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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the Spanish word "avanzado" and how you use it

(adj.) (masc.) (sing.) advanced

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Estoy en un curso avanzado de inglés .
I'm attending an advanced English course.
Usaremos un proceso avanzado para este producto .
We will use an advanced process for this product.
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Spanish in the United States
Hola , bienvenidos , yo soy la profesora Muñoz , la maestra de la clase de español avanzado .
Hello, welcome, I'm professor Muñoz, the advanced Spanish class teacher.
Identifying and Treating Arthrosis
Ok , y ¿ qué pasa cuando ya está avanzado ?
OK, and what happens when it's already advanced?
Origins of Humanity
Porque , en este punto , los humanos ya tenían un cerebro multipropósito y un lenguaje más avanzado para comunicar información eficazmente y con todo detalle .
Because, at this point, humans already had a multipurpose brain and a more advanced language to communicate information effectively and in detail.
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(v.) (present perfect) (nosotros) have advanced; have made progress

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These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Hemos avanzado el proyecto , pero tenemos algunos problemas .
We have advanced the project, but we have a few problems.
En los últimos años hemos avanzado para mejorar nuestros productos .
In the last years we have made progress to improve our products.
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To Read Is to Be Ahead
Hemos avanzado , pero no suficiente .
We have advanced, but not enough.
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(v.) (past perfect) (nosotros) had advanced; had moved forward

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Habíamos avanzado tres kilómetros .
We had moved forward three kilometers.
Habíamos avanzado mucho en poco tiempo .
We had advanced a lot in a short time.
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Rhyming and Rapping with Sesame Street!
Ya habíamos avanzado y no podíamos regresar .
We had already moved forward and we couldn't go back.
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(v.) (present perfect) (ustedes / ellos / ellas) have come; have advanced; have improved

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These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Han avanzado mucho .
They have advanced a lot.
Los felicito por lo mucho que han avanzado .
I congratulate you for how far you've come.
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Barbie Meets Her Creator and Becomes Human - Barbie
Las madres nos quedamos quietas para que nuestras hijas miren hacia atrás y vean lo mucho que han avanzado .
Mothers stand still so that our daughters look back and see how far they have come.
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(past participle) advanced; moved forward

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These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Ella ha avanzado hasta el sur .
She had advanced to the south.
Hemos avanzado el proyecto .
We have advanced the project.
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