
144 Beautiful French Words and Phrases

Caution: these beautiful French words may cause shortness of breath or weakness at the knees.

Whether you want to impress your significant other, impress a French speaker or just add some beauty to your life, read on to learn the top 144 most beautiful French words.

To round off our list, we’ve also included plenty of cute French words, cool French words and, of course, some unique French words, too.

Most Beautiful French Words: Nouns

A blossom of orange and red flowers

1. Absolu / Absolue absolute; no limits

Let’s start with a big one. If you want to make your significant other melt where they stand, tell them Ma dévotion envers toi est absolue. (My devotion to you is absolute.)

Son dévouement est absolu envers sa famille. (Her dedication to her family is absolute.)

2. Aile — wing

Wings are amazing, aren’t they? They seem so delicate, yet they’re able to transport their owners—whether it be birds or angels—over long distances to see the most beautiful sights France has to offer.

Les oiseaux battent des ailes pour s’envoler dans le ciel.  (Birds flap their wings to take flight in the sky.)

3. Amour-propre — self-esteem; self-love

It’s often said that, in order to truly love others, you must first learn to truly love yourself. Writing the word amour-propre on a Post-it or anywhere you can see it can remind you that, no matter what happens, you are worth taking care of.

Il a appris à cultiver son amour-propre et à s’accepter tel qu’il est. (He learned to nurture his self-esteem and accept himself as he is.)

4. Aquarelle — watercolor

Watercolor is one of the more difficult art mediums to master. But once you do, the results can be breathtaking.

Elle peint de magnifiques paysages à l’aquarelle.  (She paints beautiful landscapes in watercolor.)

5. Aube — dawn

Paris has plenty of spots to watch l’aube . Aside from the Eiffel Tower, there’s also the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre and a handful of other places.

L’aube annonce le début d’une nouvelle journée.  (Dawn heralds the beginning of a new day.)

6. Auréole — halo

On cloudy days, when the light from the sun or moon is at a certain angle, you can see a halo. Take your French lover to see one of these, and have fun making up stories about how these halos come to be!

La lumière du soleil créait une auréole autour de sa tête. (The sunlight created a halo around his head.)

7. Berceuse — lullaby

You don’t need to be a baby to appreciate a lullaby. Chances are, you either have a vague memory of it from your own childhood, or you’ve heard another mother sing it to her own child.

Either way, there’s just something mesmerizing about these types of French songs.

La maman chante une berceuse à son bébé. (The mother sings a lullaby to her baby.)

8. Bisous — kiss on the cheek

A little tip for your next visit to France: the French greet each other with one bisou on each cheek in many regions. In some areas of France they offer the left cheek first and in others the right cheek, so be careful!

Je t’envoie de gros bisous. (I’m sending you big kisses.)

9. Brume — mist, haze

France averages 200 days of rainfall every year, so expect brume to be a regular occurrence during your stay in the country. Depending on your point of view, the sight can either be eerie or add an element of aérienne to the sights of Paris.

Le paysage est enveloppé dans une brume matinale mystérieuse. (The landscape is wrapped in a mysterious morning mist.)

10. Caresse — caress

Whether the caresse is from your lover or those new bedsheets you just bought, it feels good to have that gentle, gliding touch over your skin.

Elle sentit la douce caresse du vent sur sa peau. (She felt the gentle caress of the wind on her skin.)

11. Chaleur — heat or warmth

Warmth is that comforting feeling when you’re near a fireplace during the winter or in the arms of someone you care about deeply (not just in a romantic way!)

En été, la chaleur du soleil se fait sentir.  (In summer, the warmth of the sun is felt.)

12. Château — castle

Given France’s history, it’s no surprise that the country has a lot of beautiful castles. Give one of these a tour and go back in time—even without a time machine!

Le château médiéval se dresse fièrement sur la colline.  (The medieval castle stands proudly on the hill.)

13. Chaton — kitten

If you’re a cat lover, you should definitely know this word. Even if you’re not, you can’t deny that young animals are pretty cute in general.

Le chaton joue avec une boule de laine. (The kitten plays with a ball of yarn.)

14. Choupette — darling

Another term of endearment, choupette (cutie or sweetie) is often used for loved ones. It can also be shortened to choupie , typically used for children.

Je t’aime, ma choupette. (I love you, sweetie.)

Ma choupette, je t’aime tellement. (My love, I love you so much.)

Fun fact: the late designer Karl Lagerfield’s cat was named Choupette

15. Chrysalide — chrysalis

Butterflies never cease to amaze me. Imagine being able to wrap yourself within a cocoon, break down your own body and rebuild it back again to become one of the loveliest creatures on Earth.

That metamorphosis is possible thanks to the insect’s ability to become a chrysalis.

La chrysalide se transforme en un magnifique papillon coloré. (The chrysalis transforms into a beautiful, colorful butterfly.)

16. Clarté — clarity

Sometimes translated as “brightness,” clarté comes when you come to a major realization about something—or simply look at that something in a different (and more wonderful) way.

La clarté de la pleine lune éclaire le paysage la nuit.  (The brightness of the full moon illuminates the landscape at night.)

17. Coccinelle — ladybug

A lovely-sounding word for an even-lovelier meaning, what good luck you’ll have if a coccinelle lands on you. These spotted cuties are likely the only beetle you’ll be happy finding anywhere near you.

Une coccinelle s’est envolée. (A ladybug flew away.)

18. Coquelicot — wild poppy; red corn rose

Coquelicot can also mean a certain shade of red, but it originally referred to a flower of the same name. The flower is especially striking because its bright red color stands out amidst vast green fields.

Les champs sont couverts de coquelicots rouges vifs.  (The fields are covered with vibrant red poppies.)

19. Coquillage — seashell

The next time you visit the South of France, take a walk along one of the beautiful beaches and you may come across a coquillage.

Keep the memories of your holiday by collecting the seashells, and then bring them home as un petit souvenir  (a little souvenir).

Ils ont trouvé des coquillages sur la plage. (They found seashells on the beach.)29. Délicatesse — delicacy

I don’t see a lot of lace doilies these days, but those are definitely the first thing I think of when I hear the word délicatesse. You can use it to describe anything beautiful that seems like it might break if you so much as touch it.

La dentelle sur la robe ajoutait une touche de délicatesse à son apparence.  (The lace on the dress added a touch of refinement to her appearance.)

20. Délice — delight

Délice is certainly a delightful word! What gives you a feeling of délice when you see, hear, taste, touch or smell it?

Ce gâteau au chocolat est un vrai délice.  (This chocolate cake is a real delight.)

21. Douceur — softness

This word can be used to describe anything that makes you feel like you want to lie down on it and sleep. As for me, I love the douceur of my dog’s fur whenever I come home from a tiring day at work.

La douceur du cachemire contre sa peau est agréable. (The softness of cashmere against her skin is delightful.)

22. Doudou — teddy bear

Doudou may just be the most adorable term in this list and not just because it sounds precious. If you’re around French-speaking children, you’ll hear them ask for their doudou when their favorite stuffed animal has been misplaced.

It doesn’t have to be a teddy, any plush toy will likely fit the term. If the child is young and still learning to speak, they may shorten the word to the even sweeter dou.

Où est doudou ? (Where is teddy?) 

23. Éclosion — hatching

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. For starters, it’s always heralded by the éclosion of birds and butterflies as well as better weather conditions.

Les scientifiques étudient attentivement l’éclosion des œufs pour mieux comprendre le développement des embryons. (Scientists carefully study the hatching of eggs to better understand embryonic development.)

24. Émeraude — emerald

This word may be one of the more straightforward ones on this list, but it’s no less beautiful. Gems are just beautiful to look at, after all.

Ses yeux brillent comme des émeraudes.  (Her eyes sparkle like emeralds.)

25. Envie — desire

If you’re in France having a nice time with one of the locals, and you hear the word envie, you know they’re interested.

When expressing that you want to do something in French, the grammar construction is avoir (to have) + envie   (desire) + de (to) + verb in the infinitive form. This means that you only conjugate avoir, leaving the second verb in its infinitive form.

J’ai envie de te voir. (I have desire to see you. / I want to see you.)

26. Épanchement — outpouring

You know those times when you have so many emotions inside you that you couldn’t bottle them up any longer? Well, the moment you let them out, you are experiencing a feeling of épanchement.

L’épanchement des émotions a permis de libérer la tension.  (The outpouring of emotions allowed the release of tension.)

27. Épanouissement — fulfillment

Épanouissement actually has a lot of potential meanings. It can mean “blossoming” like for flowers or the completion of something—like a project, a program, or just a feeling of accomplishment. 

Le bonheur est un chemin d’épanouissement personnel.  (Happiness is a path of personal fulfillment.)

28. Équilibre — equilibrium or balance

Beautiful things almost always have an element of balance to them—whether it’s symmetrical facial features or the way the colors on a painting highlight and contrast against each other. 

Trouver l’équilibre entre le travail et les loisirs est important pour le bien-être.  (Finding balance between work and leisure is important for well-being.)

29. Espérance hope

If you’re familiar with Greek mythology, you’ve probably heard of the story of Pandora’s box. In it, a girl opens a box and accidentally releases all the evils into the world. By the time she manages to close the box, only espérance remains in it.

And that’s why, whenever bad things happen, it’s important to have espérance so you can get through the bad times. 

L’espoir d’un avenir meilleur continue de guider ses actions. (The hope for a better future continues to guide his actions.)

30. Étendu / Étendue — expanse

When you think of an “expanse” of anything, you usually think of sprawling green fields. Actually, étendue can also be used to describe what you see of Paris when you look at it from the top of the Eiffel Tower—vibrant and full of life. 

Devant nous s’étend une vaste étendue de champs verts.  (Before us lies an expanse of green fields.)

31. Étincelle — spark or glimmer

Here’s another piece of (unsolicited) life advice: étincelle stands out not against the light, but against the dark. In other words, when things get bad, you’re even more beautiful when you choose to go to (or be) the light. 

Dans ses yeux, on pouvait voir une étincelle de joie. (In his eyes, one could see a spark of joy.)

32. Étoffe — fabric

There are certain clothing brands I love more than others for different reasons. Some I prefer because their classic designs are easy to mix-and-match, while others I absolutely adore because their étoffe is just so comfortable even on days that are too hot or cold.

What about you? What is your favorite étoffe?

Cette robe est confectionnée dans une étoffe soyeuse et délicate.  (This dress is made of silky and delicate fabric.)

33. Étoile — star

Speaking of beautiful French words, étoile is most certainly one of them! On a clear night in the French countryside, the ideal date would be a romantic evening picnic followed by observation des étoiles avec votre chéri/chérie (stargazing with your darling).

Il avait des étoiles dans les yeux. (He had stars in his eyes.)

34. Étreinte — embrace

There are few gestures more intimate than a hug. Whether you have romantic or platonic feelings for the person you’re giving it to, étreinte conveys a sense of comfort and reassurance.

Lorsqu’il entendit la triste nouvelle, il serra son amie dans une étreinte réconfortante. (When he heard the sad news, he held his friend in a comforting embrace.)

35. Gourmandise eating a lot of good food; treat; gluttony

Having a healthy appetite isn’t necessarily a bad thing (unless you’re on a diet). It can mean that you’d happily savor every meal in front of you because you just love the chef’s creations that much!

And while you’re at it, there are plenty of other ways to show that you love your French food

Les macarons sont une gourmandise délicieuse. (Macarons are a delicious treat.)

36. Hippocampe seahorse

Not only does the hippocampe travel the lengths of the sea, but the males carry the babies rather than the females.

Of course, a creature like this needs a beautiful name to reflect their wonderful exterior and strength.

L’hippocampe a nagé dans la mer. (The seahorse swam in the sea.)

37. Hirondelle swallow (bird)

If you’re into fairy tales like me, you were probably introduced to the swallow as a pivotal character in the Hans Christian Andersen story “Thumbelina.”

While Andersen is a Danish author, it’s nice to hear that the French have such a lovely name for these nimble and beautiful birds as well.

Les hirondelles volent haut dans le ciel bleu. (The swallows fly high in the blue sky.)

38. Jardin garden

Interestingly enough, this is pretty similar to the Spanish word for “garden,” possibly because they have similar linguistic roots. In any case, gardens always bring to mind images of places bursting with life and beauty. 

Le jardin est rempli de fleurs colorées.  (The garden is filled with colorful flowers.)

39. Joyeux / Joyeuse joy

Need I explain further why joy is such a beautiful word? When you’re happy, you feel a lightness in your chest that, in turn, makes you feel good and blissful.

C’était un anniversaire joyeux avec des amis et de la musique. (It was a joyful birthday celebration with friends and music.)

40.  Légèreté lightness

“As light as a feather, as hard as dragon scales” was how mithril was described in Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” books. LOTR references aside, you can’t deny that lightness typically conveys grace and beauty.

La danseuse virevoltait avec légèreté sur la scène. (The dancer twirled lightly on the stage.)

41. Libellule dragonfly

Dragonflies aren’t just majestic insects. They’re also pretty good indicators of the health of the environment since they’re extremely sensitive to changes in their surroundings. So if you see dragonflies buzzing around in your neighborhood, that’s a good sign!

Les libellules volent gracieusement au-dessus de l’étang.  (Dragonflies fly gracefully over the pond.)

42. Liberté liberty or freedom

When the French populace finally decided to overthrow their monarchy near the end of the 18th century, you can bet many of them screamed about “Liberté!” on the streets of Paris.

Indeed, few things are more poignant and beautiful than the knowledge that you live in a country where you can be whoever you want to be because the constitution mandates it.

La liberté d’expression est un droit fondamental.  (Freedom of expression is a fundamental right.)

43. Lumière light

If, like me, you read that word and thought of the talking candle in Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast,” you’d be right! It’s a fitting name for one of the kinder characters in the film, as he not only is a literal candle, but also served as a source of light and warmth for Belle when she first set foot in the Beast’s castle.

La lueur de la bougie ajoutait une douce lumière à la pièce. (The candle’s glow added a soft light to the room.)

44. Mélancolie melancholy

Mélancolie isn’t necessarily bad. Sometimes, it’s necessary to sit with certain emotions, reflect on them and learn from them.  

La musique triste évoque une douce mélancolie.  (The sad music evokes a gentle melancholy.)

45. Mélodie melody

What you think of as a beautiful mélodie may not be what I think of as beautiful. That said, well-composed music—no matter what genre it is—can transport us into a mindspace that we wouldn’t mind spending hours in.

La douce mélodie du violon charme l’audience. (The sweet melody of the violin charms the audience.)

46. Mon chouchou sweetheart or beloved

Chouchou is a term of endearment that just sounds and feels so nice to say. If you’re in a relationship with a French-speaker, you’ll likely use this word a lot. Additionally, if one day you have French-speaking children, it’s another popular term used by parents for their little ones.

For even more affection, use mon petit chouchou (my little sweetheart).

Mon chouchou tu es si beau ! (Sweetheart, you are so beautiful!)

Watch the official video for la chanson (song), Mon Chouchou here.

47. Murmure murmur

Murmure can come from the sounds of birds “talking” in the trees—or the lover whispering sweet nothings in your ears.

Les amoureux échangent des murmures doux. (The lovers exchange sweet whispers.)

48. Oiseau bird

Birds are one of my favorite animals. They can fly as high up in the sky as they can and travel to see places humans can only dream about.

Les oiseaux chantent joyeusement au lever du soleil.  (The birds sing joyfully at sunrise.)

49. Paradis paradise

Whenever you visit a place so beautiful you can’t believe it actually exists on Earth, you can’t help but say that it’s paradis.

Les plages de sable blanc sont un véritable paradis tropical.  (The white sandy beaches are a true tropical paradise.)

50. Pamplemousse grapefruit

Pamplemousse might not be the most used word in the French language, but it’s definitely a beautiful one.

The French have wonderful markets all around the country, so the next time you’re near the fruits, why not look for a pamplemousse

Monsieur, deux pamplemousses s’il vous plaît ! (Sir, two grapefruits please!)

51. Papillon butterfly

In spring and summer all over Europe you’ll see papillons (butterflies) emerge. The French use the word interchangeably for both butterflies and moths. 

Not only are the creatures the word refers to precious, the syllables themselves just roll so smoothly off the tongue.

Oh, regardez ! Il y a un beau papillon ! (Oh, look! There’s a beautiful butterfly!)

52. Parapluie umbrella

If you hear rain on the weather forecast, just make sure you have your parapluie in your bag.

The origin of this beautiful French word can be explained if you split parapluie in half to make para pluie. Para- is a prefix used to indicate protection and pluie  is the French word for “rain.” Protection from the rain! Voila, ça marche !  (There you go, it works!)

Il va pleuvoir cet après-midi, donc apporte ton parapluie. (It is going to rain this afternoon, so bring your umbrella.)

53. Parfum perfume or fragrance

Who doesn’t like the smell of perfume? Spritz some of it on and you can easily convey your mood for the day—whether it’s “I feel cheerful and energetic” or “I feel hot and sexy.”

Elle porte un parfum envoûtant. (She wears an enchanting perfume.)

54. Pétale petal

You know what’s more beautiful than flowers? It’s  pétales (petals) fluttering in the wind all at once during a warm spring day. 

Les pétales de la fleur sont d’une douceur délicate.  (The petals of the flower are of a delicate softness.)

55. Plaisir pleasure

Again, this is close enough to its English counterpart that you can easily remember it for things like the smell of freshly baked bread, the sight of your favorite pet being happy to see you or the way your lover touches you.

Manger son gâteau préféré est un vrai plaisir. (Eating a favorite cake is a real pleasure.)

56. Poésie poetry

When you say that something is “(like) poetry,” you usually mean it as a compliment. Indeed, when you’re studying French, you shouldn’t neglect studying their poésie.

Il a écrit de la poésie inspirante sur la beauté de la nature.  (He wrote inspiring poetry about the beauty of nature.)

57. Réconfort comfort

Where do you seek réconfort during the less-than-happy times? It can be in the company of awesome people or the company of a well-written tome.

Dans les moments difficiles, les amis apportent du réconfort.  (In difficult times, friends provide comfort.)

58. Ressac — backwash (of waves)

If you love the water, you’ll want to remember ressac. There’s something about the waves moving back and forth in a pattern you can’t quite pin down that’s so relaxing.

Le bruit apaisant du ressac berce les vacanciers sur la plage.  (The soothing sound of the sea surge lulls the vacationers on the beach.)

59. Sagesse wisdom

Think of sagesse as equivalent to “sagacious,” and you’ll have the definition of this one down.

Les paroles pleines de sagesse de son grand-père l’ont marqué à jamais.  (The wise words of his grandfather have marked him forever.)

60. Saphir sapphire

Like emeralds, sapphires are beautiful by virtue of being gemstones.

Elle porte un collier orné d’un magnifique saphir bleu.  (She wears a necklace adorned with a beautiful blue sapphire.)

61. Sérénité serenity

Serenity can be a cup of freshly brewed tea, a peaceful night out watching the stars or a piece of classical music playing gently in your ears to lull you to sleep.

Méditer dans la nature apporte une profonde sérénité.  (Meditating in nature brings profound serenity.)

62. Sincérité sincerity

Who doesn’t like sincerity? We all want to know exactly where we stand with other people at all times, so we gravitate to those who have a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) vibe.

Sa sincérité dans ses paroles toucha le cœur des gens.  (His/her sincerity in his/her words touched people’s hearts.)

63. Sirène mermaid

Ariel is the world’s most famous sirène and her popularity doesn’t wane in France. In fact, she is well-known throughout the country and “The Little Mermaid” is a popular children’s book.

La Petite Sirène aime le prince. (The Little Mermaid loves the prince.)

64. Soleil  sun

Try and say soleil without a bit of a smile or added pep in your step. The term just sounds plain happy, which makes sense as a bit of sun, especially in the dreary winter of northern France is always welcome. 

If you’re somewhere in the lovely south, you’ll likely enjoy a bit of soleil no matter the season. Or, as the French say — vous prenez le soleil (you are sunbathing).

Le soleil brille aujourd’hui ! (The sun is shining today!)

65. Soupir sigh

A soupir isn’t always a sign of exasperation or disappointment. You also sigh when you look at your loved one and think to yourself: “Wow, how on Earth did I get so lucky?”

Elle poussa un soupir de soulagement après avoir terminé son examen.  (She let out a sigh of relief after finishing her exam.)

66. Sourire  smile

They say that a smile is the best makeup. When you give out a Duchenne smile (a smile that reaches your eyes), it tells people that you are genuinely happy or pleased about something

Son sourire illumine la pièce entière. (Her smile lights up the whole room.)

67. Splendeur splendor

Splendeur sounds (and means) exactly like its English counterpart: something that is so beautiful because it gives off either a literal or metaphorical light.

La splendeur du coucher de soleil laisse tout le monde sans voix. (The splendor of the sunset leaves everyone speechless.)

68. Tendresse tenderness

Tendresse can be kind words. Tendresse can be the touches your loved ones give you when words aren’t enough. Tendresse can remind you that the small things matter.

Ils partageaient des moments de tendresse et de complicité qui renforçaient leur lien.  (They shared moments of tenderness and complicity that strengthened their bond.)

69. Tranquillité  tranquility

Everyone—even extroverts!—need moments of tranquillité to balance out the hustle and bustle of their daily lives. A tranquil moment can come in the form of a 1-minute meditation or a meal cooked to perfection.

Le bord du lac est un endroit idéal pour trouver la tranquillité.  (The lakeside is an ideal place to find tranquility.)

70. Trésor  treasure

Treasures aren’t only what you find when you dig in the spot marked “X.” They’re everything you assign value to—whether it’s an old heirloom or a relationship with a great person.

Cette lettre est un trésor sentimental pour moi.  (This letter is a sentimental treasure for me.)

71. Vallée valley

If you’re adventurous and want to venture out of the usual urban tourist spots, France has plenty of picturesque valleys as well.

La vallée était entourée de montagnes majestueuses.  (The valley was surrounded by majestic mountains.)

72. Velours velvet

Velvet has a pretty distinctive texture. When used on clothes, it instantly lends that piece of attire an opulent feel. 

Le tissu doux et luxueux est du velours.  (The soft and luxurious fabric is velvet.)

73. Des bijoux — jewelry

While there’s no special use of the term, phonetically it simply sounds nice with the soft “j” followed by the oh-so-French “ou.”

Ma conjointe m’a donné des bijoux pour mon anniversaire. (My partner gave me jewelry for my birthday.)

Quick note: This word is always used in the plural just like in English. You can’t have un bijoux (a jewelry). You need des bijoux (some jewelry).

74. Un câlin — hug or cuddle

This term is very near and dear to my own heart because I use it with my young children quite often. In this regard, un câlin can be used both romantically and platonically and does not denote anything more than familial or friendly affection.

Donne-moi un câlin. (Give me a hug.)

Note: In Québec, you also have the phrase côlle-moi  (hug me) as an informal verb that literally means “stick to me.” You wouldn’t say this in France, however, as the more common expression would be embrasse-moi  (hug me).

75. Un canard — duck

For some reason, this word has made its way into the world of French cuteness. You can even add the word petit (little) to make it cuter. This is more often used by parents when speaking with their kids and is a great way to embarrass a teenager in front of his/her friends.

N’oublie pas ton sac à dos mon petit canard ! (Don’t forget your backpack, my little duck!)

76. Un minou — kitty

This doesn’t just make a great pet name for people, but also a great pet name for pets! I’ve had lots of friends name their cat, dog or hamster minou  (kitty) because they’ve found it to be a sweet name. And it is! Hearing this word in an authentic French accent makes it easy to see why it’s one of the cutest French words around.

This term can be used either romantically or platonically.

Salut minou, donne-moi un câlin ! (Hello kitty, give me a hug!)

77. Astre — celestial body

Astre translates to “celestial body” and is often used as another word for étoile  (star) but the difference is that astre doesn’t mean star. It’s a term that can signify anything from “star” to “planet” to “angel.”

La nuit j’adore regarder les astres. (At night I love looking at the stars.)

How it’s used:

Astre is basically used to describe something luminary and otherworldly, and can even be used in reference to people. For example:

T’es belle comme un astre !  (You’re as beautiful as an angel!)

Most Beautiful French Words: Adjectives

Mt. San Michel off the coast of France

78. Chatoyant / Chatoyante — shimmering

When the sun’s rays hit the Seine River just right, it almost looks like the heavens—even just for a moment—came down to earth to grace us with their presence.

Les ailes du papillon sont chatoyantes sous le soleil.  (The butterfly’s wings are shimmering in the sunlight.)

79. Plein de vie / Pleine de vie full of life

Many things can make you plein de vie, including the excitement and wonder of a new relationship or your newfound energy for a trip to France.

There, you and your partner can stroll down the belles rues (beautiful streets) of France and celebrate the little things that make life wonderful.

Elle est pleine de vie quand elle est avec son enfant. (She is full of life when she is with her child.)

80. Magique magical

Speaking of talking candles, you can say that the entirety of the Beast’s castle is magique—or rather, under a magique spell. It’s the sort of spell that needs to be broken; however, other sources of magique (like the sights and sounds of Paris) should definitely be taken with you as wonderful memories.

La nuit de Noël est toujours une période magique.  (Christmas Eve is always a magical time.)

81. Magnifique magnificent

Magnifique is one of those words that’s, well, hard to put into words—you know magnifique when you see it. It can be the interior of a castle (I swear I’ll stop talking about castles after this!) or a person who’s able to weather terrible experiences and come out of it a better human being.

La cathédrale est un exemple magnifique d’architecture gothique.  (The cathedral is a splendid example of Gothic architecture.)

82. Lointain / Lointaine distant

They say that “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” When your loved one is lointaine from you, the moment you see each other again is all the sweeter.

Au sommet de la montagne, la vue sur les vallées lointaines est impressionnante.  (From the mountaintop, the view of the distant valleys is impressive.)

83. Joli / Jolie pretty

It seems fitting to include joli/jolie in this list of pretty French words, as all of the words included in it are très jolis  (very pretty)!

The next time you meet someone pretty in France, you should tell them so!

Cette fille est vraiment jolie ! Peut-être je devrais parler avec elle. (This girl is really pretty! Maybe I should talk to her.)

84. Impressionniste  impressionist

Impressionist paintings are characterized by being made up of subtle brush strokes. (You may have thought of Vincent Van Gogh when you read that, but funnily enough, he’s actually considered a post-impressionist painter.)

Rather, you should probably look up names like Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Gustave Caillebotte, to name a few.

Ce tableau est une œuvre impressionniste captivante.  (This painting is a captivating impressionist artwork.)

85. Infini  infinite

Another beautiful French word that’s easy to remember because it’s close to its English counterpart is infini. (I like that they dropped the -te all together!)

L’amour qu’ils partagent semble être infini. (The love they share seems to be infinite.)

86. Gracieux / Gracieuse graceful

Grace is often associated with beauty. It can refer to the way a dancer moves, the curve of a swan’s neck or the way the different architectural elements in a house convey the personality of the one who lives in it.

Elle danse de manière gracieuse et élégante.  (She dances gracefully and elegantly.)

87. Féerique — magical or enchanting

If you have trouble connecting this word to its English definition, think of fairies and how they enchant human beings (for better or worse).

Le spectacle de feux d’artifice était absolument féerique.  (The fireworks show was absolutely magical.)

88. Florissant / Florissante — flourishing or thriving

Be careful not to confuse this one with fleurissent (bloom)! Unlike our last word, florissant connotes the general growth of something—whether it’s a farm or business venture.

Le jardin est florissant avec une grande variété de fleurs.  (The garden is flourishing with a wide variety of flowers.)

89. Frêle —  frail

Frailty isn’t always weakness. Frailty can be the quality of something (a memory or an old-fashioned paper letter) that’s all the more beautiful because it can disappear the next moment.

Le papillon repose sur la fleur, ses ailes frêles tremblant légèrement. (The butterfly rests on the flower, its delicate wings quivering slightly.)

90. Fugace fleeting or ephemeral

There are things that are beautiful because they last forever, and things that are just as beautiful because you only have a moment to savor them.

As for me, my favorite fugace thing is the smell of freshly baked bread wafting out from the nearest bakery.

Le parfum fugace des fleurs sauvages embaumait l’air. (The fleeting scent of wildflowers perfumed the air.)

91. Éternel / Éternelle — eternal

Ever known couples who’ve managed to be together well into their senior years? Éternel love may not actually exist, but those couples have certainly come close!

Leur amour était sincère et éternel.  (Their love was sincere and everlasting.)

92. Éphémère — ephemeral or short-lived

Some things or memories are beautiful because they don’t last forever. They’re the sort you want to treasure because you know that, at any moment, you could lose them.

La beauté de la fleur est éphémère, mais intense.  (The beauty of the flower is ephemeral, yet intense.)

93. Époustouflant / Époustouflante — breathtaking

When you see something so beautiful that it takes your breath away (like a clear blue sky reflecting on the Seine River), you can say it’s époustouflant.

Le panorama depuis le sommet de la montagne est époustouflant.  (The view from the mountain top is breathtaking.)

94. Enchanteur / Enchanteresse — enchanting

You don’t have to be in a fairy tale to experience the enchanteur. Just seeing an amazing sight (or being with an amazing loved one) is enough to conjure a sense of wonder and amazement. 

La forêt était un lieu enchanteur avec ses arbres majestueux et ses ruisseaux cristallins.  (The forest was an enchanting place with its majestic trees and crystal-clear streams.)

95. Douillet — cozy

Combine that feeling of softness and warmth, and you have douillet. It can come from anywhere—an engaging novel, a warm cup of  café au lait (coffee with hot milk) or freshly-changed clothes.

Le coin du feu est toujours douillet en hiver.  (The fireplace area is always cozy in winter.)

96. Éclatant / Éclatante — radiant

There are plenty of things you can use the word éclatant for. It can be the fireworks display we talked about earlier, the sunrise/sunset over Paris or even someone’s personality. 

Sa personnalité éclatante illumine la pièce lorsqu’elle entre. (Her radiant personality lights up the room when she enters.)

97. Charmant / Charmante — charming

If you’re dating a French person, you should expect to be called charmante at some point. And you should definitely say the same to your chéri (love) or person with whom you’re flirting.

Tu es très charmante, chérie. (You are very charming, dear.)

98. Captivant / Captivante — captivating

There are so many captivante places in France (like the city of Nice), you’ll need an entire article (or series of articles) to cover them all. If you’re visiting France, you’ll definitely be using this word a lot. 

Son histoire captivante a attiré l’attention de nombreux lecteurs.  (Her captivating story caught the attention of many readers.)

99. Beau / Belle — beautiful; handsome

Of course, no list of beautiful French words would be complete without belle. It’s not just for beautiful women—it’s for anything you find pleasing to the eyes (and the rest of your senses).

Le musée abrite une collection de belles œuvres d’art.  (The museum houses a collection of beautiful works of art.)

100. Apaisant / Apaisante — relaxing

What helps you feel relaxed? For me, it’s the gentle tinkling sound of classical piano on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Whatever your answer is, I hope apaisant adequately captures that feeling of being calm and soothed. 

La musique douce a un effet apaisant sur mes nerfs.  (Soft music has a calming effect on my nerves.)

101. Radieux / Radieuse radiant

Whenever you look at the sun, or anything that shines as bright as the sun, you can’t help but think of it as radieux.

Le visage radieux de l’enfant illuminait la pièce.  (The child’s radiant face lit up the room.)

102. Voluptueux / Voluptueuse voluptuous

We usually think of curvy individuals when we think of the word “voluptuous,” but it can be anything with good-looking curves—like the aforementioned vallée.

Le parfum exotique a une note voluptueuse et enivrante.  (The exotic perfume has a voluptuous and intoxicating note.)

103. Somptueux / Somptueuse sumptuous or luxurious

In French restaurants, it’s pretty common to be served multi-course meals. You’ll certainly never run out of reasons to say somptueux then! The word also refers to anything that looks rich or decadent.

Le château est décoré dans un style somptueux digne d’un conte de fées.  (The castle is decorated in a sumptuous style worthy of a fairy tale.)

104. Ravissant / Ravissante — lovely

While a beautiful object or person may not always be stunning, they can be pleasant enough to look at to be considered ravissante.

Elle porte une robe ravissante pour la fête. (She wears a lovely dress for the party.)

105. Sonore sonorous

When you say that a sound is “sonorous,” you usually mean it’s loud but not in an unpleasant way. It’s the sort of loud that makes you want to pay attention and say “Yes, let me hear more.”

Sa voix sonore remplit la salle de concert. (Her resonant voice fills the concert hall.)

106. Débrouillard — resourceful or wily

A rough translation of this word would be “resourceful” or “wily,” but it really doesn’t have a true English equivalent. 

In French, a débrouillard is a person who is able to take care of things for themselves. When life gets tough, they can overcome difficulties without much help from others. That isn’t to say someone who’s débrouillard won’t ask for help—they will, if they need to get things done—but they don’t depend on other people to solve their problems for them.

How it’s used:

My mother used this word when I was being a whiny kid:

Débrouille-toi ! (Figure it out!)

It can also be used to refer to a positive character trait:

Le garçon est jeune mais débrouillard. (The boy is young but resourceful.)

107. Aérien / Aérienne — airy; ethereal

Ever been to Provence? Walking through its flower fields can make you feel like you’ve wandered into another world. Next time you see a sight that gives you a similar feeling, have this word at the ready.

Les voiles du bateau flottent avec une grâce aérienne.  (The boat’s sails float with airy grace.)

Most Beautiful French Words: Verbs

A beautiful sunset sky over the Arc de Triomphe

108. Chuchoter to whisper

Who wouldn’t love an intimate chuchoter in French? Although it might be a little bit harder to understand, the excitement of it might send you all a quiver.

Peut-être (maybe) the context won’t even matter as long as it’s in French!

Il chuchote des mots doux. (He whispers sweet nothings.)

109. Éblouir — to dazzle

Every July 14th, Paris has a fireworks display to celebrate Bastille Day, which commemorates the fall of the Bastille—and, by extension, the tyrannical rule of the Bourbon dynasty. Eblouir is just one word of many you can use to describe this event.

Le spectacle pyrotechnique a réussi à éblouir la foule.  (The fireworks show succeeded in dazzling the crowd.)

110. Éclipser to eclipse

No, this isn’t the phenomenon where one heavenly body gives the illusion of completely covering another. Éclipsant is when something (or someone) stands out so much that it’s hard to look at anything else but them.

Sa prestation éclipsait celle de tous les autres concurrents. (His performance outshone those of all other competitors.)

111. Effleurer — to brush or graze

When your lover gazes deep into your eyes and does an effleurer over your cheeks, they’re probably letting you know that you can count on them to have your back.

Ses doigts effleurent délicatement le piano. (Her fingers delicately graze the piano.)

112. Embrasser —  to kiss

Meaning: to kiss

Like bisou, embrasser means “kiss”—except the former is a noun, while the latter is a verb.

Ils se sont embrassés passionnément sous la pluie, comme dans une scène de film romantique. (They kissed passionately in the rain, like in a romantic movie scene.)

113. Émerveiller — to marvel or amaze

When you’ve seen enough of the world, you can experience émerveiller over and over again. When you see the world with a special person, that feeling of awe intensifies even more.

Le spectacle de la nature nous émerveille toujours. (The spectacle of nature always amazes us.)

114. Envoûter — to enchant

By now, you may have realized that so many beautiful French words refer to the feeling of being amazed or enraptured by something—and envouter is no different. You’ll definitely never run out of words to describe the emotions I just talked about!

Sa voix envoûte tous ceux qui l’écoutent.  (Her voice mesmerizes all those who listen to her.)

115. Fascinant / Fascinante — to be fascinated

Luckily, this word is similar enough to its English counterpart that it’s pretty easy to guess what it means and conveys.

Le documentaire sur les dauphins était fascinant. (The documentary about dolphins was fascinating.)

116. Flâner — to stroll, wander or dawdle

This verb is difficult to fully translate into English. Flâner is a favorite pastime of the French. There’s nothing better than walking around town with little-to-no purpose.

Un flâneur or une flâneuse  (person who strolls) can often be seen out and about in French cities enjoying the quiet of Sundays when many things are closed in the country.

Ils flânent dans la ville chaque dimanche. (They stroll into town every Sunday.)

117. Pétiller  to bubble

Bubbles—whether they’re in a fine bottle of champagne or a can of soda—are nice to look at. They give the feeling that what you’re about to drink is fresh and able to quench your thirst.

Les bulles de champagne pétillent dans les verres.  (The champagne bubbles sparkle in the glasses.)

118. Fleurir — to bloom or blossom

This is another French word that means “to blossom.” Since it comes from the root word  fleur (flower), you can easily connect it to how flowers, well, flower during the spring season.

Au printemps, les arbres fleurissent avec de jolies couleurs.  (In spring, the trees bloom with beautiful colors.)

119. Flotter  to float

Ever heard of the Portuguese Man-of-War? Trust me: despite its decidedly-not-French name, it’s actually related to the word we’re about to cover. It’s essentially a colony of organisms that “move” by letting the currents take it to wherever. That’s right: this creature literally embodies the saying “going with the flow.”

Les nuages blancs flottent paisiblement dans le ciel bleu.  (The white clouds peacefully float in the blue sky.)

120. Frissonner — to shiver or shudder

You know when you watch a movie or hear a piece of music that touches you so deeply, it gives you “goosebumps”? Thanks to the French word frissonner, you have another way to describe that feeling.

Le vent froid fait frissonner les feuilles. (The cold wind makes the leaves shiver.)

121. Effleurer to graze

Like caresse, this word conjures images of a gentle touch—perhaps from your lover or a breeze when you walk out and about on a cool, sunny day.

Ses doigts effleuraient à peine la surface de l’eau. (Her fingers barely grazed the surface of the water.)

122. Onduler to undulate

Something about moving curves is so mesmerizing. Whether it’s the bodies of lovers in the throes of passion or the movement of waves against the wind, onduler is a word you’ll want to keep handy for these moments.

L’eau calme de l’étang ondule doucement sous la brise.  (The calm water of the pond gently undulates under the breeze.)

123. Rêver  to dream

To remember what this word means, think of the English word “reverie.” When you have the good kind of rêver, it can be a pleasurable experience—even if it’s just for a moment.

En regardant les étoiles, il aime rêver de voyages dans l’espace.  (Looking at the stars, he enjoys dreaming of space travels.)

124. Sautiller  to skip or hop

Ever been so happy that you just want to jump for joy? You can use sautiller (and its derivatives) for those moments.

Les enfants sautillaient joyeusement sur la plage.  (The children were happily skipping on the beach.)

125. Regard — to look or watch

Aside from being a verb form that comes from the infinitive regarder (to look/watch), regard can also be used as a noun in French.

It alludes to the expression of someone’s eyes, so in that sense regard is comparable to the English word “gaze.” For example, someone might say:

Quel regard !  (What expressive eyes!)

But it signifies so much more than that. It also refers to a look and a presence that’s expressed solely through the eyes.

For example, when you hear something like:

avec son très beau regard il va avoir du succès dans sa carrière de comédien .

In English we could translate it to something along the lines of “with such a piercing gaze he will be successful in his acting career.”

126. Accueillir — to welcome or receive 

Few things can make your heart feel full like a warm welcome from a country like France—as well as your loved ones who live there.

Le pays a accueilli les visiteurs avec hospitalité. (The country welcomed the visitors with hospitality.)

Most Beautiful French Phrases

The illuminated pyramid at the Louvre museum in Paris

127. Coucou — hello (informal)

Salut (hi), bonjour (hello), bonsoir (good evening)there are many options for greetings in French. Most are dependent on the time of day and some are more formal than others.

However, if you’re speaking to a friend or loved one, coucou can be used no matter the time of day.

The phrase is typically used as an initial greeting, upon arrival home for example.

Coucou mon chéri. (Hello my love.)

128. Bon vivant — good liver

Bon vivant literally translates to “good liver” in English, which doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, although we would refer to a bon vivant as someone who “lives it up.”

The French use this as a way to describe someone who enjoys the finer things in life.

An example would be: 

Tu sais que Depardieu boit 14 bouteilles d’alcool par jour ? (Did you know Depardieu drinks 14 bottles of alcohol per day?)

N’importe quoi ! Mais c’est vrai que c’est un bon vivant ! (No way! Although it’s true that he’s living it up!)

129. Je t’aime I love you

With all the beautiful French phrases out there, this is probably the one that carries the most weight.

Remember that words are ordered differently in French than in English. So instead of having “you” at the end of “I love you,” the t’ (you) is in the middle of the sentence: Je t’aime (Literally: I you love).

130. Ma joie my joy

Joie (joy) is a very cute French word in itself. Something about it just denotes its meaning: happiness. It makes sense, then, that it would be used as a sweet term for the ones you love.

Again, it’s usually used romantically but could also be used by a parent toward their child (though not in reverse).


Je t’adore, ma joie. (I love you, my joy.)

Note: Because joie is feminine, you would use this expression exactly as is when speaking to a boyfriend/husband. The possessive pronoun does not change to mon joie. 

131. Mon chat — my cat

The literal and more common use of this word simply refers to a cat. However, you can also use it as a term of endearment when speaking to someone you love.

Though it can be used romantically later on in a relationship, it’s probably not the “sexiest” term when just starting out. It’s safest to keep this expression for marriage and children.


Même après 10 ans, je t’adore encore mon chat. (Even after 10 years, I still love you, my cat.)

132. Petit loup — little wolf

Ah yes, the dreaded ‘tit loup  (little wolf). This is an expression most often used for children but can sometimes be used in  relationships, as we learned in the introduction of this article. An alternative would be to say mon loup , but adding the shortened ‘tit  makes it much cuter.


Viens manger, ‘tit loup ! Le dîner est prêt ! (Come eat, little wolf! Dinner is ready!)

133. Nostalgie de la boue — longing for the mud

Nostalgie de la boue literally translates to “longing for the mud” and was coined by Émile Augier, a French dramatist and poet. In English, we don’t have an expression that conveys the exact meaning of this, so naturally we adopted the French phrase.

This expression can be used to refer to various situations, but generally it’s used to refer to people who desire something lower than what they’re accustomed to.

For all you literature fans out there, an example of this can be found in “Lady Chatterley’s Lover.” When Constance (Lady Chatterley) confesses that she’s pregnant with Mellors’ child (Mellors is a working-class man), her husband, an upper-class man, responds to this by saying she’s insane and has nostalgie de la boue.

134. L’appel du vide — the call of the void

This literally translates into English as “the call of the void.” Even though we can translate this word for word, we don’t have an exact expression for what l’appel du vide conveys.  

L’appel du vide is used to refer to that inexplicable and uncontrollable urge to jump that even perfectly level-headed people with no desire to really jump may experience when standing on the edge of a cliff:

J’ai gravi la montagne et lorsque j’ai regardé la vue autour de moi, j’ai senti l’appel du vide ! (I climbed the mountain and when I looked at the view around me, for a moment I had an instinctive urge to jump!)

In French, l’appel du vide refers to all of those indescribable instinctive urges to do something unimaginable that appear almost out of nowhere. It’s a phrase perfectly coined to express those existential crises in life. So, next time you feel like doing something crazy, remember this phrase.

135. Jolie Laide — attracted to unconventional beauty

What could be more French than seeing beauty in everything? Being attracted to unconventional beauty of course! Thanks to the likes of Serge Gainsbourg (and his song titled: “Laide Jolie Laide”) there’s a term for those unconventional beauties, and that term is jolie laide.

Jolie laide directly translates to “pretty ugly” in English. The term conveys the uniqueness of someone’s beauty, something atypical that challenges or isn’t aligned with conventional beauty standards.

While jolie laide isn’t a popular expression that pops up in day-to-day conversation, it’s something you may come across in fashion publications and blogs thanks to the online world; and of course it’s a term the English speaking world has adopted.

Charlotte Gainsbourg est vraiment une jolie laide  would translate to something like “Charlotte Gainsbourg is strangely attractive.”

136. Petit tannant — little annoying one

This is definitely an expression you’ll only hear in Québec and is reserved for parents speaking to their children. Though it sounds harsh, it’s actually a sweet term. The best expression in English that would resemble the meaning would be the Australian or British word “cheeky.”

This expression isn’t used when a child is really annoying you (there are plenty of options for that) but when they are being a little playful or silly.


Pourquoi est-ce que tu lances tes jouets, petit tannant ? (Why are you throwing your toys, cheeky one?)

137. Mon poulet — my chicken

A lot like canard  (duck) as seen above, this term is another example of how farm animals can make their way into the world of love. More common than canard, poulet  (chicken) is said for the animal, the meat and when speaking to a baby, toddler or significant other.

Plus, it just sounds adorable!

Je t’aime, mon petit poulet. (I love you, my little chicken.)

This phrase is great when you’re beginning to expose your children to French through speaking, videos and children’s books!

138. Mon vieux — my old friend, or like the general use of “man” in English

This can be a bit of a weird one to figure out. It can be used among old friends or as a polite way to refer to a stranger. It’s like the equivalent of “man” in English (as in, “Hey man, can I get a menu?”) and is usually—though certainly not always—used by men to other men non-romantically.

Salut mon vieux, ça fait longtemps qu’on s’est parlé. Comment ça va ? (Hello old friend, it’s been a long time since we last talked! How are you?)

139. Mon colibri — hummingbird

This is a word that can sound either cute or harsh depending on who is speaking, so make sure you practice! A lot of anglophones find it difficult to pronounce the french “r” sound just after the consonant “b.” You’ll want to make sure you get it right before using the term but, when you do, you’re sure to impress your significant other!

Tu es trop beau, mon colibri. (You’re so handsome, my hummingbird.)

Note: This noun is always masculine but can be used for both men and women. Just be sure to keep the possessive mon  (my) in all cases.

140. Ma poupette — a sweet name for a young girl or woman

This one is nearly the same in British English (“poppet”) and is simply an expression used for a small female child or a young woman. Be careful with this one, however, as it could be incredibly insulting unless you’re using it with someone you know very well.

The best use for this would be for a young female relative (meaning a daughter, granddaughter or niece) ages five and younger or as a term saved for your girlfriend/wife (assuming it doesn’t annoy her).

Misusing this term can lead to a terrible, or terribly funny, language mistake, depending on whom you’re speaking with. The amount of insult and inappropriateness in calling a female colleague “sweetie” in English is about what you’d expect when using poupette in the wrong context.

Bonne anniversaire, ma poupette ! Tu as déjà quatre ans ! (Happy birthday my poppet! You’re already four years old!)

141. Ma foi — my faith

This term has older, religious connotations but is now used as a sweet name for a loved one, usually romantically.

It has a bit of poetry to it and is more formal than, let’s say, mon poulet  (my chicken). Not as commonly used as the others, this cute French word is one that’s sure to melt your lover’s heart.

Je ne te quitterai jamais, ma foi ! (I will never leave you, my faith!)

142. Mon étoile — my star

Nothing is sweeter than looking up at the stars on a clear, crisp night. As such, the term étoile  (star) is used as an affectionate term for someone you love and, in most cases, are proud of. A little less heavy than the common use of “rockstar” in English, mon etoile (my star) denotes a sense of affectionate pride for the person you’re speaking to.

C’était une belle performance, mon étoile ! (It was a great performance, my star!)

143. Mon avenir — my future

Much like ma foi  (my faith), this term is a little old-fashioned and poetic in nature. You won’t hear this phrase used too often in real life but will likely see it in sweet cards or novels. You may also hear it in older French movies, so it’s good to have under your vocabulary belt.

Je t’aimerai pour toujours, mon avenir. (I will love your forever, my future.)

144. Face de pet — fart face (for babies)

One of the most bizarre expressions I’ve ever encountered in my life was after my first child was born. My extended family, who are Québecois, referred to my new son as face de pet, or “fart face.”

After asking around, I learned that this is a very common expression used for babies and young toddlers to let them know how cute they are (it’s even on t-shirts!). Though I’ve never fully understood it, I’d be lying if I said this cute french phrase hasn’t made its way into my vocabulary.

Ooo le beau bébé… petit face de pet. (Oh the handsome baby… little fart face.)

Where to Find More Beautiful French Words

These are just a few examples of beautiful words in French. Believe me, I could carry on all day, but even with just a tidbit of knowledge I think my point is made.

Though if you do want to find more beautiful French words, you can’t go wrong with immersion. Surround yourself with the language and its beauty will naturally make its way into your life. A language learning program like FluentU, for example, will expose you to authentic French videos such as movie trailers and inspiring talks and allow you to make flashcards out of any beautiful word you come across!

It’s always a great idea to keep a pen and paper or your cell phone ready as you interact with French media!

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

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Now you have 144 beautiful French words you can add to your vocabulary! You also have some cute French words to use, cool French words and lots of unique French words, so you’ll end up sounding both smart and beautiful.

Try and practice these pretty French words before your next trip abroad, and who knows—you may be able to trick the French population into thinking you’re French, too!

With these words, I can safely say to the French language: Je t’aime ! (I love you!)

And one more thing...

If you like learning French vocabulary on your own time and from the comfort of your smart device, then I'd be remiss to not tell you about FluentU.

FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

Other sites use scripted content. FluentU uses a natural approach that helps you ease into the French language and culture over time. You’ll learn French as it’s actually spoken by real people.

FluentU has a wide variety of great content, like interviews and web series, as you can see here:


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