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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the Spanish word "igual" and how you use it

(adv.) the same; [in] the same way


Content Editor
Ildu is an English and Spanish translator and editor living in Guatemala City, Guatemala. She holds a BA degree in Legal Sworn Translation and has been working as a translator and linguist for over 15 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Eres igual que siempre .
You are the same as always.
Ella se ve igual después de tantos años .
She looks the same after so many years.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
"If You Want to Say Goodbye" - Franco de Vita
cuando ya nada será igual .
when now nothing will be the same.
"If You Want to Say Goodbye" - Franco de Vita
cuando ya nada será igual .
when now nothing will be the same.
The Best Farmer's Market in Santiago de Chile
Yo estoy igual . Ya , chaíto .
I feel the same. OK, bye-bye.
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(phrase) the same as; just like


Content Editor
Ildu is an English and Spanish translator and editor living in Guatemala City, Guatemala. She holds a BA degree in Legal Sworn Translation and has been working as a translator and linguist for over 15 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
El carro de Juan es igual que el mío .
Juan's car is the same as mine.
Mi perro es igual que el tuyo .
My dog is just like yours.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Frozen - Trailer
Igual que un lindo bebé unicornio .
Just like an adorable baby unicorn.
All Spaniards Dream Of ...
Igual que un francés pues puede soñar con una fábrica de tortillas .
Just like a Frenchman well can dream about an omelette factory.
Interstellar - Trailer
Igual que nosotros .
Just like us.
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(phrase) the same as; in the manner of; just like
Adrián Camacho

Adrián Camacho

Content Editor
Adrián is a SP language assistant, EN-SP content localizer, and EN tutor living in Guadalajara, Mexico. He holds a bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures and has worked in language-learning for almost 10 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Ellos pueden cantar al igual que nosotros .
They can sing the same as us.
Ellos pueden dormir al igual que un gato .
They can sleep just like a cat.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
The Benefits of Reading Aloud
Al igual que con muchas de las habilidades que usamos
Just like with many of the abilities that we use
5 Natural Remedies for Gastritis
Porque , al igual que , a mí me pasaba igual .
Because, just like you, the same thing happened to me.
¡Salud! The History Behind a Sneeze
al igual que los virus y resfriados que producen los comunes estornudos .
just like the virus and colds that produce the common sneezes.
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(phrase) (fem./masc.) (sing.) the same as; just like


Content Editor
Ildu is an English and Spanish translator and editor living in Guatemala City, Guatemala. She holds a BA degree in Legal Sworn Translation and has been working as a translator and linguist for over 15 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Eres igual a mi hermana .
You're just like my sister.
Tu ropa es igual a la mía .
Your clothes are just like mine.
Quiz Yourself on " igual... a"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
42 Things Moms Say
Eres igual a tu papá .
You're the same as your dad.
The Human Body Simplified - Part 2
El tamaño es igual a tu puño .
The size is the same as your fist.
Speak like a Native: The Letters C & Z in Spain
tienen un sonido igual a la " th " en inglés .
have a sound the same as the "th" in English.
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(expression) (present) it makes no difference; it's all the same (lit. it gives the same)
Adrián Camacho

Adrián Camacho

Content Editor
Adrián is a SP language assistant, EN-SP content localizer, and EN tutor living in Guadalajara, Mexico. He holds a bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures and has worked in language-learning for almost 10 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
¿ Cuál prefieres ? / Da igual .
Which one do you prefer? / It makes no difference.
Da igual si te esfuerzas o no , el profesor pone a todos la misma nota .
It's all the same if you make an effort or not, the teacher gives everyone the same mark.
Quiz Yourself on " Da... igual"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Why Do Waves Arrive in a Straight Line?
Da igual desde qué lugar mirar el mar , las olas siempre se mueven en línea recta hacia la playa .
It's the same which place you look at the sea from, the waves always move in a straight line towards the beach.
Nacho's Unforgettable Day
Da igual que seas muy bueno porque siempre se puede mejorar .
It's all the same if you're very good because one can always improve.
"Man or Muppet" - Disney's The Muppets
He decidido ya cambiar . / Me da igual que nadie confíe en nosotros .
I've decided now to change. / It makes no difference to me that nobody trusts us.
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