers a helpful glossary of Chinese slang.

Each entry includes the slang word or phrase, the pinyin (when applicable), the part of speech and the definition. Entries include internet slang, offensive words and phrases, as well as some general vocabulary.

“Dirty Chinese”

Dirty Chinese: Everyday Slang from (Dirty Everyday Slang)

“Dirty Chinese” focuses on the Chinese words and phrases that conventional schooling usually strategically omits. These expressions include swear words, adult terms, insults and more. Phrases are grouped thematically for easy browsing.

Each entry starts with the English phrase, followed by the pinyin, followed by the Chinese written text. Some of the terms are graphic, so “Dirty Chinese” isn’t for anyone who’s easily offended.

Niubi!: The Real Chinese You Were Never Taught in School”

Niubi!: The Real Chinese You Were Never Taught in School

“Niubi!” (“Awesome!” is one translation for it…others are less appropriate) offers a wide array of words and phrases for slang aficionados of all ages, though its aimed at beginning and intermediate learners.

Yes, some words and phrases are more appropriate for adults, including sex terms and swear words, but many expressions are used across age groups, like internet slang. Illustrations, anecdotes and cultural lessons make “Niubi!” an easy and fun read.


Language Realm

Sure, it might not have elves or dwarves like you’d expect in other magical realms, but Language Ream does offer a free online French slang dictionary, which seems pretty magical if you ask us.

The entries are organized alphabetically by the French term. Each entry includes the French word or phrase, the part of speech and the definition. Some terms are family-friendly, while others are more appropriate for adult learners.

“Dirty French”

Dirty French: Everyday Slang from (Dirty Everyday Slang)

If you think inappropriate and offensive language is très bon (very good), “Dirty French” might be just the book to add to your slang library.

It features curse words, sex terms, insults, everyday slang and more. Words are grouped thematically, so you can easily peruse such categories as “Hello” to see all your slang options at a glance. “Dirty French” also includes some brief usage notes interspersed throughout.

“French Slang: Do you speak the real French?”

French Slang: Do you speak the real French?: The essentials of French Slang (French Edition)

“French Slang” offers over 600 entries of contemporary French slang organized into 12 thematic sections. Helpful slang includes textspeak, descriptions and more.

Some entries are completely innocent and family-friendly, while other words and phrases are “slightly provocative”—not too over-the-top, but certainly intriguing to adult learners. Downloadable audio is also available to help learners perfect their pronunciations.


“Dirty German”

Dirty German: Everyday Slang from (Dirty Everyday Slang)

“Dirty German” offers fun, informal phrases perfect for adult learners (particularly those with potty mouths). The book includes insults, sexual terms, swear words and more. Words and phrases are grouped thematically. Fun usage notes appear throughout the text, making “Dirty German” easy to read for fun or use as a reference.

Scheisse! The Real German You Were Never Taught in School”

Scheisse! The Real German You Were Never Taught in School

While this book isn’t the most current volume on our list (it was published in 1994), it still offers some helpful vocabulary—just don’t expect textspeak or internet slang. “Scheisse! The Real German You Were Never Taught in School” focuses on “Low German,” like curse words, insults and other basic slang.

And you’ll have to get the book to find out the meaning of the word Scheisse!

Words are grouped thematically for easy browsing. Entries offer a unique format—the English word appears first, followed by several German slang options with a related meaning. Many of these options are also accompanied by a brief definition to clarify the more precise meaning.


Language Realm

Looking for the best Japanese slang? Unafraid of inappropriate terms? Language Realm is great for anyone looking to learn Japanese slang, and best of all, it’s available for free from the comfort of your favorite internet-enabled device.

Each entry includes the Japanese word, its transliteration and its meaning. Many words/phrases are family-friendly, but there are definitely some that are strictly for adults, like sexual terms.

“Dirty Japanese”

Dirty Japanese: Everyday Slang from (Dirty Everyday Slang)

“Dirty Japanese”—given that the Japanese have long been known for their exceptional cleanliness, the phrase may seem ironic. But if you’re a Japanese student who likes your language skills to have a certain edge, “Dirty Japanese” fits the bill.

With sexual words, curse words and insults galore, “Dirty Japanese” provides the sort of vocabulary you’re unlikely to find in your favorite textbook.

“Beyond Polite Japanese: A Dictionary of Japanese Slang and Colloquialisms”

Beyond Polite Japanese: A Dictionary of Japanese Slang and Colloquialisms (Power Japanese Series) (Kodansha's Children's Classics)

“Beyond Polite Japanese” offers both contemporary and traditional slang that many textbooks leave out. With over 500 words and phrases, there’s plenty of great slang for any interested student of Japanese.

Plus, “Beyond Polite Japanese” empowers you to understand even more slang by teaching prefixes and suffixes commonly used in slang. Each word/phrase entry contains a lot of useful information, including the word/phrase, its part of speech, its literal and figurative definitions, and a usage example. While the book is difficult to find new, plenty of used options abound.


Cool Slang

If you like your Korean slang cool, look no further. Cool Slang is a free online resource featuring dozens of Korean words and phrases. Each entry includes the Korean word, its transliteration and its meaning.

Many entries also include some discussion from users about the meanings. While Cool Slang offers some great content, it’s important to remember that it’s user-generated, so errors may appear from time to time.

“Dirty Korean”

Dirty Korean: Everyday Slang from (Dirty Everyday Slang)

“Dirty Korean” offers up edgy Korean slang, including insults, sexual terms, swear words and more. The book is presented in an easy-to-read format, with words/phrases grouped thematically.

Additional notes on language and usage make “Dirty Korean” accessible for any level of language learner. Each entry comes with the Korean word/phrase, its transliteration and its meaning for your ease and convenience.

“The KPOP Dictionary”

The Kpop Dictionary: 500 Essential Korean Slang Words and Phrases Every Kpop Fan Must Know

“The KPOP Dictionary” is a book built for fans of Korean entertainment. Whether you enjoy K-Pop music, indulge in Korean dramas or can’t resist Korean movies, “The KPOP Dictionary” will supply you with some key slang you need to better understand your favorite pastime and connect with other fans.

The book offers over 500 words and phrases. Each entry includes the word or phrase, its transliteration, its definition, a description of how it’s used and an example to illustrate its usage.


Countries Beginning with I

Countries Beginning with I is a website dedicated mostly to—you guessed it—countries that start with “I.” Among its varied (and free) offerings, there’s a handy dictionary of Italian slang and swear words.

It’s organized alphabetically, so it’s easy to look up any word or phrase you encounter. Each entry is accompanied by a pronunciation guide and a brief definition and/or explanation.

“Dirty Italian” 

Dirty Italian: Everyday Slang from "What's Up?" to "F*%# Off!" (Dirty Everyday Slang)

In the dark alleys of Rome lurks a language even experienced Italian students don’t know. And gelato shops. There are a lot of gelato shops. But if it’s the unfamiliar Italian language you’re looking for, “Dirty Italian” has lots of cuss words, insults, sex terms and more to steal some of your focus from your beloved icy treat.

Since the book also has a handy pronunciation guide and frequent usage notes, it’s an easy and enjoyable read for any aficionado of the Italian language. Just try not to drip any gelato on it.

“What They Didn’t Teach You in Italian Class: Slang for the cafe, club, bar, bedroom, ball game and more”

What They Didn't Teach You in Italian Class: Slang Phrases for the Cafe, Club, Bar, Bedroom, Ball Game and More (Dirty Everyday Slang)

Not the formal type? “What They Didn’t Teach You in Italian Class” offers plenty of informal slang that you can use in multiple settings.

Vocabulary is grouped thematically, including sections like “Booze, Bars, & Clubs” and “Smack Talk.” The book also includes some explanations on basic pronunciation and grammar rules, so it’s accessible to beginning learners as well as more advanced students.



ProZ offers a free online Portuguese-to-English slang glossary. Each entry contains the Portuguese phrase and its English meaning.

For additional explanation, just click the Portuguese phrase. There are both family-friendly and adult entries.

“Dirty Portuguese”

Dirty Portuguese: Everyday Slang from "What's Up?" to "F*%# Off!" (Dirty Everyday Slang)

“Dirty Portuguese” has all the fun swear words, insults and sex terms that you’ll probably need to offend people and/or be offended. There are also a number of helpful, less offensive slang options.

A quick pronunciation guide will help even beginning learners nail down the pronunciation. From there, the book is organized thematically, so you can easily browse slang in any category. Humorous explanations and usage examples are staggered throughout, making reading “Dirty Portuguese” a fun experience.

“Party Brazil Phrasebook 2014”

Party Brazil Phrasebook 2014: Slang, Music, Fun and Futebol

“Party Brazil Phrasebook 2014” was intended to teach Brazilian slang to anyone attending the 2014 World Cup. The competition may be over, but the slang isn’t!

The slang in the book is primarily related to Brazil, partying and soccer. The book also includes a pronunciation guide for novice speakers. Additionally, there are extensive cultural notes to teach you about Brazilian cities, customs and soccer.


Russki Mat

If you want to open yourself up to a wide world of Russian vocabulary that would make a babushka (elderly woman, grandmother) blush, look no further than Russki Mat. This free website features over 1700 colorful entries.

The focus is mostly obscene slang normally not fit-for-print, including profanity and slurs. Each entry contains the Russian word/phrase, its gender (when applicable), its pronunciation, its meaning and a usage example.

“Dirty Russian”

Dirty Russian: Everyday Slang from (Dirty Everyday Slang)

If you don’t want your vocabulary to be as clean as fresh Russian snow, “Dirty Russian” offers just the roughing up you need. “Dirty Russian” features curse words, insults, sex terms and more—just the sort of stuff you’ll want to know after having a few shots of vodka.

Plus, “Dirty Russian” offers brief pronunciation and grammar lessons to equip even beginners to use the book to its maximum potential. Each word/phrase includes the English meaning, the Russian phrase and a pronunciation guide. There are also helpful usage notes and examples staggered throughout.

“Dictionary of Advanced Russian Usage”

Dictionary of Advanced Russian Usage: A Guide to Idiom, Colloquialisms, Slang and More (English and Russian Edition)

Advanced Russian students might like “Dictionary of Advanced Russian Usage.” This book is a thorough guide to slang, idioms and colloquialisms.

It’s formatted as a reference tool more than a readable text, but when you need to look up a slang word, you’ll have plenty of information at your finger tips. “Dictionary of Advanced Russian Usage” is meant to be highly comprehensive.


Gritty Spanish

Want to get the gritty Spanish practice you can’t get in a classroom? Gritty Spanish is a website that has your back if you’re looking to learn conversational, colloquial Spanish. It includes downloadable audio dialogues along with corresponding printed text to help you get both listening and reading practice while preparing you to sound more like a native speaker.

Unlike most conventional dialogues, Gritty Spanish offers options that include curse words and provides the sort of practice that’s hard to get without diving headfirst into a real conversation. And let’s be honest: do you really want your first experience with Spanish swear words to be in a real conversation?

“Dirty Spanish”

Dirty Spanish: Everyday Slang from "What's Up?" to "F*%# Off!" (Dirty Everyday Slang)

“Dirty Spanish” dishes up inappropriate slang like swear words, sex terms and insults. There are also some tamer options mixed in there, too.

Plus, “Dirty Spanish” takes regional slang into account, clearly marking any region-specific slang with where it’s from. A pronunciation guide makes this book easy to use for both beginning and experienced Spanish students.

“Streetwise Spanish Dictionary/Thesaurus”

Streetwise Spanish Dictionary/Thesaurus

If you want options, “Streetwise Spanish Dictionary/Thesaurus” has them. With over 5000 words and phrases, you’ll never be lacking for colorful vocabulary. Entries in the thesaurus section are grouped in themes, with those themes being alphabetized.

A dictionary is also available when you need to lookup a word quickly. Each entry includes the Spanish word/phrase, its literal translation, its figurative meaning and a note on what region its from (when applicable).

Why Focus on Slang?

Slang is a type of informal language you won’t typically find in a textbook but is absolutely vital to clear communication. So while it may not be the first area of language you study, you should jump into it relatively quickly.

The primary reason to learn slang is that it’s overwhelmingly common. In any culture, there are an abundance of slang words and more being added periodically. If you’re studying English and you’re not keeping up, terms like “throw shade” or “on fleek” will go right over your head! Therefore, if you ignore it, you’re ignoring a significant part of your target language’s vocabulary.

Additionally, using slang can make you sound like a local. A lot of native speakers expect non-native speakers to sound unnatural due to their strict adherence to conventional textbooks—which is a stark contrast to the natural speech you’ll hear in native language movies. Thus, using slang can set you apart and show you’re so much more than a common language student.

Finally, slang is often difficult to understand if you haven’t studied it. If you don’t make it part of your learning routine, you might not be able to figure out what these words mean based on context alone, and your fluency will suffer. You’re also more likely to miss some important parts of a conversation.


You don’t have to spend a fortune on designer clothes or binge on Instagrammable foods to stay current with the latest trends.

Check out these 30 great slang resources, and your vocabulary will always be en vogue!

And One More Thing...

If you dig the idea of learning on your own time from the comfort of your smart device with real-life authentic language content, you'll love using FluentU.

With FluentU, you'll learn real languages—as they're spoken by native speakers. FluentU has a wide variety of videos as you can see here:

FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.

Didn't catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.

You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentU's "learn mode." Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning.

And FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You get a truly personalized experience.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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