109 Beautiful German Words

The German language isn’t often described as “beautiful,” which is a shame, because there are so many gorgeous words in the German language.

Known for its expressive vocabulary, the German language holds some of the most captivating words you’ll ever encounter. Let’s dive into a collection of 90 beautiful German words to use in your conversations.


German Words for “Beautiful”

schön beautiful
atemberaubend breathtaking
ansehnlich handsome (for males) / good-looking
attraktiv attractive
bezaubernd bewitching
edel noble
elegant smart / elegant
entzückend delightful
vorzüglich exquisite
glamourös glamorous
herrlich splendid
hübsch pretty / cute
lieblich sweet / lovely
prächtig magnificent / gorgeous
reizend charming
schick stylish
strahlend radiant
wunderschön gorgeous
zauberhaft enchanting
zierlich graceful

Beautiful German Words

Nature Words

  • Die Waldeinsamkeit — The feeling of being alone in the woods and experiencing the solitude and tranquility of nature.
  • Das Waldbaden — Forest bathing; the practice of immersing yourself in the atmosphere of a forest to promote well-being.
  • Der Tannenwald — A forest predominantly made up of fir trees, often associated with the enchanting atmosphere of a Christmas forest.
  • Das Wetterleuchten — Heat lightning; the distant, silent lightning visible on the horizon during a thunderstorm but without thunder.
  • Der Waldspaziergang — A leisurely walk or stroll in the forest, often enjoyed for the serenity of the natural surroundings.
  • Die Morgenröte — Dawn; the soft, rosy glow of dawn or daybreak, especially on a clear morning.
  • Der Bergsee — A mountain lake, often found in the picturesque landscapes of the Alps.
  • Die Blumenwiese — A flower meadow, typically filled with a variety of colorful wildflowers.
  • Das Herbstlaub — The vibrant, colorful leaves that fall from trees during autumn, also known as “autumn foliage.”
  • Der Bachlauf — A small stream or brook.
  • Das Naturwunder — A natural wonder or marvel, such as a breathtaking waterfall or a majestic mountain range.
  • Der Sonnenuntergang — Sunset.
  • Der Wolkenhimmel — Cloudy sky.
  • Die Waldlichtung — A woodland clearing.
  • Die Bergblumen — Alpine flowers that bloom high in the mountains, adding vibrant colors to the rugged landscape.
  • Die Küstenlandschaft — The coastal landscape.

Emotions and Feelings

  • Die Sehnsucht — A deep emotional state of longing or yearning, often for something unattainable.
  • Das Heimweh — Homesickness; the longing and nostalgia for one’s home or homeland.
  • Die Wanderlust — A strong desire to travel and explore the world. This is commonly used in English as a loan-word, yet is actually rarely ever used in contemporary German. You’re far more likely to hear:
  • Das Fernweh — A feeling of restlessness and dissatisfaction with one’s current surroundings, coupled with a strong desire to travel and explore new places. Literally meaning “far-sickness” or “longing for the distance,” this is the opposite of Heimweh, which means “homesickness.”
  • Die Zweisamkeit — The feeling of togetherness or being in a close and harmonious relationship with someone.
  • Die Herzenswärme — Literally meaning “the warmth of the heart,” a deep and heartfelt affection or love.
  • Die Geborgenheit — The feeling of safety, security and comfort, often found in the presence of loved ones.
  • Der Liebeskummer — The emotional pain and sorrow that comes from unrequited love or a broken heart.
  • Das Heimatgefühl — A strong sense of belonging and attachment to one’s homeland or a place that feels like home.
  • Die Fernbeziehung — A long-distance relationship, capturing the emotions and challenges associated with being physically apart from a loved one.
  • Das Mitgefühl — Compassion and empathy.
  • Der Hoffnungsschimmer — A glimmer of hope.
  • Die Gelassenheit — A state of serenity, calmness and inner peace, often achieved through acceptance and letting go.
  • Die Freudentränen — Tears of joy.
  • Das Glücksgefühl — A sense of happiness.
  • Der Stolz — A sense of pride and achievement.
  • Das Vertrauen — A deep belief and confidence in someone or something.


German romance is a little different from what you might be used to. Germans tend to be more direct in their romantic expressions, so I recommend becoming more familiar with German romantic gestures and vocabulary before you try them out for yourself. You can do this by watching German speakers naturally using their language with a resource like FluentU.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

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More Unique German Words

These untranslatable German words don’t fall neatly into any of the categories above. I’ve done my best to give a general explanation of each word’s meaning. Learn these beautiful words and impress your German-speaking friends with them!

  • Die Gemütlichkeit — The coziness, comfort and a sense of well-being.
  • Die Schadenfreude — The pleasure derived from the misfortune of others.
  • Die Zeitgeist — The spirit or mood of a particular time or era.
  • Das Eigengrau — The dark gray color that one sees in complete darkness, also known as “intrinsic gray.”
  • Das Fingerspitzengefühl — The sensitivity, tact.
  • Gesundheit! — Bless you! A polite expression used to wish someone good health, often said after they sneeze.
  • Die Torschlusspanik — The fear of running out of time, especially as one gets older, to accomplish certain life goals or experiences.
  • Die Backpfeifengesicht — The “punchable” face, often used humorously to describe someone irritating.
  • Der Treppenwitz — The clever comeback or witty remark that occurs to you too late, typically when you’re already on the stairs (hence the name, “staircase joke”).
  • Der Ohrwurm — A catchy tune or song that gets stuck in your head, like an “earworm.”
  • Der Kummerspeck — Literally “grief bacon,” this refers to the excess weight gained from emotional overeating during times of sadness or stress.
  • Verschlimmbessern — To make something worse while attempting to improve it, often unintentionally.
  • Innerer Schweinehund — The inner voice or inner demon that tempts you to be lazy or indulge in bad habits.
  • Der Feierabend — The time at the end of the workday when you can relax and enjoy your free time.
  • Der Augenblick — The fleeting moment, an instant in time, often used to emphasize the importance of cherishing the present moment.


Bring some beauty to your conversations with these beautiful German words. As a bonus, you’ll be expanding your German vocabulary while you’re at it!

And One More Thing...

Want to know the key to learning German effectively?

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