An owl ("buho" in Spanish) in a field

200+ Spanish Words That Start with B (with Audio)

The Spanish B is used in around 1.49% of Spanish words—so, not too common.

When you come across it, you’ll find it very easy to pronounce. It sounds just like the English B.

The only confusion with B could result from the fact that, in many varieties of Spanish (Castilian Spanish, for example), B sounds almost identical to V.

You’ll even hear people differentiate them when spelling something by saying B pequeño for the letter V and B grande for letter B.

So bello (beautiful) and vello (hair), basta (enough) and vasta (vast) may sound very much alike. You have to figure out which word someone means from context alone.

To get some practice with this, read on for the list of Spanish words that start with B.


Spanish Nouns That Start with B

Spanish Word (with Audio)English Word
Bajo Bass
Bajorrelieve Bas-relief
Bajura Inner Sea
Bala Bullet
Balada Ballad
Balance Balance
Balanza Scale
Balcón Balcony
Balde Bucket
Baldío Wasteland
Bale Bale
Balsa Raft
Balsero Raftsman
Bambú Bamboo
Banco de arena Sandbank
Bandera Flag
Bandolera Sling
Banqueta Sidewalk
Banquete Banquet
Bañera Bathtub
Bar Bar
Baranda Railing
Barbilla Chin
Báscula Scale
Base Base
Bastón Cane
Batalla Battle
Batería Battery
Bautizo Baptism
Baya Berry
Beca Scholarship
Bebe Baby
Bebida Drink
Belleza Beauty
Bendición Blessing
Beneficio Benefit
Besito Little Kiss
Beso Kiss
Bibliotecario Librarian
Bicarbonato Baking Soda
Bicho Bug
Biciclo Bicycle
Bidón Canister
Bienestar Well-being
Bigote Mustache
Billar Billiards
Billetera Wallet
Binoculares Binoculars
Birrete Mortarboard
Bizcocho Sponge Cake
Blanco White
Blusa Blouse
Bobina Coil
Boca Mouth
Bocadillo Sandwich
Bocina Horn
Boda Wedding
Bodegón Still Life
Bodega Wine Cellar
Boina Beret
Bola de fuego Fireball
Bola de nieve Snowball
Bolígrafo Pen
Bolsa Bag
Bolso Handbag
Bomba de agua Water Pump
Bombero Firefighter
Bolsillo Pocket
Bombilla Light Bulb
Bombón Chocolate Candy
Bordado Embroidery
Borla Tassel
Borrador Eraser
Bosquejo Sketch
Botánica Botany
Botica Pharmacy
Botijo Water Jug
Botín Boot
Bote Jar
Botella Bottle
Botica Pharmacy
Botón Button
Bosque Forest
Bote Jar
Botella Bottle
Botica Pharmacy
Botijo Water Jug
Braza Stroke
Brazalete Bracelet
Brazo Arm
Brea Tar
Brecha Gap
Breve Brief
Brisa Breeze
Broca Drill Bit
Broche Brooch
Bronce Bronze
Brotar Sprout
Brújula Compass
Bruma Mist
Bufanda Scarf
Bueno Good
Búho Owl
Buitre Vulture
Burbuja Bubble
Burro Donkey
Bus Bus
Búsqueda Search

To go more in depth into Spanish nouns, check out this informative post:

Spanish Verbs That Start with B

Spanish Word (with Audio)English Word
Bailar To dance
Bajar To go down
Balear To shoot
Bañar To bathe
Barrer To sweep
Besar To kiss
Bordar To embroider
Borrar To erase
Brillar To shine
Brindar To toast
Brotar To sprout
Brindar To offer
Brillar To sparkle
Burlar To mock
Burrar To balk
Burlar To trick
Beber To drink
Bendecir To bless
Bofetar To slap
Boicotear To boycott
Bucear To dive
Buscarse To look for oneself
Beber To sip
Botar To bounce
Brotar To flow
Brillar To twinkle
Buzar To buzz
Buzarrear To snarl
Borbotar To gush
Brincar To jump
Buscar To search
Buzar To hiss
Buzarrear To growl
Broncear To bronze
Bruñir To burnish

To learn more Spanish verbs, see this handy post:

Spanish Adjectives That Start with B

Spanish Word (with Audio)English Word
Barato Cheap
Bravo Brave
Benévolo Benevolent
Bendito Blessed
Buenazo Good-hearted
Burlón Mocking
Brillante Brilliant
Bizarro Odd
Barroco Baroque
Bipolar Bipolar
Bondadoso Kind
Balbuceante Stuttering
Bajo Low
Bello Beautiful
Blanco White
Bueno Good
Bilingüe Bilingual
Bisexual Bisexual
Blando Soft
Burlón Mocking
Breve Brief
Brillante Bright
Buen Kind
Bonito Pretty
Bastante Quite
Bizarro Bizarre
Bruñir To burnish
Barato Inexpensive
Bravo Fierce
Benévolo Kind
Bendito Sacred
Buenazo Generous
Burlón Sarcastic
Brillante Radiant
Bizarro Unusual
Barroco Ornate
Bipolar Unstable
Bondadoso Compassionate
Balbuceante Stammering

To learn more helpful Spanish adjectives, go here:

To see these words used in context, you could try the language learning program FluentU.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

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Spanish Adverbs That Start with B

Spanish Word (with Audio)English Word
Bastante Enough/Quite
Bajo Low
Básicamente Basically
Bien Well
Bien Nicely
Bruscamente Abruptly
Brillantemente Brilliantly
Bizarro Odd
Bilateralmente Bilaterally
Bimensualmente Bimonthly
Bizarramente Strangely
Blandamente Softly
Bruscamente Abruptly
Brevemente Briefly
Blandamente Softly
Bilingüemente Bilingually
Breve Briefly

To learn more Spanish adverbs, read this post:

Spanish B Word Quiz: Test Yourself!

What is the Spanish word for "owl"?
Correct! Wrong!

What does "bastante" mean?
Correct! Wrong!

What does "brevemente" mean?
Correct! Wrong!

How would you say "softly" in Spanish?
Correct! Wrong!

What is the Spanish word for "kiss"?
Correct! Wrong!

What does "bofetar" mean?
Correct! Wrong!

What is the Spanish word for "donkey"?
Correct! Wrong!

What does wine generally come in?
Correct! Wrong!

How do you say "pocket" in Spanish?
Correct! Wrong!

What does "borrar" mean?
Correct! Wrong!


Bueno (good), now you know the most important Spanish words that start with B. Go out and try to use a couple today!

And One More Thing…

If you've made it this far that means you probably enjoy learning Spanish with engaging material and will then love FluentU.

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