53 Compliments in Russian

How do you give someone a compliment in Russian?

From praising appearances to celebrating achievements and personality traits, this blog post is your guide to mastering the art of compliment-giving in the Russian language.


How to Give Someone a Compliment in Russian

This blog has an impressive array of compliments in Russian for any occasion and relationship. But if you’d rather customize your compliment to a specific person, it’s pretty easy to form your own. Just follow these steps:

  • Start with the positive trait: Begin with a positive characteristic or quality of the person.
    • For example: “Ты такой добрый.” (You’re so kind.)
  • Add context or details: Add a little context or details to make the compliment more specific.
    • For example: “Ты такой добрый, всегда помогаешь.” (You’re so kind, always helping out.)
  • Express Your Positive Reaction: Share how you feel about the person’s trait.
    • For example: “Твоя доброта меня вдохновляет.” (Your kindness inspires me.)
  • Add a Closing Appreciation: Conclude by showing your appreciation for the person.
    • For example: “Спасибо, что ты такой хороший друг.” (Thank you for being such a good friend.)

In essence, the structure is: [Positive Trait] + [Context/Details] + [Your Reaction] + [Closing Appreciation].

Of course, this is just one way to form your compliment. You can mix and match any elements of this formula, or completely go off the beaten path and try something new. Maybe you saw a nice compliment in a Russian movie or in a FluentU clip. Give it a try! Just making the effort to say something nice is sure to be appreciated. 

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Compliments on Appearance and Style

Compliments on Achievements

Compliments on Personality Traits

Compliments to a Significant Other

How to Respond to Compliments in Russian

Did you find yourself on the receiving end of a Russian compliment? Don’t be caught speechless. Here are some ways to respond!


These Russian compliments cover just about any situation where you find yourself wanting to say something kind to someone.

And One More Thing...

If you love learning Russian and want to immerse yourself with authentic materials from Russia, then I should also tell you more about FluentU.

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