Boys playing soccer in Madrid, Spain

Common Spanish Sports Vocabulary

When it comes to sports, the Spanish-speaking world is truly in a league of its own.

Spain and Latin America are famous worldwide for their legendary soccer teams.

If you’ve ever dreamed of playing a pick-up game of béisbol in the Dominican Republic or watching fútbol at a bar in Spain, we’re confident these words and phrases will help you reach your goooooool in no time.


Popular Sports in Spanish

Fútbol Football/Soccer

Baloncesto – Basketball

Béisbol – Baseball

Tenis – Tennis

Golf – Golf

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Natación – Swimming

Atletismo – Athletics/Track and Field

Ciclismo – Cycling

Esgrima – Fencing

Boxeo – Boxing

Voleibol – Volleyball

Hockey – Hockey

Rugby – Rugby

Patinaje – Skating

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Equitación – Horseback riding

Gimnasia – Gymnastics

Lucha – Wrestling

Surf – Surfing

Patinaje artístico – Figure skating

Taekwondo – Taekwondo

Judo – Judo

Karate – Karate

Pádel – Paddle tennis

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Bádminton – Badminton

Escalada – Climbing

Arquería – Archery

Triatlón – Triathlon

Polo – Polo

Squash – Squash

Tiro con arco – Archery

Tiro al blanco – Shooting

Pesca – Fishing

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Esquí – Skiing

Snowboard – Snowboarding

Motocross – Motocross

Rally – Rally car racing

Fórmula 1 – Formula 1

Patines en línea – Inline skating

Vela – Sailing

Buceo – Scuba diving

Motociclismo – Motorcycling

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Automovilismo – Motorsport

Lacrosse – Lacrosse

Softbol – Softball

Carreras de caballos – Horse racing

Esquí acuático – Water skiing

Canotaje – Canoeing

Rapel – Rappelling

Paddle surf – Paddleboarding

Parkour – Parkour

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Yoga – Yoga

Ski acrobático – Freestyle skiing

Kitesurf – Kitesurfing

Ultra maratón – Ultra marathon

Carrera de obstáculos – Obstacle course racing

Paddle tenis – Paddle tennis

Kárate – Karate

Polo acuático – Water polo

Paracaidismo – Parachuting/Skydiving

Patinaje sobre hielo – Ice skating

Bolos – Bowling

Espeleología – Spelunking/Caving

Pentatlón – Pentathlon

Fútbol americano – American football

Bádminton – Badminton

Carreras de bicicletas – Bicycle racing

Curling – Curling

Esquí de fondo – Cross-country skiing

Questions for Talking About Sports in Spanish

If you love to play or watch sports, then you’ll likely want to have a conversation about them. These Spanish questions can get you started.

¿Con qué equipo vas? — Which team are you rooting for?

¿Cómo van? — What’s the score?

¿Quién va ganando? — Who’s winning?

¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? – What is your favorite sport?

¿Has practicado algún deporte? – Have you practiced any sport?

¿Qué deporte te gustaría aprender a jugar? – What sport would you like to learn to play?

¿Cuál es el deporte más popular en tu país? – What is the most popular sport in your country?

¿Prefieres deportes individuales o en equipo? – Do you prefer individual sports or team sports?

¿Cuál es el deporte más emocionante para ti? – What is the most exciting sport for you?

¿Has asistido a algún evento deportivo en vivo? – Have you attended any live sports events?

¿Cuál es el deporte más desafiante en tu opinión? – What is the most challenging sport in your opinion?

¿Qué deporte practicas con regularidad? – What sport do you practice regularly?

¿Has ganado alguna vez una competencia deportiva? – Have you ever won a sports competition?

¿Cuál es el deporte más popular a nivel mundial? – What is the most popular sport worldwide?

¿Qué deporte te parece más divertido de ver? – What sport do you find most fun to watch?

¿Qué deporte te gustaría practicar si tuvieras la oportunidad? – What sport would you like to practice if you had the chance?

¿Cuál es tu deportista o equipo favorito? – Who is your favorite athlete or team?

¿Has tenido alguna lesión deportiva? – Have you ever had a sports injury?


Getting better at Spanish is a lot like getting better at a sport. You need to practice things like noun genders, vocabulary and grammar, but it’s easy to have fun while doing so. The FluentU program can help, by letting you learn sports vocab and more through hundreds of native Spanish videos.

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