650+ Spanish Kitchen Vocabulary Words

Spanish cuisine is celebrated for its vibrant colors, bold flavors, and passionate preparation methods. Whether it’s the aroma of a sizzling paella, the taste of jamón ibérico, or a refreshing gazpacho on a hot summer day, Spanish dishes are as diverse as the regions they hail from.
If you’re learning Spanish, it’s worth learning the vocabulary for talking about its food. Check out over 650 essential Spanish kitchen vocabulary, from common ingredients to cooking techniques. Plus, see how to talk about items, tools and appliances around the kitchen.
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Cooking Terms in Spanish
Cooking Methods
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Ahumado | Smoking |
Asado | Roasting |
Asado a la parrilla giratoria | Rotisserie cooking |
Asado en fosa | Pit roasting |
Barbacoa | Barbecuing |
Cocción a presión | Pressure cooking |
Cocción al vapor | Steaming |
Cocción lenta | Slow-cooking |
Cocina en plancha | Griddle cooking |
Cocina por inducción | Induction cooking |
Cocina a fuego lento | Simmering |
Cocina con microondas | Microwaving |
Confitado | Confitting |
Enlatado | Canning |
Curado | Curing |
Deshidratación | Dehydrating |
Encurtido | Pickling |
Escaldado | Blanching |
Escalfado poco profundo | Shallow poaching |
Escalfado | Poaching |
Estofado | Braising or stir-frying |
Fermentación | Fermentation |
Flambeado | Flambéing |
Fritura en aceite | Deep-frying |
Fritura en sartén | Pan-frying |
Fritura a presión | Pressure-frying |
Gratinado | Broiling |
Hervido | Boiling |
Horneado | Baking |
Infusión | Infusing |
Marinado | Marinating |
Parrillada | Grilling |
Salteado | Sautéing |
Salteado en wok | Wok cooking |
Culinary Techniques
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Abrir (ostras, etc.) | To shuck (oysters, etc.) |
Adornar | To garnish |
Amasar | To knead |
Batir | To whisk |
Caramelizar | To caramelize |
Clarificar | To clarify |
Cocinar | To cook |
Cortar en cubos | To dice |
Cortar en juliana | To julienne |
Decorar con manga | To pipe |
Desglasar | To deglaze |
Desvenar | To devein |
Doblar | To fold |
Encurtir | To pickle |
Enfriar | To chill |
Enharinar | To coat |
Enrollar | To roll |
Ensartar | To skewer |
Escabechar | To brine |
Espumar | To skim |
Fermentar | To ferment |
Filetear | To fillet |
Freír | To fry |
Glasear | To glaze |
Gratinar | To gratinate |
Infundir | To infuse |
Marinar | To marinate |
Mezclar | To blend, to mix |
Moler | To grind, to mill |
Pelar | To peel |
Picar | To chop |
Picar muy finamente | To mince |
Pincelar (con huevo, etc.) | To brush |
Rallar | To grate, to shred, to zest |
Rebanar | To slice |
Revolver | To stir |
Salsear | To baste |
Sazonar | To season |
Tallar | To carve |
Templar | To temper |
Tostar | To toast |
Kitchen Utensils, Tools and Crockery
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Utensilios | Utensils |
Herramientas | Tools |
Vajilla | Crockery |
Ablandador de carne | Meat tenderizer |
Abrelatas | Can opener |
Bandeja de galletas | Cookie sheet |
Batidor | Whisk |
Brocha de repostería | Pastry brush |
Cacerola | Dutch oven, Stockpot |
Cesta de vapor | Steamer basket |
Chupito | Shot glass |
Colador | Colander |
Copa de champán | Champagne flute |
Copa de martini | Martini glass |
Copa de vino | Wine glass |
Cuchara | Spoon |
Cucharita | Teaspoon |
Cucharón | Ladle |
Cuchara para helado | Ice cream scoop |
Cucharón ranurado | Slotted spoon |
Cuchillo | Knife |
Cuchillo de carne | Steak knife |
Cuchillo de pescado | Fish knife |
Cuchillo para mantequilla | Butter knife |
Espátula | Spatula |
Espumadera | Skimmer |
Exprimidor de limón | Lemon squeezer |
Fuente de cazuela | Casserole dish |
Fuente de horno | Baking dish |
Guantes de horno | Oven mitts, Pot holders |
Jabón para platos | Dish soap |
Jarra | Pitcher |
Machacador de patatas | Potato masher |
Molde desmontable | Springform pan |
Molde para muffins | Muffin tin |
Molde para pan | Bread pan |
Molde para pastel | Cake pan |
Moldes individuales | Ramekins |
Mondadientes | Toothpick |
Mortero y mano | Mortar and pestle |
Palillos chinos | Chopsticks |
Parrilla de barbacoa | Barbecue grill |
Pelador de verduras | Vegetable peeler |
Pincel de cocina | Basting brush |
Pinzas | Tongs |
Plancha | Griddle |
Platillo | Saucer |
Plato | Plate |
Plato para mantequilla | Butter dish |
Servilletero | Napkin holder |
Prensa de ajo | Garlic press |
Rallador | Grater |
Rejilla enfriadora | Cooling rack |
Rodillo | Rolling pin |
Sacacorchos | Wine opener/corkscrew |
Salero y pimentero | Salt and pepper shakers |
Sartén | Frying pan |
Sartén para parrilla | Grill pan |
Sartén para saltear | Saute pan |
Sopera | Gravy boat |
Tabla de cortar | Cutting board |
Taza | Cup, Mug |
Tazón | Bowl |
Tenedor | Fork |
Termómetro de carne | Meat thermometer |
Tijeras de cocina | Kitchen shears |
Vaso | Glass, Cup |
Wok | Wok |
Kitchen Appliances
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Electrodomésticos de Cocina | Kitchen appliances |
Arrocera | Rice cooker |
Báscula de cocina | Food scale |
Batidora de inmersión | Immersion blender |
Batidora de mano | Hand mixer |
Batidora de pie | Stand mixer |
Cafetera | Coffee maker |
Campana extractora | Range hood (exhaust fan) |
Estufa | Stove |
Compactador de basura | Trash compactor |
Congelador | Freezer |
Deshidratador de alimentos | Food dehydrator |
Freidora de aire | Air fryer |
Heladera | Ice cream maker |
Hervidor eléctrico | Electric kettle |
Horno a gas | Gas oven |
Horno de convección | Convection oven |
Horno de microondas | Microwave oven |
Horno eléctrico | Electric oven |
Horno tostador | Toaster oven |
Lavaplatos | Dishwasher |
Licuadora | Blender |
Exprimidor, Extractor de jugos | Juicer |
Máquina de espresso | Espresso machine |
Máquina de inmersión al vacío | Sous-vide machine |
Máquina para hacer waffles | Waffle maker |
Prensa para paninis | Panini press |
Mini refrigerador | Mini-fridge |
Molinillo de café | Coffee grinder |
Molinillo de especias | Spice grinder |
Olla a presión | Pressure cooker |
Olla de cocción lenta | Slow cooker |
Parrilla eléctrica | Electric grill |
Placa de cocción a gas | Gas cooktop |
Placa de cocción eléctrica | Electric cooktop |
Placa de inducción | Induction cooktop |
Plancha eléctrica | Electric griddle |
Procesador de alimentos | Food processor |
Purificador/filtro de agua | Water purifier/filter |
Refrigerador | Refrigerator |
Sandwichera | Sandwich maker |
Sartén eléctrico | Electric skillet |
Sellador al vacío | Vacuum sealer |
Tostadora | Toaster |
Triturador de desperdicios | Garbage disposal unit |
Ventilador extractor | Ventilation fan |
Kitchen Furniture
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Muebles de Cocina | Kitchen furniture |
Aparador | Sideboard |
Armario | Cupboard |
Banco | Bench |
Banco de almacenamiento | Storage bench |
Banquillo | Stool |
Barra de vinos | Wine bar |
Bote de basura | Trash bin/can |
Bote de compostaje | Compost bin |
Bote de reciclaje | Recycling bin |
Botellero | Wine rack |
Cajón | Drawer |
Carrito | Cart, Trolley |
Carrito con tabla de cortar | Cutting-board cart |
Carrito de microondas | Microwave cart |
Carrito de servicio | Serving cart/trolley |
Carrito de té | Tea cart/trolley |
Carrito de vinos | Wine cart/trolley |
Carrito para comida | Food cart/trolley |
Cesta de frutas | Fruit basket |
Cocina | Kitchen |
Delantal | Apron |
Despensa | Pantry |
Escurridor | Dish rack |
Especiero | Spice rack |
Estación de café | Coffee station |
Estación de té | Tea station |
Estante de panadero | Baker's rack |
Estantes de pared | Wall shelves |
Estantes, Perchas | Shelving, Racks |
Fregadero | Sink |
Gabinete | Cabinet |
Gabinete para bar | Bar cabinet |
Gabinete para electrodomésticos | Appliance storage cabinet |
Gabinete para enfriador de vinos | Wine cooler cabinet |
Isla | Island |
Mesa | Table |
Mesa de bufé | Buffet table |
Mesa de panadero | Baker's table |
Mesa de servicio | Server table |
Panera | Bread box |
Perchero para ollas | Pot rack |
Perchero para platos | Plate rack |
Porta utensilios | Utensil holder/crock |
Portabotellas | Bottle holder |
Portarrollos de papel | Paper towel holder |
Portavasos para copas | Wine glass holder |
Rincón para desayunos | Breakfast nook |
Salvamanteles | Trivet |
Servilletero | Napkin holder |
Silla | Chair |
Silla alta | High chair |
Soporte para cazos | Pot filler shelf |
Soporte para cuchillos | Knife block/caddy |
Soporte para rodillo | Rolling pin holder |
Soporte para tapaderas | Pot lid holder |
Taburete | Bar stool |
Utensilios | Utensils |
Vitrina | Hutch |
Ingredients and Food
Fruits, Vegetables and Legumes
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Ingredientes | Ingredients |
Comida | Food |
Frutas | Fruits |
Verduras | Vegetables |
Legumbres | Legumes |
Aceituna | Olive |
Acelga | Swiss chard |
Aguacate | Avocado |
Ajo | Garlic |
Albaricoque | Apricot |
Alcachofa | Artichoke |
Apio | Celery |
Arándano rojo | Cranberry |
Arándano | Blueberry |
Batata | Sweet potato |
Berenjena | Eggplant |
Berro | Watercress |
Brócoli | Broccoli |
Cacahuete | Peanut |
Calabacín | Squash |
Calabacita | Zucchini |
Calabaza | Pumpkin |
Caqui | Persimmon |
Carambola | Starfruit |
Cebolla | Onion |
Cereza | Cherry |
Chalota | Shallot |
Champiñón | Mushroom |
Chirivía | Parsnip |
Ciruela | Plum |
Clementina | Clementine |
Coco | Coconut |
Col rizada | Kale |
Col de Bruselas | Brussels sprout |
Coliflor | Cauliflower |
Dátil | Date |
Ejotes | Green beans |
Espárrago | Asparagus |
Espinaca | Spinach |
Frambuesa | Raspberry |
Fresa | Strawberry |
Frijoles mungo | Mung beans |
Frijoles negros | Black beans |
Frijoles pintos | Pinto beans |
Frijoles rojos | Kidney beans |
Frijoles | Beans |
Garbanzos | Chickpeas |
Granada | Pomegranate |
Grosella negra | Blackcurrant |
Grosella | Gooseberry |
Guayaba | Guava |
Guisantes de nieve | Snow peas |
Guisantes partidos | Split peas |
Guisantes | Peas |
Habas | Fava beans |
Higo | Fig |
Kiwi | Kiwi |
Lechuga | Lettuce |
Lentejas | Lentils |
Lichi | Lychee |
Lima | Lime |
Limón | Lemon |
Maíz | Corn |
Mandarina | Tangerine |
Mango | Mango |
Manzana | Apple |
Maracuyá | Passion fruit |
Melocotón | Peach |
Melón verde | Honeydew melon |
Melón | Cantaloupe |
Mora | Blackberry |
Nabo | Turnip |
Naranja | Orange |
Nectarina | Nectarine |
Okra | Okra |
Pak choi | Bok choy |
Papaya | Papaya |
Patata | Potato |
Pepino | Cucumber |
Pera | Pear |
Pimiento | Bell pepper |
Piña | Pineapple |
Pitaya | Dragon fruit |
Plátano macho | Plantain |
Plátano | Banana |
Pomelo | Grapefruit |
Puerro | Leek |
Rábano | Radish |
Rambután | Rambutan |
Remolacha | Beetroot |
Repollo | Cabbage |
Ruibarbo | Rhubarb |
Sandía | Watermelon |
Soja | Soybeans |
Tomate | Tomato |
Uva | Grape |
Yaca | Jackfruit |
Yuca | Cassava |
Zanahoria | Carrot |
Animal Products
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Productos de origen animal | Animal products |
Alitas de pollo | Chicken wings |
Almejas | Clams |
Anchoas | Anchovies |
Atún | Tuna |
Atún enlatado | Canned tuna |
Bisonte | Bison |
Calamar | Squid |
Caldo de cerdo | Pork broth |
Caldo de hueso | Bone broth |
Caldo de pescado | Fish broth |
Caldo de pollo | Chicken broth |
Caldo de res | Beef broth |
Callos | Tripe |
Camarón | Shrimp |
Cangrejo | Crab |
Caracol | Escargot (snails) |
Carne de res | Beef |
Carne molida | Ground beef |
Caviar | Caviar |
Cerdo | Pork |
Chuletas de cerdo | Pork chops |
Chuletas de cordero | Lamb chops |
Codorniz | Quail |
Conejo | Rabbit |
Cordero | Lamb |
Costillas | Ribs |
Crema | Cream |
Crema agria | Sour cream |
Despojos | Offal |
Filete | Steak |
Fuagrás | Foie gras |
Gelatina | Gelatin |
Grasa de pato | Duck fat |
Hígado | Liver |
Huevos | Eggs |
Jamón | Ham |
Langosta | Lobster |
Leche | Milk |
Lomo de cerdo | Pork loin |
Manteca | Lard |
Mantequilla | Butter |
Mariscos | Shellfish |
Médula | Bone marrow |
Mejillones | Mussels |
Miel | Honey |
Molleja | Gizzard |
Muslos de pollo | Chicken thighs |
Panceta | Pork belly |
Patas de pollo | Chicken feet |
Paté | Pâté |
Pato | Duck |
Pavo | Turkey |
Pecho de res | Brisket |
Pechuga de pollo | Chicken breast |
Pescado | Fish |
Pollo | Chicken |
Pulpo | Octopus |
Queso | Cheese |
Rabo de buey | Oxtail |
Salchicha | Sausage |
Salmón | Salmon |
Salmón ahumado | Smoked salmon |
Sardina | Sardine |
Sebo | Tallow, Suet |
Ternera | Veal |
Tilapia | Tilapia |
Tocino | Bacon |
Venado | Venison |
Vieiras | Scallops |
Vísceras de ave | Poultry giblets |
Yogur | Yogurt |
Grains, Seeds and Pastas
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Cereales | Grains |
Semillas | Seeds |
Pastas | Pastas |
Amaranto | Amaranth |
Arroz basmati | Basmati rice |
Arroz blanco | White rice |
Arroz integral | Brown rice |
Arroz jazmín | Jasmine rice |
Arroz salvaje | Wild rice |
Arroz | Rice |
Avena enrollada | Rolled oats |
Avena partida | Steel-cut oats |
Avena | Oats |
Bulgur | Bulgur |
Cabello de ángel | Angel hair pasta |
Cebada | Barley |
Centeno | Rye |
Cuscús | Couscous |
Espaguetis | Spaghetti |
Espelta | Spelt |
Farro | Farro |
Fetuchinis | Fettuccini |
Fideos de arroz | Rice noodles |
Fideos de huevo | Egg noodles |
Fideos ramen | Ramen noodles |
Fideos soba | Soba noodles |
Fideos udon | Udon noodles |
Harina de avena | Oat flour |
Harina de maíz | Corn flour |
Harina de trigo | Wheat flour |
Macarrones | Macaroni |
Maíz | Corn |
Mijo | Millet |
Ñoquis | Gnocchi |
Orzo | Orzo |
Pastina | Pastina |
Polenta | Polenta |
Quinoa | Quinoa |
Ravioles | Ravioli |
Semillas de amapola | Poppy seeds |
Semillas de calabaza | Pumpkin seeds |
Semillas de chía | Chia seeds |
Semillas de girasol | Sunflower seeds |
Semillas de lino | Flaxseeds |
Semillas de sésamo | Sesame seeds |
Sorgo | Sorghum |
Tortellini | Tortellini |
Trigo integral | Whole wheat |
Trigo sarraceno | Buckwheat |
Trigo | Wheat |
Ziti | Ziti |
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Especias | Spices |
Achiote | Annatto |
Ajo | Garlic |
Albahaca | Basil |
Alcaravea | Caraway |
Anís estrellado | Star anise |
Azafrán | Saffron |
Canela | Cinnamon |
Cardamomo | Cardamom |
Cayena | Cayenne pepper |
Cebolla en polvo | Onion powder |
Cebollino seco | Dried chives |
Chile en polvo | Chili powder |
Cilantro seco | Dried cilantro |
Clavo de olor | Cloves |
Comino | Cumin |
Condimento para aves | Poultry seasoning |
Cúrcuma | Turmeric |
Escamas de pimiento rojo | Red pepper flakes |
Estragón | Tarragon |
Extracto de vainilla | Vanilla extract |
Granos de ajo | Garlic granules |
Hierbas de la Provenza | Herbes de Provence |
Hojas de laurel | Bay leaves |
Jengibre | Ginger |
Lavanda | Lavender |
Mejorana | Marjoram |
Menta | Mint |
Nuez moscada | Nutmeg |
Orégano | Oregano |
Perejil | Parsley |
Pimentón | Paprika |
Pimienta blanca | White pepper |
Pimienta con limón | Lemon pepper |
Pimienta de Jamaica | Allspice |
Pimienta de Sichuan | Sichuan peppercorns |
Pimienta negra | Black pepper |
Pimienta roja | Red pepper |
Polvo de cinco especias | Five-spice powder |
Polvo de curry | Curry powder |
Romero | Rosemary |
Sal | Salt |
Sal de apio | Celery salt |
Salvia | Sage |
Semillas de anís | Anise seeds |
Semillas de apio | Celery seeds |
Semillas de cilantro | Coriander seeds |
Semillas de eneldo | Dill seeds |
Semillas de fenogreco | Fenugreek seeds |
Semillas de hinojo | Fennel seeds |
Semillas de mostaza | Mustard seeds |
Tamarindo | Tamarind |
Tomillo | Thyme |
Zumaque | Sumac |
Sauces and Condiments
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Salsas | Sauces |
Condimentos | Condiments |
Aceite de oliva | Olive oil |
Aderezo César | Caesar dressing |
Aderezo de queso azul | Blue cheese dressing |
Aderezo italiano | Italian dressing |
Aderezo mil islas | Thousand Island dressing |
Aderezo ranch | Ranch dressing |
Aioli | Aioli |
Chutney | Chutney |
Guacamole | Guacamole |
Jarabe de arce | Maple syrup |
Kétchup | Ketchup |
Mayonesa | Mayonnaise |
Mostaza con miel | Honey mustard |
Mostaza | Mustard |
Pasta de curry | Curry paste |
Pasta de miso | Miso paste |
Pasta de pimiento rojo | Red pepper paste |
Pasta de tamarindo | Tamarind paste |
Pesto | Pesto |
Rábano picante | Horseradish |
Salsa agridulce | Sweet and sour sauce |
Salsa barbacoa | Barbecue sauce |
Salsa chimichurri | Chimichurri sauce |
Salsa de ajo y chile | Chili garlic sauce |
Salsa de chipotle | Chipotle sauce |
Salsa de maní | Peanut sauce |
Salsa de ostras | Oyster sauce |
Salsa de pescado | Fish sauce |
Salsa de soja | Soy sauce |
Salsa hoisin | Hoisin sauce |
Salsa holandesa | Hollandaise sauce |
Salsa picante | Hot sauce |
Salsa ponzu | Ponzu sauce |
Salsa Sichuan | Szechuan sauce |
Salsa Tabasco | Tabasco sauce |
Salsa tártara | Tartar sauce |
Salsa teriyaki | Teriyaki sauce |
Salsa tzatziki | Tzatziki sauce |
Salsa Worcestershire | Worcestershire sauce |
Salsa | Salsa |
Sriracha | Sriracha |
Tahini | Tahini |
Vinagre balsámico | Balsamic vinegar |
Vinagre de sidra de manzana | Apple cider vinegar |
Vinagre | Vinegar |
Vinagreta | Vinaigrette |
Measurement Units
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Unidades de medida | Measurement units |
Celsius | Celsius (°C) |
Cuarto | Quart (qt) |
Cucharada | Tablespoon (tbsp) |
Cucharadita | Teaspoon (tsp) |
Fahrenheit | Fahrenheit (°F) |
Galón | Gallon (gal) |
Gramo | Gram (g) |
Kilogramo | Kilogram (kg) |
Libra | Pound (lb) |
Litro | Liter (L) |
Mililitro | Milliliter (ml) |
Onza líquida | Fluid ounce (fl oz) |
Onza | Ounce (oz) |
Pinta | Pint (pt) |
Pizca | Pinch, Dash |
Taza | Cup (c) |
Food Safety and Hygiene
Spanish Words | English Translations |
Seguridad alimentaria | Food safety |
Higiene alimentaria | Food hygiene |
Agentes de limpieza | Cleaning agents |
Alérgenos | Allergens |
Almacenamiento de alimentos | Food storage |
Bacterias | Bacteria |
Congelación | Freezing |
Contaminación cruzada | Cross-contamination |
Control de plagas | Pest control |
Descongelación | Thawing |
Desinfección | Disinfecting |
Desinfectante de manos | Hand sanitizer |
Enfermedad transmitida por alimentos | Foodborne illness |
Equipo de protección personal (EPP) | Personal protective equipment (PPE) |
Etiquetado de alimentos | Food labeling |
Fecha de caducidad | Expiration date |
Guantes de un solo uso | Single-use gloves |
Higiene | Hygiene |
Inspecciones sanitarias | Health inspections |
Intoxicación alimentaria | Food poisoning |
Lavado de manos | Handwashing |
Limpieza | Cleaning |
Manipulación de alimentos | Food handling |
Pautas de seguridad alimentaria | Food safety guidelines |
Preparación de alimentos | Food preparation |
Procesamiento de alimentos | Food processing |
Refrigeración | Refrigeration |
Retiro de alimentos | Food recalls |
Saneamiento | Sanitation |
Suministro seguro de agua | Safe water supply |
Vida útil | Shelf life |
Common Spanish Phrases in the Kitchen
Spanish Words | English Translations |
¡Que aproveche! | Enjoy your meal! |
¿Cómo te gustaría tu carne cocinada? | How would you like your steak cooked? |
¿Me pasas la sal, por favor? | Can you pass me the salt, please? |
¿Podrías revolver la salsa por mí? | Could you stir the sauce for me? |
¿Puedes ayudarme a cortar las verduras? | Can you help me chop the vegetables? |
¿Puedes ayudarme a poner la mesa? | Can you help me set the table? |
¿Te gustaría algo de beber? | Would you like something to drink? |
¿Te gustaría algo de postre? | Would you like some dessert? |
¿Todo está sabroso? | Is everything tasting good? |
¿Ya está hirviendo el agua? | Is the water boiling yet? |
El agua está hirviendo, hora de agregar la pasta. | The water is boiling, time to add the pasta. |
El pastel está listo; podemos sacarlo del horno. | The cake is ready; we can take it out of the oven. |
Es hora de voltear los panqueques. | It's time to flip the pancakes. |
La receta indica dos tazas de harina. | The recipe calls for two cups of flour. |
La salsa debe cocinarse a fuego lento durante al menos 15 minutos. | The sauce needs to simmer for at least 15 minutes. |
La salsa debe cocinarse a fuego lento durante al menos 20 minutos. | The sauce needs to simmer for at least 20 minutes. |
Necesitamos descongelar el pollo para la cena. | We need to defrost the chicken for dinner. |
Necesito un cuchillo afilado para cortar esto. | I need a sharp knife to cut this. |
No olvides poner el temporizador para las galletas. | Don't forget to set the timer for the cookies. |
No olvides sazonar las verduras. | Don't forget to season the vegetables. |
Nos quedamos sin azúcar, lo agregaré a la lista de compras. | We're out of sugar, I'll add it to the shopping list. |
Pongamos la mesa antes de que lleguen los invitados. | Let's set the table before the guests arrive. |
Por favor, lava los platos cuando terminemos de comer. | Please wash the dishes after we're done eating. |
Por favor, pásame la tabla de cortar. | Please pass me the cutting board. |
Ten cuidado con la sartén caliente, usa manoplas. | Be careful with the hot pan, use oven mitts. |
Ten cuidado, la estufa está caliente. | Be careful, the stove is hot. |
Voy a batir los huevos para la tortilla. | I'll whisk the eggs for the omelet. |
Voy a precalentar el horno. | I'm going to preheat the oven. |
Yo picaré las cebollas mientras tú pelas las papas. | I'll chop the onions while you peel the potatoes. |
Cultural Spanish Cuisine Names
Here are some dishes from Spanish-speaking regions that you need to know, courtesy of our YouTube channel. With the vocab above, see if you can follow along with the recipes.
You’ll also want to get to know these dishes:
- Paella : A famous Valencian dish made with rice, saffron, vegetables, and a variety of meats like chicken, rabbit, and seafood.
- Tapas : Small, flavorful dishes often served as appetizers or snacks. Common tapas include patatas bravas (fried potatoes with spicy sauce), tortilla española (Spanish omelette), and gambas al ajillo (garlic shrimp).
- Gazpacho : A cold tomato-based soup made with vegetables like cucumbers, bell peppers, and onions, seasoned with olive oil, vinegar, and garlic.
- Jamón Ibérico : A type of cured ham made from black Iberian pigs. It comes in different grades, with acorn-fed jamón (Jamón Ibérico de Bellota) being the most prized.
- Churros : Fried dough pastries, often served with a cup of thick hot chocolate for dipping.
- Tortilla Española : A traditional Spanish omelette made with eggs, potatoes, and sometimes onions.
- Bacalao : Dried and salted codfish, a common ingredient in Spanish cuisine.
- Pisto : A vegetable stew made with tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, onions, and eggplant, often served with a fried egg on top.
- Fabada Asturiana : A hearty bean stew originating from Asturias, made with large white beans, chorizo, morcilla (blood sausage), and pork.
- Flan : A popular Spanish dessert, a creamy custard topped with caramel sauce.
- Pulpo a la Gallega : Galician-style octopus, boiled and served with olive oil, paprika, and coarse sea salt.
- Patatas Bravas : Fried potato cubes served with a spicy tomato-based sauce.
- Gambas al Ajillo : Garlic shrimp cooked in olive oil and chili peppers.
- Horchata : A refreshing drink made from tiger nuts (chufas), sugar, and water.
- Escabeche : A traditional preservation method for fish or meat, marinated in vinegar, oil, and spices.
- Crema Catalana : A custard dessert similar to crème brûlée, topped with a caramelized sugar crust.
- Tacos : Traditional Mexican street food, consisting of tortillas filled with various meats, vegetables, and salsa.
- Ceviche : A popular dish in many Latin American countries, made with raw fish or seafood marinated in citrus juices, spices, and vegetables.
- Empanadas : Savory pastries filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables, widely enjoyed throughout Latin America.
- Arepas : A staple in Colombian and Venezuelan cuisine, these cornmeal cakes are often split open and filled with meats, cheese, or beans.
- Pupusas : Traditional Salvadoran dish, thick corn tortillas filled with cheese, meat, or beans.
- Ropa Vieja : A Cuban shredded beef stew cooked with tomatoes, peppers, and onions.
- Cuy : A traditional dish in the Andean region, particularly in Peru and Ecuador, where guinea pig is roasted or fried.
- Arroz con Pollo : A popular Latin American chicken and rice dish, cooked with various spices and often vegetables.
- Pisco Sour : A famous Peruvian cocktail made with pisco, lemon juice, simple syrup, and egg white.
- Pozole : A traditional spicy Mexican soup or stew made with hominy (large corn kernels) and meat, usually pork or chicken.
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