
16 Handy Korean Dog Commands

The word for dog in Korean is 개. A puppy is affectionately called 강아지 or 멍멍이.

Nowadays, the term 반려견 (companion dog) is more commonly used in South Korea, reflecting the shift towards viewing pets as companions rather than mere possessions or entertainment sources.

Teaching your pup Korean is a good choice, since many Korean dog commands are short and easy to pronounce. These 16 words and phrases are something you and your lovely 개 will appreciate.

Useful Korean Dog Commands

1. 안 돼 – No

Yes, it’s hard to deny anything to your precious pup, but sometimes you have to put your foot down with a firm “안 돼.”

Typically, if particularly displeased by your dog’s actions, Korean people “hiss” by sucking in air through their teeth before saying “안 돼.”

2. 앉아 – Sit

Need Fido to settle down? The “sit” command is probably one you’ll want to learn early on. Stand firm, look directly into your dog’s eyes and say with authority “앉아!”.

Yes, the Korean command doesn’t sound so intimidating at first, but give a sharp bite on the syllable 아 and you can compel even a mastiff to hunker down.

3. 하지 마 – Stop it

Whether your dog is snuffling through the garbage can or destroying your leather couch, 하지 마 should be your go-to command.

They’re three succinct syllables with no room for interpretation. Even when used on people, it can put an immediate halt to shenanigans.

4. 기다려 – Wait

기다려 means “wait.” This is an essential command for anyone wanting to train their dog in Korean.

5. 이리 와 / 일로 와 / – Come here

일로 와 and 와 are both very informal commands. I suggest you don’t say them to people, because they can come off as confrontational and aggressive (especially the more curt 와).

For your dog, lift your tone up at the end of these commands so you sound friendly and inviting.

6. 엎드려 / 내려놔 – Lie down

엎드려 means “to prostrate or lie down” (face-down), while 내려놔 means “to lower or let go”. I recommend you start with the 엎드려 command first to teach your pup go down on their belly, since 내려놔 can find use in other specific contexts.

7. 누워 – Lie down (on back)

How else will you gain access to the belly, your dog’s favorite scratching spot? More than 엎드려, 누워 more specifically suggests someone lie on their back, not their stomach. It’s also a command you can use to get your buddy into bed before you tuck them in.

8. / – Paw

No, it’s not just because you’re desperate to touch those insanely plushy toe beans. Like every human you respect, every pooch deserves a good paw-shake once in a while. So it makes sense that the common Korean dog command for this is by literally asking for a hand or a paw.

9. 가자 – Let’s go

Two magic syllables that will undoubtedly make your dog bounce into action. 가 by itself can be a command for “go.”

Be careful not to confuse this with the similar-sounding 과자, which means “sweet” or “cookie.” You don’t want to accidentally bring your friend’s hopes up.

10. 가져와 – Fetch

가져 means “take,” and as you know, 와 means “come.” Therefore, 가져와 translates to “take and come/bring back.” Make sure you don’t forget that 와, otherwise the ball or toy you toss will just remain in your dog’s slobbery mouth.

11. 굴러 / 구르기 – Roll over

I personally remember teaching my own dog 구르기, spinning my finger in a circular motion after each syllable to emphasize the expected motion.

12. 뽀뽀 – Kiss

Because who can ever get enough of doggy smooches? 뽀뽀 is the cute Korean word for “kiss,” resembling the sound effect of puckered lips. Make sure you’re tolerant of dog-breath though before you decide to get love-bombed by your pup.

13. 내려와 – Come down / off

Your dogs never signed a contract to keep their toes on the ground 24/7. Wherever they can reach, they’ll certainly go. Maybe they’re up on the cat tower again.

Perhaps they’ve declared your bed to be their throne for the day, even though you’ve expressly forbidden them from it. Notice how this command consists of words you’ve already learned: 내려 (lower) and 와 (come).

14. 먹어 – Eat

Sure, a dog typically doesn’t need any encouragement to start chowing down, but your fur baby is civilized and proper.

Teaching to eat on command is a very valuable trick that will frequently come in handy, whether the consumable is a drool-worthy beef jerky or an unappealing medicinal pill.

15. 뱉어 – Spit it out

Chocolate, your lunch, a piece of garbage, a child’s arm. What do all of these things have in common? They shouldn’t be in your dog’s mouth. A sharp “뱉어!” can immediately make your dog’s jaw slacken, especially when you pair with an equally harsh “안 돼!”

16. 빵야 – Bang / Play dead

Want your dog to rival the best K-drama actors? Take your index finger and thumb into a gun shape, aim it ruthlessly at your companion and shout “빵(야)!”

This is literally a transliteration of “Bang,” and if your pup was born for the stage, he or she would gracefully swoon to the ground.

And if you want to learn more phrases you can use with your pet and beyond, you could try using authentic Korean media on a language learning platform such as FluentU.

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How to Praise Your Dog in Korean

Only a cold-hearted monster would deny a dog praise after dutifully following a command. So here are just a few sayings that can make your furry friend’s tail go wild:

And of course, make sure you supply each compliment with a little 개 간식 (dog treat)!

It’s also mandatory that you brag about your dog or discuss other folks’ pups as well. You can use phrases such as:


The time you spend with your dog doesn’t have to consist solely of “Who’s a good boy/girl” and cuddles. Toss in some Korean language practice to make your hound hangouts both fun and educational.

And One More Thing...

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