133 Adjectives in German

German adjectives can help you express everything from colors to emotions.

Learn everything you need to know about how adjectives work in German with this guide, along with over 130 useful German adjectives.


What Are Adjectives?

Adjectives are words used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns. They provide more information about the noun by indicating its size, color, shape, age or other qualities.

Adjectives can be comparative (showing a comparison between two things—”bigger”) or superlative (indicating the highest degree—”the biggest”). They help in providing a clearer, more detailed picture of the noun they modify.

Adjective Endings

In English, adjectives generally remain the same regardless of the gender or case of the noun. But when an adjective comes before a noun in German, you need to add an ending to it!

There are several possible endings, the most common of which are -e or -en.

Which ending you use depends on whether the noun you are describing is masculine, feminine, neuter or plural, which case (nominative, accusative, dative or genitive) the noun is in and what kind of article (words like “the” or “a”) is used before it. This rather convoluted process is known as adjective declension in German.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t fret! Adjective endings are one of the most complicated parts of learning German, but luckily getting them wrong won’t mean you’ll be misunderstood!

What’s more, we’ve even got a blog post full about how to get them right every time:


Adjective Placement in German

Just like in English, adjectives can come before or after nouns. We call this either attributive or predicative. 

  • Attributive Adjectives: These come before a noun and therefore need one of those aforementioned tricksy endings:

Der große Baum (The big tree)

Eine kleine schwarze Katze. (A little black cat) 

Sie sang ein schönes, altes Lied. (She sang a beautiful, old song.)

  • Predicative Adjectives: These come after the noun and so don’t need any sort of ending, so you can just use them straight out of the box! They are generally introduced via verbs like “sein” (to be), “werden” (to become, to get), “bleiben” (to stay), amongst others

Der Baum ist groß. (The tree is big.)

Sie wird wütend. (She gets angry.)

Er bleibt gesund. (He stays healthy.)

You can get a better handle on using German adjectives by watching them in use, like in the videos you’ll find on the FluentU program.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

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With that out of the way, you’re ready to learn some essential German adjectives!


rot red
blau blue
grün green
gelb yellow
schwarz black
weiß white
braun brown
orange orange (This one never gains endings, even before a noun)
grau gray
pink pink (This one never gains endings, even before a noun)
lila lilac/purple (This one never gains endings, even before a noun)
türkis turquoise
silbern silver
marineblau navy blue
himmelblau sky blue

Size and Shape

groß big/large
klein small
riesig huge
winzig tiny
lang long
kurz short
breit wide
schmal narrow
hoch tall/high
niedrig low
dick thick
dünn thin
eckig angular
tief deep
flach flat
voluminös voluminous
schlank slender
zierlich dainty
unförmig misshapen
gleichmäßig uniform
rund round
viereckig square
rechteckig rectangular
oval oval
kugelförmig spherical
zylindrisch cylindrical
symmetrisch symmetrical
asymmetrisch asymmetrical


früh early
spät late
rechtzeitig timely
unmittelbar immediate
baldig imminent
pünktlich punctual
langwierig lengthy
kurzfristig short-term
langfristig long-term
eilig hurried
ständig constant
augenblicklich instantaneous
alltäglich everyday
täglich daily
wöchentlich weekly
monatlich monthly
jährlich yearly
stündlich hourly
plötzlich sudden


gut good
schlecht bad
ausgezeichnet excellent
hervorragend outstanding
perfekt perfect
fehlerhaft faulty
makellos flawless
mangelhaft deficient
hochwertig high-quality
minderwertig low-quality
erstklassig first-class
zweitklassig second-rate
einwandfrei impeccable
akzeptabel acceptable
bemerkenswert remarkable
unzureichend inadequate
fabelhaft fabulous
vorzüglich superb
durchschnittlich average
überragend superior


glücklich happy
traurig sad
aufgeregt excited
gelassen calm
verärgert angry
wütend furious
verliebt in love
gestresst stressed
müde tired
erstaunt amazed
verwirrt confused
ängstlich anxious
dankbar grateful
enttäuscht disappointed
begeistert enthusiastic
zufrieden content
frustriert frustrated
hoffnungsvoll hopeful
verzweifelt desperate
eifersüchtig jealous
einsam lonely
euphorisch euphoric

Personality Traits

freundlich friendly
schüchtern shy
extrovertiert extroverted
introvertiert introverted
aufgeschlossen open-minded
ehrgeizig ambitious
faul lazy
fleißig hardworking
geduldig patient
ungeduldig impatient
selbstbewusst self-confident
unsicher insecure
gesellig sociable
zurückhaltend reserved
mutig courageous
ängstlich fearful
humorvoll humorous
ernsthaft serious
optimistisch optimistic
pessimistisch pessimistic
einfühlsam empathetic
egoistisch selfish
großzügig generous
geizig stingy
entschlossen determined
nachdenklich thoughtful
impulsiv impulsive
verantwortungsvoll responsible
rücksichtslos inconsiderate/reckless


Turn your sentences into works of art—so paint your German sentences with these colorful German adjectives!

And One More Thing...

Want to know the key to learning German effectively?

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