179 Animals in Italian

Ever wondered what daily feeding time would sound like if Noah (of Noah’s Ark, that is) were Italian? You’d certainly hear screams of“Pesce! Pesce!” (Fish! Fish!) or “Pollo! Pollo!” (Chicken! Chicken!), almost exactly like your Italian farmer’s market.
Let’s add to your Italian vocabulary list by learning all about animals in Italian.
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Pets in Italian
Italian | Italian |
Il parrocchetto | Budgerigar |
Il canarino | Canary |
Il gatto | Cat |
Il cincillà | Chinchilla |
Il cane | Dog |
Il furetto | Ferret |
Il pesce | Fish |
Il gerbillo | Gerbil |
Il pesce rosso | Goldfish |
Il porcellino d'India | Guinea pig |
Il criceto | Hamster |
Il granchio eremita | Hermit crab |
L'iguana | Iguana |
La lucertola | Lizard |
Il topo | Mice |
Il maiale vietnamita | Pot-bellied pig |
Il coniglio | Rabbit |
Il ratto | Rat |
Il serpente | Snake |
La tartaruga | Tortoise |
Farm Animals in Italian
Italian | English |
Il toro | Bull |
Il pollo | Chicken |
La mucca | Cow |
L'asino | Donkey |
L'anatra | Duck |
La capra | Goat |
L'oca | Goose |
La gallina | Hen |
Il cavallo | Horse |
Il maiale | Pig |
La quaglia | Quail |
Il gallo | Rooster |
La pecora | Sheep |
Il tacchino | Turkey |
Wild Animals in Italian
Italian | English |
Il castoro | Beaver |
La lince rossa | Bobcat |
Il ghepardo | Cheetah |
Lo scimpanzé | Chimpanzee |
Il coyote | Coyote |
L'elefante | Elephant |
La volpe | Fox |
La giraffa | Giraffe |
Il gorilla | Gorilla |
L'orso grizzly | Grizzly bear |
Il riccio | Hedgehog |
L'ippopotamo | Hippopotamus |
La iena | Hyena |
Il giaguaro | Jaguar |
Il canguro | Kangaroo |
Il koala | Koala |
Il leopardo | Leopard |
Il leone | Lion |
La lince | Lynx |
L'ocelot | Ocelot |
La lontra | Otter |
Il panda | Panda |
L'orso polare | Polar bear |
Il procione | Raccoon |
Il panda rosso | Red panda |
Il rinoceronte | Rhino |
Il leopardo delle nevi | Snow leopard |
Lo scoiattolo | Squirrel |
La tigre | Tiger |
Il lupo | Wolf |
La zebra | Zebra |
Marine Animals in Italian
This list includes animals in Italian that live both in and around the water.
Italian | English |
L'anemone di mare | Anemone |
Il barracuda | Barracuda |
Il pesce pagliaccio | Clownfish |
Il corallo | Coral |
Il granchio | Crab |
Il delfino | Dolphin |
L'anguilla | Eel |
La passera di mare | Flounder |
Lo squalo martello | Hammerhead shark |
La medusa | Jellyfish |
L'aragosta | Lobster |
Il lamantino | Manatee |
La manta | Manta ray |
Il narvalo | Narwhal |
Il polpo | Octopus |
L'ostrica | Oyster |
Il salmone | Salmon |
La sardina | Sardine |
Il cavalluccio marino | Sea horse |
La lumaca di mare | Sea snail |
La tartaruga marina | Sea turtle |
L'echino marino | Sea urchin |
La foca | Seal |
Lo squalo | Shark |
Il gambero | Shrimp |
La balenottera | Sperm whale |
Il calamaro | Squid |
La stella marina | Starfish |
Il pesce spada | Swordfish |
Il tonno | Tuna |
Il tricheco | Walrus |
La balena | Whale |
Birds in Italian
Italian | English |
L'albatros | Albatross |
L'aquila calva | Bald eagle |
L'uccello | Bird |
La ghiandaia | Blue jay |
Il canarino | Canary |
Il casuario | Cassowary |
Il corvo | Crow |
L'aquila | Eagle |
L'emu | Emu |
Il falcone | Falcon |
Il fenicottero | Flamingo |
L'oca | Goose |
Il falco | Hawk |
L'airone | Heron |
Il calao | Hornbill |
Il colibrì | Hummingbird |
Il martin pescatore | Kingfisher |
Il kiwi | Kiwi |
Il dacelo | Kookaburra |
La gazza | Magpie |
Lo struzzo | Ostrich |
Il gufo | Owl |
Il pappagallo | Parrot |
Il pavone | Peacock |
Il pellicano | Pelican |
Il falco pellegrino | Peregrine falcon |
Il fagiano | Pheasant |
Il piccione | Pigeon |
Il geococcyx / il corridore della strada | Roadrunner |
Il pettirosso | Robin |
Il gabbiano | Seagull |
Il serpentario | Secretary bird |
Il passero | Sparrow |
La cicogna | Stork |
La rondine | Swallow |
Il tucano | Toucan |
L'avvoltoio | Vulture |
Il picchio | Woodpecker |
Reptiles and Amphibians in Italian
Italian | English |
L'alligatore | Alligator |
L'anfibio | Amphibian (generic) |
Il ceciliano | Caecilian |
Il camaleonte | Chameleon |
Il coccodrillo | Crocodile |
La rana | Frog |
Il geco | Gecko |
L'iguana | Iguana |
Il drago di Komodo | Komodo dragon |
La lucertola | Lizard |
Il tritone | Newt |
Il rettile | Reptile (generic) |
La salamandra | Salamander |
Il serpente | Snake |
Il rospo | Toad |
La tartaruga | Turtle |
Insects and Arachnids in Italian
Italian | Italian |
La formica | Ant |
La cimice | Bedbug |
L'ape | Bee |
Il coleottero | Beetle |
La farfalla | Butterfly |
Lo scarafaggio | Cockroach |
Il grillo | Cricket |
La libellula | Dragonfly |
La lucciola | Firefly |
La mosca | Fly |
La cavalletta | Grasshopper |
L'insetto | Insect (generic) |
La coccinella | Ladybug |
La zanzara | Mosquito |
La falena | Moth |
La mantide religiosa | Praying mantis |
Lo scorpione | Scorpion |
Il ragno | Spider |
La termite | Termite |
Collective Animal Nouns in Italian
In English, there are special words for some groups of animals. These are called “collective nouns,” and there are a few worth knowing in Italian, too. Here are a handful to remember:
- gregge — flock, herd (of sheep)
- mandria — herd (of cows)
- sciame — swarm, hive (of bees)
- branco — pack (of wolves and other hunting animals)
- scia — a group (of hounds)
- banco — a school of fish
- stormo — a flock (of birds)
- mucchio — a group (of animals)
There are a number of other ways to refer to animals in Italian. The best way to learn more is by using authentic resources, like the immersive, video-based program, FluentU.
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Endangered Animals in Italy
Italy is home to a diverse range of native wildlife. But amid the picturesque landscapes and historic cities, there exists a pressing concern for the conservation of its endangered animal species.
Learn more about endangered animals in Italy and what you can do to help at the European Nature Trust.
Here are a few key endangered animals that make their home in Italy:
- Italian Wolf (Canis lupus italicus): The Italian wolf is a subspecies of the gray wolf and is considered endangered in Italy.
- Marsican Brown Bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus): This subspecies of brown bear is critically endangered and is found in the central Apennine Mountains.
- Sardinian Long-Eared Bat (Plecotus sardus): This bat species is endemic to Sardinia and is listed as vulnerable due to habitat loss and disturbance.
- Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta): In the coastal areas of Italy, loggerhead sea turtles face threats from habitat degradation and fishing. They are considered vulnerable.
- Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita): This bird is critically endangered and found in some regions of Italy, particularly Sicily.
- European Eel (Anguilla anguilla): The European eel is considered critically endangered in Italy due to over-fishing and habitat loss.
You’re now ready to go out and speak in Italian about the animal world.
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And One More Thing...
If you're as busy as most of us, you don't always have time for lengthy language lessons. The solution? FluentU!
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