70+ Common Bugs and Insects in Spanish

Knowing how to talk about insects in Spanish can open a treasure chest of conversation topics.

This is especially true if you like nature, are visiting a place known for its interesting species or you love watching nature documentaries in Spanish.

They may even be on the menu in Mexico, too!

By the end of this post, you’ll know 70+ words for bugs in Spanish, many of which are cognates. And maybe you’ll even be able to recommend one or two for dinner in certain Latin American countries.


Types of Flying Insects in Spanish

insects in spanish

El mosquito (Mosquito)

La efímera (Mayfly)

La polilla (Moth)

La libélula (Dragonfly)

La mariposa (Butterfly)

La mariquita (Ladybug)

El tábano (Horsefly)

La luciérnaga (Firefly)

La mosca (Fly)

La mosca de la fruta (Fruitfly)

La crisopa (Lacewing)

El jején (Gnat)

Species of Creepy Crawlers in Spanish

insects in spanish

El langosta (Locust)

La garrapata (Tick)

La chinche (Bedbug)

El escarabajo (Beetle)

El escarabajo japonés (Japanese beetle)

Los piojos (Lice)

El escarabajo pelotero (Dung beetle)

La termita (Termite)

La cucaracha (Cockroach)

La tijereta (Earwig)

El saltamontes (Grasshopper)

El ácaro (Mite)

La larva (Grub)

El mantis religiosa (Praying mantis)

La hormiga (Ant)

La hormiga de fuego (Fireant)

El grillo (Cricket)

El ciempiés (Centipede)

La cigarra (Cicada)

El pulgón (Aphid)

La pulga (Flea)

El gusano (Worm)

La lombriz de tierra (Earthworm)

La gusano de seda (Silkworm)

La babosa (Slug)

El caracol (Snail)

La oruga (Caterpillar)

La avispa (Wasp)

La abeja (Bee)

El avispón (Hornet)

Insect-related Words in Spanish

insects in spanish

El bicho (Bug)

El capullo (Cocoon)

La picadura (Sting)

La mordedura (Bite)

Gatear (Crawl)

Volar (Fly)

El nido (Nest)

La crisálida (Chrysalis)

El hormiguero (Anthill)

El enjambre (Swarm)

La colonia (Colony)

La horda (Horde)

El huevo (Egg)

Las larvas (Larvae)

La pupa (Pupa)

La metamorfosis (Metamorphosis)

El ciclo vital (Life cycle)

La colmena (Hive)

El polen (Pollen)

Polinizar (Pollinate)

El néctar (Nectar)

La mandíbula (Mandible, jaw)

El tórax (Thorax)

El aguijón (Stinger)

Las tenazas (Pinchers)

Las alas (Wings)

Las antenas (Antennae)

Useful Phrases About Insects in Spanish

insects in spanish

Estoy asustado. (I am afraid.)

¿Dónde vive? (Where does it live?)

¿Qué come? (What does it eat?)

¿Te pica? (Does it sting?)

¿Puedo sostenerlo? (May I hold it?)

¡Es hermoso! (It is beautiful!)

¡Es feo! (It is ugly!)

Tiene muchos pies. (It has many feet.)

¡Me hace cosquillas en la mano! (It’s tickling my hand!)

¿El insecto se frota las alas? (Does the insect rub its wings together?)

¿El insecto emite algún sonido? (Does the insect make any sound?)

¡Amo a los insectos! (I love insects!)

¿Qué tipo de insecto es ese? (What type of insect is that?)

No me gusta tocar insectos. (I don’t like to touch insects.)

¿Es peligroso? (Is it dangerous?)

¿Es amistoso? (Is it friendly?)

Tengo una picadura de mosquito.  (I have a mosquito bite.)

Soy alérgica a las picaduras de abeja. (I am allergic to bee stings.)

Tips for Learning About Insects in Spanish

  • Go outdoors! Plan an exciting adventure, put your hiking boots on and head out into the bugs’ habitat. Take a camera, drawing supplies or vocabulary list to identify, draw or grab a selfie with what you see.
  • Discover more insects by downloading apps. Picture Insect is a cool app that lets you take a photo of an interesting insect to get all of its details, plus detailed descriptions and classifications. A version is also available for Android users. An immersive learning app like FluentU can also come in handy. On this app, you’ll be able to see insect vocabulary in use naturally by native Spanish speakers.

    FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

    You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

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  • Name every insect you see. Use your extensive vocabulary to chat about insects—even if you’re hiking alone. Practice speaking the names of the insects you encounter. Talk about their homes and what they’re doing.
  • Find other people who love nature. Check out insect-related programs at clubs, universities and libraries in your area. If you’re interested in insects, there’s a good chance that others are, too.
  • Check out insect-related courses in Spanish. In my local library, a series showcased local insect life last year. Even during the seasons when insects aren’t prevalent outdoors, some local centers may hold learning activities in preparation for warmer months. Check the message boards in recreation centers and even your local grocery store.
  • Start a nature-themed group. If you don’t find a group to discuss nature in Spanish, consider starting your own on sites like Facebook and MeetUp. Meet in a public place, introduce yourself in Spanish and chat about bees, crickets and all kinds of insects!


Don’t overlook learning about bugs and other animals when you start learning Spanish.

A solid grasp of nature’s terminology is essential for reading, writing and speaking with anyone who wants to chat about all things bug-related in Spanish.

And think about it: A conversation that begins about butterflies might end in dinner—especially if you’re in a spot where insects are considered an appetizer.

With these 70+ Spanish words for insects in your conversational skillset, you’ll be ready to chat with anyone about the wonders of the insect world!

And One More Thing…

If you've made it this far that means you probably enjoy learning Spanish with engaging material and will then love FluentU.

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