Common Spanish Flower Names (Plus Gardening Vocabulary and Phrases)
Flowers, in general, have a special place in Latin American and Spanish culture. In some Spanish-speaking countries, you’ll even find mercados de flores (flower markets), where you can buy fresh flowers for different occasions.
There are some Spanish flower names that you’ll recognize, like orquídea (orchid) and rosa (rose). Some others, like the marigold, will be unfamiliar to you. Read on to discover over 250 flower names in Spanish.
- How to Say “Flowers” in Spanish: Flores
- Common Spanish Flower Names
- Gardening Vocabulary
- Flower Idioms and Expressions
- Test Yourself: Spanish Flower Words Quiz!
- And One More Thing…
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How to Say “Flowers” in Spanish: Flores
Here’s how to say “flower” and “flowers” in Spanish:
Spanish Words (with Audio) | English Word |
Flor | Flower |
Flores | Flowers |
The word flor comes from the Latin word “flos,” which also means “flower.” Flor is a feminine noun in Spanish, so it takes feminine articles like la (the) or una (a/an). For example:
Las flores del jardín son hermosas. (The flowers in the garden are beautiful.)
Le regalé una flor roja. (I gave her a red flower.)
Flor can also refer to the action or process of a plant blooming or blossoming. For example:
Las flores florecen en primavera. (The flowers bloom in spring.)
Common Spanish Flower Names
We’ll get into a more comprehensive list of flowers and their Spanish and Latin names below. You can reinforce your understanding of these vocabulary words by watching them in use by native Spanish speakers across the hundreds of videos on FluentU.
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But first, here are 20 very common flower names in Spanish to get you started:
Spanish Word | English Translation |
Amapola | Poppy |
Caléndula | Marigold |
Clavel | Carnation |
Cerezo | Cherry Blossom |
Correhuela | Morning Glory |
Dalia | Dahlia |
Flor de Lis | Iris |
Gardenia | Gardenia |
Gerbera | Gerbera Daisy |
Hortensia | Hydrangea |
Jazmín | Jasmine |
Lirio | Lily |
Madreselva | Honeysuckle |
Magnolia | Magnolia |
Margarita | Daisy |
Narciso | Daffodil |
Nomeolvides | Forget-Me-Not |
Orquídea | Orchid |
Pensamiento | Pansy |
Tulipán | Tulip |
Tree and Bush Flowers
Spanish Words (with Audio) | English Word | Latin Name |
Acacia | Black Locust | Robinia pseudoacacia |
Acacia de Constantinopla | Silk Tree | Albizia julibrissin |
Anacahuita | Redbud | Cercis canadensis |
Árbol de los Dioses | Fringe Tree | Chionanthus spp. |
Árbol de Oro | Golden Chain Tree | Laburnum anagyroides |
Árbol Trompeta | Trumpet Tree | Tabebuia spp. |
Begoña | Begonia | Begonia spp. |
Bergenia | Bergenia | Bergenia spp. |
Boca de Dragón | Snapdragon | Antirrhinum majus |
Camelia | Camellia | Camellia spp. |
Campana de Plata | Snowbell Tree | Styrax spp. |
Campanilla | Silver Bell Tree | Halesia spp. |
Castaño de Indias | Horse Chestnut | Aesculus hippocastanum |
Ceiba | Kapok Tree | Ceiba pentandra |
Cepillo | Bottlebrush | Callistemon spp. |
Cepillo de Limón | Lemon Bottlebrush | Callistemon citrinus |
Cerezo | Cherry Blossom | Prunus serrulata |
Cornejo | Dogwood | Cornus spp. |
Espino | Hawthorn | Crataegus spp. |
Fantasma | Ghost Gum | Corymbia aparrerinja |
Flor de Caña | Golden Shower Tree | Cassia fistula |
Flor de Manzano | Apple Blossom | Malus domestica |
Frangipani | Frangipani | Plumeria spp. |
Ginkgo | Ginkgo | Ginkgo biloba |
Hortensia | Hydrangea | Hydrangea spp. |
Jacarandá | Jacaranda | Jacaranda mimosifolia |
Jazmín de la India | Indian Cork Tree | Millingtonia hortensis |
Katsura | Katsura Tree | Cercidiphyllum japonicum |
Laburno | Laburnum | Laburnum spp. |
Lilas de Indias | Crape Myrtle | Lagerstroemia indica |
Magnolia | Magnolia | Magnolia spp. |
Magnolia de Hoja Perenne | Southern Magnolia | Magnolia grandiflora |
Manzano Silvestre | Crabapple | Malus spp. |
Olivo | Olive | Olea europaea |
Paineira | Silk Floss Tree | Chorisia speciosa |
Peonía | Peony | Paeonia spp. |
Petunia | Petunia | Petunia spp. |
Poinciana | Poinciana | Delonix regia |
Roble de Seda | Silk Oak | Grevillea robusta |
Rosa | Rose | Rosa spp. |
Rosa China | China Rose | Rosa chinensis |
Salvia | Salvia | Salvia spp. |
Sasanqua | Sasanqua | Camellia sasanqua |
Sauce Llorón | Weeping Willow | Salix babylonica |
Sophora Japonesa | Japanese Pagoda Tree | Sophora japonica |
Tilo | Linden | Tilia spp. |
Ylang-Ylang | Ylang-Ylang | Cananga odorata |
Desert Flowers
Spanish Words (with Audio) | English Word | Latin Name |
Agave | Agave | Agave spp. |
Amapola del Desierto | Desert Poppy | Eschscholzia glyptosperma |
Amarilis | Amaryllis | Hippeastrum spp. |
Cabeza de Viejo | Old Man Cactus | Cephalocereus senilis |
Cactus Barril | Barrel Cactus | Ferocactus spp. |
Cactus de Biznaga | Fishhook Cactus | Sclerocactus spp. |
Cactus de Chirinola | Hedgehog Cactus | Echinocereus spp. |
Caléndula | Marigold | Tagetes spp. |
Candelilla | Candelilla | Euphorbia antisyphilitica |
Cardón | Cardon Cactus | Pachycereus pringlei |
Chuparrosa del Desierto | Desert Honeysuckle | Anisacanthus thurberi |
Clavellina | Desert Lavender | Hyptis emoryi |
Creosota | Creosote Bush | Larrea tridentata |
Dátil del Desierto | Desert Date | dypsis spp. |
Flor de Arena | Sand Verbena | Abronia spp. |
Flor de Cera | Waxflower | Eriogonum spp. |
Flor de Papel | Paperflower | Psilostrophe cooperi |
Flor de Pascua | Cholla Cactus | Cylindropuntia spp. |
Flor de Trigo | Desert Mariposa Lily | Calochortus kennedyi |
Flor del Desierto | Desert Marigold | Baileya multiradiata |
Hierba del Pasmo | Skeletonweed | Lygodesmia juncea |
Lengua de Suegra | Mother-in-Law's Tongue | Echinocactus grusonii |
Lengua de Vaca | Cow Tongue | Dyckia spp. |
Nopal | Prickly Pear Cactus | Opuntia spp. |
Ocotillo | Ocotillo | Fouquieria splendens |
Palo de Hierro | Ironwood | Olneya tesota |
Palo de Pulpo | Octopus Tree | Fouquieria macdougalii |
Palo Liso | Chihuahua Pine | Pinus leiophylla |
Palo Verde | Palo Verde | Parkinsonia florida |
Pitahaya | Nightblooming Cereus | Cereus spp. |
Saguaro | Saguaro Cactus | Carnegiea gigantea |
Sotol | Desert Spoon | Dasylirion wheeleri |
Verbena Desértica | Desert Verbena | Glandularia gooddingii |
Yucca | Joshua Tree | Yucca brevifolia |
Yucca Mojave | Mojave Yucca | Yucca schidigera |
Tropical Flowers
Spanish Words (with Audio) | English Word | Latin Name |
Alpinia | Shell Ginger | Alpinia spp. |
Amapola | Poppy | Papaver spp. |
Angélica | Angel's Trumpet | Brugmansia spp. |
Anturio | Anthurium | Anthurium spp. |
Ave del Paraíso | Bird of Paradise | Strelitzia reginae |
Azucena | Calla Lily | Zantedeschia spp. |
Bromelia | Bromeliad | Bromeliaceae spp. |
Bugambilia | Bougainvillea | Bougainvillea spp. |
Calathea | Peacock Plant | Calathea spp. |
Canna | Canna Lily | Canna indica |
Clavel | Carnation | Dianthus caryophyllus |
Costilla de Adán | Monstera Deliciosa | Monstera deliciosa |
Crotón | Croton | Codiaeum variegatum |
Estrella de Navidad | Poinsettia | Euphorbia pulcherrima |
Flor de Cera | Waxflower | Hoya spp. |
Flor de Loto | Lotus | Nelumbo spp. |
Frangipani | Plumeria | Plumeria spp. |
Gardenia | Gardenia | Gardenia jasminoides |
Gerbera | Gerbera Daisy | Gerbera jamesonii |
Gloxinia | Gloxinia | Sinningia speciosa |
Heliconia | Heliconia | Heliconia spp. |
Heliotropo | Heliotrope | Heliotropium spp. |
Hibisco | Hibiscus | Hibiscus spp. |
Jazmín | Jasmine | Jasminum spp. |
Jazmín de Madagascar | Madagascar Jasmine | Stephanotis floribunda |
Jengibre | Ginger | Zingiber officinale |
Lantana | Lantana | Lantana camara |
Lavanda | Lavender | Lavandula spp. |
Lirio | Lily | Lilium spp. |
Lisianthus | Lisianthus | Eustoma grandiflorum |
Maracuyá | Passionflower | Passiflora spp. |
Orquídea | Orchid | Orchidaceae spp. |
Piña | Pineapple Lily | Eucomis spp. |
Spanish Words (with Audio) | English Word | Latin Name |
Agapanto | Agapanthus | Agapanthus spp. |
Anémona | Anemone | Anemone spp. |
Astilbe | Astilbe | Astilbe spp. |
Gayuba | Bearberry | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
Campanilla | Bellflower | Campanula spp. |
Trepadora | Bindweed | Convolvulus spp. |
Enredadera Amarilla | Black-eyed Susan Vine | Thunbergia alata |
Liatris | Blazing Star | Liatris spp. |
Amapola | California Poppy | Eschscholzia californica |
Silene | Catchfly | Silene spp. |
Flor de Canela | Ceylon Cinnamon Flower | Cinnamomum verum |
Crisantemo | Chrysanthemum | Chrysanthemum spp. |
Cineraria | Cineraria | Pericallis × hybrida |
Trébol | Clover | Trifolium spp. |
Aquilegia | Columbine | Aquilegia spp. |
Malva Silvestre | Common Mallow | Malva sylvestris |
Echinacea | Coneflower | Echinacea spp. |
Amapola Silvestre | Corn Poppy | Papaver rhoeas |
Cosmos | Cosmos | Cosmos bipinnatus |
Lengua de Vaca | Cow Tongue | Dyckia spp. |
Narciso | Daffodil | Narcissus spp. |
Dalia | Dahlia | Dahlia spp. |
Margarita | Daisy | Bellis perennis |
Diente de León | Dandelion | Taraxacum officinale |
Lenteja de Agua | Duckweed | Lemna spp. |
Oenothera | Evening Primrose | Oenothera spp. |
Nomeolvides | Forget-Me-Not | Myosotis spp. |
Mirabilis | Four O'Clock | Mirabilis jalapa |
Trébol de Cuatro Hojas | Four-leaf Clover | Trifolium repens |
Gazania | Gazania | Gazania rigens |
Geranio | Geranium | Pelargonium spp. |
Madreselva | Honeysuckle | Lonicera spp. |
Agastache | Hyssop | Agastache spp. |
Amapola de Islandia | Iceland Poppy | Papaver nudicaule |
Indian Paintbrush | Indian Paintbrush | Castilleja spp. |
Flor de Lis | Iris | Iris spp. |
Lantana | Lantana | Lantana camara |
Gayomba | Larkspur | Delphinium spp. |
Lirio del Valle | Lily of the Valley | Convallaria majalis |
Lobelia | Lobelia | Lobelia erinus |
Nigella | Love-in-a-mist | Nigella damascena |
Lupino | Lupine | Lupinus spp. |
Malva | Mallow | Malva spp. |
Astrantia | Masterwort | Astrantia spp. |
Flor de Muerto | Mexican Marigold | Tagetes erecta |
Correhuela | Morning Glory | Ipomoea spp. |
Margarita de Montaña | Mountain Daisy | Erigeron spp. |
Capuchina | Nasturtium | Tropaeolum majus |
Pensamiento | Pansy | Viola tricolor |
Flor de Papel | Paperflower | Psilostrophe cooperi |
Penstemon | Penstemon | Penstemon spp. |
Vinca | Periwinkle | Catharanthus roseus |
Alegría | Portulaca | Portulaca grandiflora |
Flor de la Pradera | Prairie Flower | Various species |
Flor de Conejo | Rabbitbrush | Chrysothamnus spp. |
Hierba del Pasmo | Skeletonweed | Lygodesmia juncea |
Sedum | Stonecrop | Sedum spp. |
Girasol | Sunflower | Helianthus annuus |
Alyssum | Sweet Alyssum | Lobularia maritima |
Cestillo | Thistle | Cirsium spp. |
Trillium | Trillium | Trillium spp. |
Tulipán | Tulip | Tulipa spp. |
Lirio de Agua | Water Lily | Nymphaea spp. |
Flor Silvestre | Wildflower | Various species |
Torenia | Wishbone Flower | Torenia fournieri |
Zinnia | Zinnia | Zinnia elegans |
Gardening Vocabulary
Spanish Words (with Audio) | English Word |
Áfido | Aphid |
Anuales | Annuals |
Árbol frutal | Fruit tree |
Arbusto | Shrub |
Arbustos | Shrubs |
Azada | Hoe |
Brotando | Sprouting |
Bulbo | Bulb |
Caducifolio | Deciduous |
Clorofila | Chlorophyll |
Compostaje | Compost |
Cosecha | Harvest |
Dedo verde | Green thumb |
Desmalezar | Weeding |
Enredadera | Climber |
Enredaderas | Vines |
Enrejado | Trellis |
Esqueje | Cutting |
Estaca | Stake |
Fertilizante | Fertilizer |
Floreciendo | Blooming |
Follaje | Foliage |
Fungicida | Fungicide |
Germinar | Germinate |
Guantes de jardinería | Gardening gloves |
Herramientas de jardín | Garden tools |
Hierbas | Herbs |
Horquilla | Garden fork |
Humedad | Humidity |
Injerto | Grafting |
Insecticida | Insecticide |
Insecto | Insect |
Invernadero | Greenhouse |
Jardín | Garden |
Jardinería | Gardening |
Jardinero/a | Gardener |
Labrar | Tilling |
Lecho de jardín | Garden bed |
Luz del sol | Sunlight |
Maceta | Flowerpot |
Malezas | Weeds |
Manguera de jardín | Garden hose |
Mantillo | Mulch |
Nivel de pH | pH level |
Nutrientes | Nutrients |
Orgánico | Organic |
Paisajismo | Landscaping |
Pala | Shovel |
Pala de jardín | Spade |
Paleta | Trowel |
Parterre | Flowerbed |
Parterre elevado | Raised bed |
Perenne | Perennial |
Pesticidas | Pesticides |
Plaga | Pest |
Plántula | Seedling |
Podar | Pruning |
Polen | Pollen |
Polinización | Pollination |
Quitando flores muertas | Deadheading |
Rastrillo | Rake |
Regadera | Watering can |
Repelente de insectos | Insect repellent |
Riego | Watering |
Sembrar | Sow |
Semillas | Seeds |
Siempreverde | Evergreen |
Sobrecrecimiento | Overgrowth |
Sombra | Shade |
Suelo | Soil |
Terrario | Terrarium |
Tijeras de podar | Pruning shears |
Topiario | Topiary |
Flower Idioms and Expressions
Spanish Phrase | Literal Translation | Meaning |
Dar margaritas a los cerdos | To give daisies to pigs | To give something valuable to unappreciative people |
Echar flores a alguien | To throw flowers at someone | To compliment or flatter someone |
Echar raíces | To put down roots | To settle down in a place |
Estar como una rosa | To be like a rose | To be in excellent health or condition |
Estar en la flor de la vida | To be in the flower of life | To be in the prime of life |
Estar más perdido que un girasol en un sótano | To be more lost than a sunflower in a basement | To be completely lost or confused |
No ver ni flores | Not to see even flowers | To not see or find anything |
Ser un clavel | To be a carnation | To be elegant or refined |
Ser un girasol | To be a sunflower | To be always cheerful and looking on the bright side |
Ser un girasol en un campo de margaritas | To be a sunflower in a field of daisies | To be unique or different in a group of similar individuals |
Ser un lirio | To be a lily | To be innocent or pure |
Ser un rosal de espinas | To be a rosebush of thorns | To be difficult or complicated |
Tener una flor en el ojal | To have a flower in the buttonhole | To be stylish or well-dressed |
Test Yourself: Spanish Flower Words Quiz!
"Jacinto" in Spanish refers to which flower? a) Daffodil b) Hyacinth c) Orchid d) Marigold
Now go ahead and learn these wonderful Spanish flower words! After all, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
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