Give the gift of learning a language with authentic videos and save 40%

  • Full access to 10+ languages
  • 20000+ videos - music videos, movie scenes, and more
  • 40% off for a limited time
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How it works Gift someone a language in just 3 steps
FluentU 40% Off Coupon 1. You choose Who’s your lucky recipient? Schedule the delivery date and leave an optional custom message.
FluentU 40% Off Coupon 2. They receive On the scheduled delivery date, they’ll receive an email with the coupon code and your custom message.
FluentU 40% Off Coupon 3. They begin Once they redeem their code they can start learning right away.
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20 Day Money-back Guarantee Don’t worry about forgetting to cancel your trial - just write to customer service within 20 days for a full refund.
Secure Payment All transactions will be processed over an SSL-encrypted connection.
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