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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the Spanish word "crisis" and how you use it

(sing./pl.) (fem.) (n.) crisis

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
El evento produjo una crisis .
The event caused a crisis.
Salimos de la crisis .
We survived the crisis. [Lit. We got out of the crisis.]
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Mexican Independence: Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla - Part 2
Se ha dicho muchas veces que ellas provocaron la crisis de la Independencia ,
It has been said many times that they provoked the Independence crisis,
At Home with Uruguayan President José Mujica
En mi país nos han dicho que la crisis es por culpa
In my country they have told us that the crisis is because
A Self-Sustainable and Organic Life on Evia Island
Incluso inconscientemente dices : "¿ Y la crisis ?"
You even unconsciously say, "And the crisis?"
Quiz Yourself on " crisis"

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