100 Most Important Spanish Adverbs

Spanish adverbs aren’t too difficult to understand, especially if you already know a bit about Spanish adjectives.

Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. For example, in the sentence “She walked very slowly past the house,” both “very” and “slowly” are adverbs.

Learning about adverbs will let you understand more details and descriptions in Spanish sentences, and also help you communicate with more nuance in your own Spanish speech and writing.


What Are Adverbs?

Adverbs are the words that are used to modify other words in a sentence, usually verbs (action words), adjectives (descriptive words) and sometimes other adverbs.

In Spanish, just like in English, there are dozens of adverbs that come in a variety of categories. An adverb can be used to define the frequency, speed, style, intensity or perspective of something. Adverbs also let you describe where something is or the direction it’s moving in.

Many of these adverbs are formed in a similar pattern to words you probably already know, which will make them fairly easy to recognize.

How to Create Adverbs in Spanish

In English, adverbs are often created by adding “-ly” to an adjective. In Spanish, adverbs are created by adding “-mente to the feminine form of the adjective. 

Here are a few examples:

accidentalmente (accidentally)
hermosamente  (beautifully)
constantemente  (constantly)

Remember that not all adjectives have an exclusively feminine form, so sometimes they will just remain as they are. For example, claro (clear) will change to clara but alegre (happy) will not have to change:

claramente (clearly)
alegremente (happily)

As in English, this can’t be done with every adjective in Spanish, but it will work with a substantial portion of them. While some adverbs are not in this format, these are usually such common words that you’ll pick them up quickly.

100 of the Most Common Adverbs in Spanish

There are quite a few reasons you’ll need adverbs in a sentence, so there are many different categories that they fall under.

Here are some adverbs that will help you describe the place, frequency, manner, degree and time of an occurrence.

While you can find more outside of these categories, this list includes many of the most frequently used adverbs that you may encounter in almost every sentence in Spanish!

Adverbs of place

aquí here Mi novia está aquí. (My girlfriend is here.)
allí there Siempre dejo mis gafas allí. (I always leave my glasses there.)
en algún lugar somewhere Recuerda que en algún lugar del mundo hay alguien que te piensa. (Remember that somewhere in the world there's someone who thinks about you.)
en ninguna parte nowhere Ya no venden esta sopa en ninguna parte. (They don't sell this soup anywhere anymore.)
en todas partes everywhere El amor está en todas partes, solo necesitas saber dónde buscar. (Love is everywhere; you just need to know where to look.)
cerca close, around ¿Sabe si hay un banco por aquí cerca? (Do you know if there's a bank nearby?)
lejos far No me gusta viajar lejos de casa. (I don't like traveling far from home.)
arriba up Melissa está arriba en su cuarto. (Melissa is upstairs in her bedroom.)
abajo down Espera abajo mientras termino de vestirme. (Wait downstairs while I finish getting dressed.)
enfrente in front El teatro está enfrente de la tienda de juguetes. (The theater is in front of the toy store.)
detrás behind ¿Quieres saber qué hay detrás de la cortina? (Do you want to know what's behind the curtain?)
alrededor around Me encantaría hacer un crucero alrededor del mundo. (I'd love to take a cruise around the world.)

Here’s an example of aquí (here) in the song “Te fuiste de aquí” (You Left Here) by Reik: 

Te fuiste de aquí, encontraste otra vida.

You left here. You found another life.

Adverbs of frequency

siempre always María siempre llega tarde los lunes. (María is always late on Mondays.)
nunca never Nunca en mi vida había visto un edificio tan enorme. (Never in my life had I seen such a huge building.)
a veces sometimes A veces pienso que nunca compraré el carro de mis sueños. (Sometimes I think I'll never buy the car of my dreams.)
usualmente usually Usualmente comemos en ese restaurante, pero hoy hemos decidido cocinar. (We usually eat in that restaurant, but we've decided to cook today.)
rara vez rarely Rara vez escucho música, pero cuando lo hago, siempre es pop. (I rarely listen to music, but when I do, it's always pop.)
a menudo often Juan y yo nos encontramos a menudo porque vivimos en el mismo pueblito. (Juan and I meet often because we live in the same small town.)
constantemente constantly No tienes que estar enojado constantemente. (You don't have to be angry constantly.)
diariamente daily Luisa entrena diariamente, incluso si está enferma. (Luisa works out daily, even if she's sick.)
semanalmente weekly Veo esta serie semanalmente, ¿y tú? (I watch this series weekly. What about you?)
mensualmente monthly ¿Es cierto que debemos pagar la subscripción mensualmente? (Is it true that we have to pay the subscription monthly?)
anualmente annually El festival se celebra anualmente cerca de la laguna. (The festival is held annually near the lagoon.)

To learn more Spanish adverbs of frequency, check out this post:

Adverbs of manner

solo / sola alone No me gusta vivir solo en esta casa. (I don't like living alone in this house.)
juntos / juntas together ¿Podemos ir juntos al doctor mañana? (Can we go together to the doctor's tomorrow?)
bien well A Juan le gusta dormir bien la noche antes de un examen. (Juan likes to sleep well the night before an exam.)
mal badly, poorly Juan durmió mal anoche, así que hoy se siente muy cansado. (Juan slept badly last night, so he feels very tired today.)

Here’s an example of bien (well) as an adverb modifying a verb in Shakira’s song “No”:

Y que a tu edad sepas bien lo que es

And that at your age you know well what it is

Adverbs of degree

más more Llueve más en agosto que en febrero. (It rains more in August than in February.)
menos less Quedan menos de tres horas para que termine el año. (There are less than three hours left until the end of the year.)
poco little Su enamorada está comiendo muy poco porque no le gusta la sopa. (His girlfriend is eating very little because she doesn't like soup.)
poquito little bit No me gusta bailar, pero ayer bailé un poquito en la fiesta. (I don't like dancing, but yesterday I danced a little bit at the party.)
mucho a lot Ana ha estado pensando mucho sobre lo que dijiste en la reunión. (Ana has been thinking a lot about what you said at the meeting.)
demasiado too (as in, too much of something) La casa es demasiado cara y no podemos permitírnosla. (The house is too expensive and we can't afford it.)
muy very Antes era muy perezoso, pero ahora soy muy activo. (I used to be very lazy, but now I'm very active.)
mejor better Hiciste un buen trabajo, pero creo que puedes hacerlo mejor. (You did a good job, but I think you can do it better.)
peor worse Nuestro equipo jugó peor que nunca durante el partido del domingo. (Our team played worse than ever during Sunday's match.)
bastante enough, quite La comida de este restaurante es bastante buena. (The food in this restaurant is quite good.)
casi almost La caja está casi llena porque tienes muchos juguetes. (The box is almost full because you have a lot of toys.)

Here’s an example of mas o menos (more or less) in a video on how to make pita bread:

La vamos a estirar con el tamaño, más o menos, de la palma de nuestra mano

We’re going to stretch it to the size, more or less, of the palm of our hand

Adverbs of time

aún still Aún recuerdo el primer oso de peluche que me compraste. (I still remember the first teddy bear you bought me.)
ya already Ya hemos recibido la postal que mandaste desde Ipanema. (We've already received the postcard you sent from Ipanema.)
hoy today Aunque no lo creas, hoy hemos entrenado durante tres horas. (Believe it or not, today we trained for three hours.)
ayer yesterday Llevo enfermo desde ayer. Creo que tengo gripe. (I've been sick since yesterday. I think I have the flu.)
mañana tomorrow Queremos ir a la playa mañana. ¡Venga con nosotros! (We want to go to the beach tomorrow. Come with us!)
ahora now Ahora solo debes añadir un poco de agua y esperar 24 horas. (Now you just have to add a bit of water and wait for 24 hours.)
pronto soon Tan pronto como llegue a casa, me daré un baño de agua caliente. (As soon as I arrive home, I'll take a hot bath.)
temprano early Debo levantarme temprano mañana porque quiero repasar antes del examen. (I have to get up early tomorrow because I want to review before the exam.)
tarde late Se está haciendo tarde. ¿Quiere que la lleve a casa? (It's getting late. Do you want me to take you home?)
entonces then Desde entonces, Miguel no ha vuelto a ver a su padre. (Since then, Miguel hasn't seen his father again.)
esta noche tonight No me espere levantado esta noche porque llegaré tarde. (Don't wait up for me tonight because I'll be late.)
anoche last night Anoche se oyó un fuerte ruido al final de la calle. (Last night there was a loud noise at the end of the street.)

Here’s an example of hoy (today) at the end of a cooking video:

Gracias. Esto es todo por hoy.

Thank you. That is all for today.

Adverbs of affirmation

yesPerson 1: ¿Has llamado ya a mamá? (Have you already called Mom?)

Person 2: , la llamé ayer en la mañana. (Yes, I called her yesterday morning.)
también also Me dijeron que ellos también llegaron tarde porque no podían encontrar las llaves del coche. (They told me they also arrived late because they couldn't find the car keys.)
cierto truePerson 1: Recuerda invitar a Susana a la fiesta. (Remember to invite Susana to the party.)

Person 2: Cierto, casi lo olvido. (True, I almost forgot.)
obvio obviously, of coursePerson 1: ¿Ya tienes licencia de conducir? (Do you already have a driver's license?)

Person 2: Obvio, aquí está. (Of course, here it is.)
claro sure Claro, puedes venir a visitarnos cuando quieras. (Sure, you can come to visit us whenever you want.)
seguro sure, certainly Seguro que no habrá una segunda temporada de esa serie. (There certainly won't be a second season of that series.)
asimismo likewise Asimismo, no está permitido fumar en los pasillos. (Likewise, smoking is not allowed in the corridors.)
efectivamente indeed Efectivamente, la última vez que vine fue antes del accidente de Marcela. (Indeed, the last time I came was before Marcela's accident.)
indudablemente undoubtedly Indudablemente, eres uno de los mejores estudiantes de la universidad. (Undoubtedly, you're one of the best students in the university.)
realmente really, actuallyPerson 1: ¿Vienes por aquí seguido? (Do you come around here often?)

Person 2: No realmente. (Not really.)

Here’s an example of también (also) in an interview with the actress Ana de Armas:

Y pienso que todo eso, eh, ayudó a, por lo menos, eh, entender, a comprender ese sentimiento, ese reto y esa. . . ¿Sabes? Esa lucha de, de, de crear algo más acorde con lo que ella también sentía que podía ofrecer.

And I think that all that, eh, helped to, at least, eh, understand, to comprehend that feeling, that challenge, and that… You know? That struggle to, to, to, to create something more in line with what she also felt that she could offer.

Adverbs of negation

no no, not ¡No me puedo creer que hayas ganado la lotería otra vez! (I can't believe you've won the lottery again!)
ni neither, nor Ni lo sé, ni me importa. (I neither know nor care.)
tampoco either, neither Mi papá no vino tampoco porque tenía que trabajar. (My dad didn't come either because he had to work.)
en absoluto at all, not at all No estamos contentos en absoluto con los resultados de la última encuesta. (We're not happy at all with the results of the last poll.)
nunca never Nunca querés ayudarme cuando lo necesito. (You never want to help me when I need it.)
jamás never, ever Jamás olvidaré la primera vez que vi la nieve. (I'll never forget the first time I saw snow.)
ni siquiera not even Ni siquiera me dijo que no vendría. (She didn't even tell me she wasn't coming.)
nada next to nothing, not at all Ese chico no es nada inteligente. (That guy isn't smart at all.)
de ninguna manera by no means, in any way No voy a aceptarlo de ninguna manera. (By no means am I going to accept that.)
en ningún caso under no circumstances En ningún caso debemos tomar una decisión precipitada. (Under no circumstances should we make a hasty decision.)

Here’s another example of tampoco (neither) from the song “Movimiento” (Movement) by Jorge Drexler:

Yo no soy de aquí, pero tú tampoco.

I’m not from here, but neither are you.

Adverbs of doubt

quizá/quizás perhaps Quizá tenga que volver a casa porque no logro encontrar mi teléfono. (Perhaps I'll have to go back home because I can't find my phone.)
tal vez maybe Tal vez nuestro amor es imposible, pero no me rendiré. (Maybe our love is impossible, but I won't give up.)
acaso perhaps, by any chance ¿Acaso pensás que soy un cajero automático? ¡No te daré más plata! (Do you think I'm an ATM, by any chance? I won't give you any more money!)
igual anyway, even so, regardless Igual tenemos que trabajar el domingo. (Anyway, we have to work on Sunday.)
a lo mejor maybe, probably, at best A lo mejor Alfonso no sabe que estamos aquí. (Maybe Alfonso doesn't know we're here.)
lo mismo maybe Lo mismo vuelvo cansado y me voy a la cama. (Maybe I'll come back tired and go to bed.)
al parecer apparently Al parecer, necesito un permiso de obra para renovar la cocina. (Apparently, I need a construction permit to renovate the kitchen.)
aparentemente apparently Aparentemente, no todo lo que brilla es oro. (Apparently, all that glitters isn't gold.)
posiblemente possibly Posiblemente te elija a ti porque tienes más tiempo libre. (I'll possibly choose you because you have more free time.)
probablemente probably Probablemente no es nada serio, pero necesito confirmarlo. (It's probably nothing serious, but I need to confirm it.)

Here’s another example of tal vez (maybe) from a scene from the show “Friends”:

Mmm. . . o tal vez debo alejarme de todos los hombres.

Hmm… or maybe I should distance myself from all men.

Adverbs of question and exclamation

qué so ¡Qué guapa estás, Maricruz! (You're [looking] so pretty, Maricruz!)
cómo how ¿Cómo es posible que siempre tengas razón? (How is it possible for you to always be right?)
dónde where ¿Sabés dónde dejé mis libros? No logro encontrarlos. (Do you know where I left my books? I can't find them.)
a dónde where to No dijo a dónde quería ir, así que no podemos ayudarle. (He didn't say where he wanted to go [to], so we can't help him.)
de dónde where from ¿De dónde es tu novia? Habla muy bien español. (Where's your girlfriend from? She speaks Spanish very well.)
hasta dónde how far ¿Hasta dónde estás dispuesto a llegar para conseguir el premio? (How far are you willing to go to win the prize?)
cuándo when ¿Cúando fue la última vez que hablaste con Sarita? (When was the last time you spoke to Sarita?)
desde cuándo since when, how long ¿Desde cuándo vives en México? (How long have you been living in Mexico?)
cuánto how ¡Cuánto me gustaría ir de vacaciones a Argentina! (How I'd like to go on vacation to Argentina!)
cuán how No supe entender cuán ciego estuve todo ese tiempo. (I couldn't understand how blind I was all that time.)

Here’s another example of cómo (how) from “The Little Mermaid”:

No entiendo cómo un mundo que hace cosas tan maravillosas puede ser malo.

I don’t understand how a world that makes such wonderful things can be bad.

Relative adverbs

donde where Esta es la cafetería donde Juana y yo nos conocimos. (This is the cafeteria where Juana and I met.)
hacia donde to where, to which Aquella es la tienda hacia donde se dirigen todos los niños. (That's the shop to which all the children are headed.)
desde donde from where, from which Esta es la ciudad desde donde se expandió el virus. (This is the city from where the virus spread.)
al que / a la que to which Ese es el gimnasio al que siempre voy. (That's the gym [which] I always go to.)
en el que / en la que where, in which Por favor, muéstreme la universidad en la que estudió medicina. (Please, show me the university where you studied medicine.)
del que / de la que from where, from which Esta es la ciudad de la que vengo. (This is the city [where] I come from.)
por el que / por la que through which ¿Me podés mostrar la ventana por la que lanzaste la pelota? (Can you show me the window through which you threw the ball?)
cuando when Cuando deje de llover, iremos a la biblioteca. (When it stops raining, we'll go to the library.)
como as, like, the way Debemos hacerlo como nos dijo mamá. (We should do it the way Mom told us.)
cuanto as much as, all Coman y beban cuanto quieran. (Eat and drink as much as you want.)

If that feels like a lot, it can help to split up words by themes (like we did) and try to find the English words hiding inside them (like the word “annual” in anualmente). 

Another great way to learn adverbs is through authentic videos, and you can find plenty of these on FluentU.

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How to Use Spanish Adverbs in Sentences

Adverbs are used for modifying other words in the sentence, so naturally they almost always are located next to the word in the sentence that they’re modifying.

Here are the three situations in which adverbs are used in Spanish:

First is perhaps the most common way adverbs are used, which is to modify verbs. These adverbs describe how an action is being done, and are usually located directly before or after the verb itself.

Ella esperó pacientemente. (She waited patiently.)

Rápidamente corrió hacia la salida. (Quickly, he ran towards the exit.)

Adverbs are also used to modify adjectives, which modify nouns. They most often tell us about the frequency or degree of the adjective and are usually located directly before the adjective they’re modifying.

El servicio es usualmente bueno. (The service is usually good.)

El norte es increíblemente frío. (The North is incredibly cold.)

Finally, adverbs can also modify other adverbs. In this case, they usually go directly before the adverb they’re modifying.

La mujer sonrió muy alegremente. (The woman smiled very happily.)

El lugar está bastante lejos. (The place is quite far.)

If you want to use two adverbs to describe a verb, only the second one will use the standard form for adverbs (with the “-mente” suffix). The first adverb in the sentence will remain an adjective in its feminine form:

Ella habla lenta y suavemente. (She speaks slowly and gently.)

Adverbs that show point of view usually go at the beginning of a sentence. This is the same as the way we do it in English:

Personalmente, no lo disfruto. (Personally, I don’t enjoy it.)

How Native Speakers Use Spanish Adverbs 

We’ve covered the grammatically correct way to use Spanish adverbs, but it’s important to note that native speakers don’t always speak with perfect grammar

Just like an English speaker might say something like “He talks super loud” instead of “loudly,” Spanish speakers often leave off the -mente ending as well. 

For example, you might hear something like “Hice el trabajo rapido”  (I did the work quickly) instead of the correct form of the adverb, rápidamente.

While such deviations may occur in casual conversation, formal or written Spanish typically adheres to proper adverb placement and form.

How to Practice Spanish Adverbs

There are tons of resources available for you to further your knowledge and comprehension of Spanish adverbs. And the best part is most of them are free and available online!

Here are a few suggestions to get started:

  • Read short stories or passages in Spanish: This post has short stories in Spanish for beginners through advanced learners. There is also a free online international library of lower-level books of all types in both Spanish and English.
  • Quiz yourself: Study Spanish has some adverb quizzes available, not only for reading and writing but also for listening and speaking.
  • Watch lectures online: The YouTube channel Butterfly Spanish gives you the classroom vibe and teaches a wide variety of topics in Spanish, including adverbs. It even accepts suggestions from its viewers for what to teach next! Check out their video lesson on prepositions and adverbs: 

With some practice, you’ll be able to use adverbs in Spanish with confidence and ease. 

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