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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the German word "dazu" and how you use it

(adv.) in addition; alongside; too; and then

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Kann ich Ketchup dazu bekommen ?
Can I get ketchup as well?
Sie singt und spielt dazu Gitarre .
She sings and plays guitar alongside.
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Video Examples

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WM '14 | Cooking with Thomas Müller
dazu ein Feldsalat mit Orangendressing .
with it a corn salad with orange dressing.
The Best Berlin Street Food Tips
dazu Nachbarschaft und ein paar Touristen .
as well as the neighborhood and a few tourists.
Kitchen Makeover!
und schön dazu , oder ?
and pretty as well, right?
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(adv.) to that; on that (with regards to this topic)

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These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Er schweigt dazu .
He's staying quiet on that.
Dazu habe ich ein paar Ideen .
I have a few ideas on this.
Was ist deine Meinung dazu ?
What is your opinion on that?
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
On the Way to Your Dream Body Weight
An der TU München werden jetzt Studien dazu durchgeführt .
At Munich technical university, studies are now being carried out to this end.
Vegan Treats: A Sandwich for Fall
... und dann einfach belegen , wie man dazu Bock darauf hat !
...and then just garnish it the way you want to!
Banal: The Typical Celebrity Show - Part 1 of 2
Was würde Rihannas Freund dazu sagen und wo bleibt eigentlich das Glitzern ?
What would Rihanna's boyfriend say to that and really, where's the sparkle?
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(prepositional phrasal verb) (present) (er/sie/es/man / ihr) to belong to; to form part of

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Nein , er gehört dazu .
No, he belongs to those.
Es gehört zur täglichen Sauberkeit dazu .
It belongs to daily cleanliness.
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Video Examples

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UNESCO World Heritage: Grottoes, Wine Hills and Inca Trails
Ab sofort gehört auch das Okavangodelta in Botswana dazu .
The Okavango Delta in Botswana ranks among them as of now as well.
Start-Ups in Cologne
Mit mehr als 300.000 verkauften Rucksäcken , gehört Ergoback bereits dazu .
With over 300,000 backpacks sold, Ergoback already ranks among them.
What's the Beef with Vegetarians and Vegans?
Für viele von uns gehört ein Stück Fleisch zu einer vollständigen Mahlzeit dazu .
For many of us a bit of meat forms part of a full meal.
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(adv.) to that; to it (dummy object referring to subsequent clause) When referring back to something that has already been mentioned, we use stand-in words like "it" or "that" in order to avoid repetition. In German, if the thing you are referring back to is requires a preposition (eg; I am thinking OF it) then you use "da-[preposition]" to combine both the preposition and the stand-in word together. (eg; Ich denke DARAN) This rule usually only applies to objects and things; when referring to people or animals, you use a preposition followed by a pronoun as normal. (eg; Ich denken an IHN)

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These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Er macht eine große Party , aber wir wurden dazu nicht eingeladen .
He's having a big party but we weren't invited to it.
Der Vortrag war ausgezeichnet und er möchte Ihnen dazu persönlich gratulieren .
The presentation was excellent and he'd like to congratulate you [formal] for it personally!
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Video Examples

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Why Are Bees Dying?
Und wir tragen mit unserer Lebensweise einen wesentlichen Anteil dazu bei .
And we contribute a fundamental amount to that with our way of life.
What Happens When We Don't Sleep?
Dazu gehören zum Beispiel die Reaktions- und die Entscheidungsfähigkeit .
The reaction and decision-making capacity, for example, belong to these.
Ärzte raten dazu .
Doctors advise it.
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(adv.) for this; for it; to this end (for this purpose; in order to do this)

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Dazu habe ich das Geld nicht .
I don't have the money for this.
Hast du die Reparatur ausgeführt ? / Dazu brauche ich anderes Werkzeug .
Have you carried out the repair? / I need different tools for it.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Simple Winter Vocabulary
Dazu müssen sie sich warm anziehen .
They have to dress warmly for that.
3 Fun Games for Rainy Days
Dazu braucht man einen Tischtennisball und einen Tisch .
You need a table-tennis ball and a table for that.
Eye Catcher - Boxing in Slow Mo
Wenn dazu noch Zeit bleibt .
If there is still time for that.
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