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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the Spanish word "escena" and how you use it

(n.) (fem.) (sing.) scene

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Esta es la mejor escena de la película .
This is the best scene of the film.
Vamos a la escena del crimen .
We're going to the crime scene.
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Video Examples

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The Power of Dialogue: "Club Sandwich" with Fernando Eimbcke
acaba la escena , viene otro diálogo , el tono del diálogo .
the scene finishes, another dialogue comes, the tone of the dialogue.
Did You Know? The Avengers Fun Facts
que el personaje de Tony Stark apareciera comiendo y ofreciendo algunos bocaditos en la escena del laboratorio .
that the character of Tony Stark would appear eating and offering some bites in the laboratory scene.
Did You Know? The Avengers Fun Facts
La escena al final de los créditos en la que vemos a los héroes disfrutando de esta especie de taco árabe
The scene at the end of the film credits in which we see the heroes enjoying this type of Arab taco
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(n.) (fem.) (sing.) stage setting; mise en scène

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These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
La puesta en escena y toda la producción son asombrosas .
The mise en scène and the entire production are amazing.
Francisco fue el responsable de la puesta en escena en el bosque .
Francisco was responsible for the staging in the forest.
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Video Examples

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"Breaking Bad" Goes Colombian
en términos de puesta en escena , en términos de actuación ,
in terms of set, in terms of acting,
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(n.) (fem.) (sing.) stage

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Se bajó el telón sobre la escena .
The curtain was lowered over the stage.
Necesitamos a todos los actores en escena .
We need all the actors on stage.
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Video Examples

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Wardrobe - The Production of the "House of the Dragon"
profesionales responsables de los maravillosos vestuarios de todos y cada uno de los actores principales , secundarios y dobles requeridos en escena .
professionals responsible for the wonderful wardrobes of each and every one of the main actors, supporting actors, and stunt doubles required on stage.
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(n.) (fem.) (sing.) staging; setting (short for "puesta en escena")

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
La puesta ( en escena ) de la obra es interesante .
The staging of the play is interesting.
Ella trabaja en la puesta .
She works on the setting.
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Video Examples

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Goodbye to Legendary Musician Gustavo Cerati
no solo musical sino también con una imagen muy cuidada de detalles estéticos y de puesta .
not only musical but also with a very careful image of esthetic details and of staging.
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