400 Spanish Words That Start with P (with Audio)
The Spanish P, which sounds the same as in English, is a labial consonant. This means you have to hold your lips together for a split second, and then quickly let out a tiny puff of air to make the sound.
P is pretty well used in Spanish, occurring in almost 3% of all words. It’s the letter you need for some very important Spanish words like padre (father), persona (person) and paz (peace). Now, read on to learn 400 Spanish words that start with P.
- Spanish Nouns That Start with P
- Spanish Verbs That Start with P
- Spanish Adjectives That Start with P
- Spanish Adverbs That Start with P
- Spanish P Words Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!
- And One More Thing…
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Spanish Nouns That Start with P
Spanish Word (with Audio) | English Word |
Paciente | Patient |
Padre | Father |
Página | Page |
Paisaje | Landscape |
País | Country |
Pala | Shovel |
Palabra | Word |
Palacio | Palace |
Palma | Palm |
Palmera | Palm tree |
Palo | Stick |
Papel | Paper |
Papiamento | Papiamento |
Par | Pair |
Parada | Stop |
Paraguas | Umbrella |
Paralelo | Parallel |
Páramo | Wasteland |
Parcela | Plot |
Parecer | Opinion |
Pared | Wall |
Pareja | Couple |
Parentesco | Relationship |
Pariente | Relative |
Parque | Park |
Parte | Part |
Partida | Departure |
Participación | Participation |
Participante | Participant |
Partido | Match |
Partitura | Score |
Parto | Birth |
Pasado | Past |
Pasajero | Passenger |
Pase | Pass |
Paseo | Walk |
Pasión | Passion |
Pasillo | Aisle |
Paso | Step |
Pasta | Pasta |
Pastel | Cake |
Pastor | Shepherd |
Pata | Paw |
Pato | Duck |
Patrimonio | Heritage |
Patrón | Pattern |
Paz | Peace |
Peaje | Toll |
Pecado | Sin |
Pecho | Chest |
Pedazo | Piece |
Pediatra | Pediatrician |
Pediatría | Pediatrics |
Pedicura | Pedicure |
Pedo | Fart |
Pelea | Fight |
Película | Film |
Peligro | Danger |
Pelo | Hair |
Pelota | Ball |
Pena | Pain |
Pensamiento | Thought |
Pente | Comb |
Peña | Rock |
Pepita | Seed |
Pepino | Cucumber |
Percepción | Perception |
Percusión | Percussion |
Peregrino | Pilgrim |
Perejil | Parsley |
Pereza | Laziness |
Perfume | Perfume |
Periódico | Newspaper |
Perla | Pearl |
Permiso | Permission |
Perro | Dog |
Persona | Person |
Personalidad | Personality |
Personalidad | Celebrity |
Perspectiva | Perspective |
Pertenencia | Belonging |
Pesadilla | Nightmare |
Peso | Weight |
Pez | Fish |
Pezón | Nipple |
Piano | Piano |
Picadura | Sting |
Picaporte | Doorknob |
Picardía | Trickery |
Picaresca | Rogueishness |
Picardía | Trickery |
Pichón | Squab |
Pichón | Fledgling |
Pico | Beak |
Picor | Itchiness |
Piel | Skin |
Piel | Hide |
Pieza | Piece |
Pila | Battery |
Pila | Pile |
Piloto | Pilot |
Pincel | Brush |
Pino | Pine tree |
Pintor | Painter |
Pintura | Painting |
Piñón | Pine nut |
Piñón | Sprocket |
Piojo | Louse |
Pipa | Pipe |
Pirámide | Pyramid |
Pirata | Pirate |
Pirueta | Somersault |
Pista | Track |
Pistón | Piston |
Pito | Whistle |
Pizarra | Blackboard |
Placer | Pleasure |
Placenta | Placenta |
Plancha | Iron |
Plancha | Griddle |
Planta | Plant |
Platillo | Dish |
Plato | Plate |
Plaza | Square |
Plegaria | Prayer |
Plenitud | Plenitude |
Plomo | Lead |
Pluma | Feather |
Pluma | Pen |
Plural | Plural |
Población | Population |
Pobreza | Poverty |
Pozo | Well |
Precepto | Precept |
Precipicio | Precipice |
Precisión | Precision |
Pradera | Meadow |
Prado | Field |
Pragmatismo | Pragmatism |
Práctica | Practice |
Práctico | Practical |
Precio | Price |
Precipitación | Precipitation |
Precipicio | Precipice |
Precisión | Precision |
Precocidad | Precocity |
Predicción | Prediction |
Predicamento | Predicament |
Predicamento | Predication |
Predisposición | Predisposition |
Preferencia | Preference |
Prefijo | Prefix |
Prehistoria | Prehistory |
Preliminar | Preliminary |
Premio | Prize |
Premisa | Premise |
Preparación | Preparation |
Preposición | Preposition |
Presa | Dam |
Presbítero | Priest |
Presencia | Presence |
Presentación | Presentation |
Presentador | Presenter |
Presente | Present |
Presidente | President |
Presidio | Prison |
Presión | Pressure |
Preso | Prisoner |
Presunción | Presumption |
Pretensión | Pretension |
Prevención | Prevention |
Previsión | Forecast |
Previsión | Foresight |
Prima | Cousin (female) |
Primo | Cousin (male) |
Primavera | Spring |
Primate | Primate |
Primer ministro | Prime Minister |
Primero | First |
Primicia | Scoop |
Principio | Principle |
Prioridad | Priority |
Prisión | Prison |
Privación | Deprivation |
Privado | Private |
Privilegio | Privilege |
Problema | Problem |
Procedencia | Origin |
Proceso | Process |
Prodigio | Prodigy |
Producción | Production |
Productividad | Productivity |
Producto | Product |
Profesión | Profession |
Profesor | Teacher |
Profeta | Prophet |
Profesor universitario | University Professor |
Programa | Program |
Progreso | Progress |
Prohibición | Prohibition |
Promesa | Promise |
Promoción | Promotion |
Promotor | Promoter |
Prontitud | Promptness |
Propaganda | Propaganda |
Propiedad | Property |
Proporción | Proportion |
Propósito | Purpose |
Protección | Protection |
Protector | Protector |
Proteína | Protein |
Protesta | Protest |
Protocolo | Protocol |
Proyecto | Project |
Prueba | Test |
Prueba | Proof |
Público | Public |
Puchero | Stew |
Puchero | Pot |
Pueblo | Town |
Puente | Bridge |
Puerta | Door |
Puerto | Port |
Puesto | Position |
To read more about Spanish nouns and how to use them, see this post:
80+ Common Nouns in Spanish (Plus the Different Types) | FluentU Spanish Blog
Knowing nouns in Spanish is essential to building sentences. Click here to learn 80+ commonly used nouns, and the nine types of Spanish nouns (with examples!). Plus,…
Spanish Verbs That Start with P
Spanish Word (with Audio) | English Word |
Pagar | To pay |
Parecer | To seem |
Parir | To give birth |
Participar | To participate |
Pasar | To pass; to happen |
Patear | To kick |
Pensar | To think |
Perder | To lose |
Percibir | To perceive |
Perdonar | To forgive |
Permitir | To permit; to allow |
Pesar | To weigh |
Picar | To sting; to itch |
Pintar | To paint |
Pisar | To step on |
Platicar | To chat |
Planear | To plan |
Plantar | To plant |
Poder | To be able to; can |
Poner | To put; to place |
Posar | To pose |
Practicar | To practice |
Preferir | To prefer |
Preguntar | To ask |
Preocupar | To worry |
Preparar | To prepare |
Prescindir | To do without |
Presentar | To present |
Presionar | To press; to pressure |
Prever | To foresee |
Pretender | To intend |
Prevenir | To prevent |
Privar | To deprive |
Producir | To produce |
Prohibir | To prohibit |
Pronunciar | To pronounce |
Proporcionar | To provide |
Proponer | To propose |
Proteger | To protect |
Proveer | To provide |
Pulir | To polish |
Pulverizar | To pulverize |
Puntuar | To score |
Purgar | To purge |
Purificar | To purify |
Purificar | To purify |
To read about the most common Spanish verbs, see this post:
Most Common Spanish Verbs (Plus Conjugations and Examples) | FluentU Spanish Blog
These 150+ most common Spanish verbs are must-knows for Spanish learners because they appear so often! Click here for a lesson on the most important verbs in the Spanish…
Spanish Adjectives That Start with P
Spanish Word (with Audio) | English Word |
Paciente | Patient |
Pálido | Pale |
Palpitante | Throbbing |
Panameño | Panamanian |
Parado | Standing |
Paralelo | Parallel |
Parco | Frugal |
Parecido | Similar |
Parroquial | Parochial |
Particular | Particular |
Particular | Private |
Pasajero | Passenger |
Paseante | Walker |
Paseante | Stroller |
Pasivo | Passive |
Pálido | Faint |
Pálido | Pallid |
Peligroso | Dangerous |
Pendiente | Pending |
Pendiente | Slope |
Penetrante | Penetrating |
Penoso | Painful |
Pensativo | Thoughtful |
Pensativo | Pensive |
Pensativo | Reflective |
Pensativo | Contemplative |
Pequeño | Small |
Perdido | Lost |
Perfecto | Perfect |
Permanente | Permanent |
Perruno | Canine |
Persa | Persian |
Personal | Personal |
Pesado | Heavy |
Pesado | Annoying |
Pezuña | Hoofed |
Piadoso | Pious |
Piadoso | Merciful |
Piadoso | Compassionate |
Pintoresco | Picturesque |
Pintoresco | Quaint |
Pionero | Pioneer |
Placentero | Pleasant |
Plano | Flat |
Plano | Plan |
Plano | Map |
Pleno | Full |
Pleno | Complete |
Pleno | Plenary |
Pobre | Poor |
Poblado | Populated |
Poblado | Settled |
Poblado | Village |
Poblano | From Puebla |
Poco | Little; few |
Poderoso | Powerful |
Poderoso | Mighty |
Poderoso | Potent |
Poderoso | Strong |
Polar | Polar |
Policíaco | Police |
Político | Political |
Polvoriento | Dusty |
Popular | Popular |
Poroso | Porous |
Portátil | Portable |
Portugués | Portuguese |
Positivo | Positive; upbeat; content |
Práctico | Practical |
Preferido | Preferred |
Prehistórico | Prehistoric |
Prematuro | Premature |
Presente | Present |
Preservado | Preserved |
Presidencial | Presidential |
Primario | Primary |
Primitivo | Primitive |
Privado | Private |
Procesal | Procedural |
Productivo | Productive |
Profesional | Professional |
Próximo | Next |
Prohibido | Prohibited |
Propio | Own |
Prospero | Prosperous |
Protegido | Protected |
Protector | Protective |
Prudente | Prudent |
Público | Public |
To read more about Spanish adjectives, see this post:
32 Advanced Spanish Adjectives for Better Self-expression | FluentU Spanish Blog
In need of some advanced Spanish adjectives? Check out this list of 32 Spanish adjectives that are guaranteed to add some lovely color to your spoken language. Each word…
If you want to study these words, you could try the language learning program FluentU.
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Spanish Adverbs That Start with P
Spanish Word (with Audio) | English Word |
Paciente | Patiently |
Parcialmente | Partially |
Parecida | Similarly |
Parcialmente | Partially |
Perfectamente | Perfectly |
Personalmente | Personally |
Posiblemente | Possibly |
Precisamente | Precisely |
Próximamente | Soon |
Públicamente | Publicly |
Peligrosamente | Dangerously |
Permanentemente | Permanently |
Plenamente | Fully |
Preferentemente | Preferably |
Previo | Previously |
Presto | Quickly |
Probablemente | Probably |
Progresivamente | Progressively |
Prolongadamente | Protractedly |
Provisionalmente | Provisionally |
Públicamente | Publicly |
Pudorosamente | Modestly |
Pulcramente | Neatly; Cleanly |
Puntualmente | Punctually |
Puramente | Purely; Absolutely |
To read more about Spanish adverbs and how to use them, check out this post:
100 Most Important Spanish Adverbs | FluentU Spanish Blog
Spanish adverbs are used everywhere the language, but luckily they’re not hard to learn. We’ll show you 100 examples of common Spanish adverbs and how they’re used in…
Spanish P Words Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!
Well there you have it: 400 Spanish words that start with P. Are you excited to start using some of these gems in your next Spanish conversation? I would be, padre (father)!
And One More Thing…
If you've made it this far that means you probably enjoy learning Spanish with engaging material and will then love FluentU.
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