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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the German word "andere" and how you use it

(adj.) other; different

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Ich suche eine andere Stelle .
I'm searching for a different position.
Gehen wir lieber auf die andere Straßenseite .
We'd better go to the other side of the street.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Pflück-Schnecken: A Simple Recipe
Für die zweite Variante verkneten Sie die andere Teighälfte mit rotem Pesto
For the second variant knead the other half of the dough with red pesto
Cool Girls Play Soccer - Part 2 of 3
Ob sie nun miteinander oder gegeneinander spielen , ist dann die andere Frage .
Now whether they play with one another or against one another is the other question.
Why Do We Have Day and Night?
Immer eine Hälfte der Erde befindet sich im Schatten , während die andere Hälfte beleuchtet wird .
Half of the Earth is always in the shade, while the other half is lit up.
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(adjectival noun) (nom. or acc.) (pl.) others; other people This tip is aimed at Intermediate learners: In German, adjectives can be turned into nouns. (eg; alt = old → der Alte = the old man) · These nouns decline (have endings) just like adjectives do, depending on gender/quantity, case and the article used before it. · A lack of any article (the, this, these) before the noun triggers "strong" endings, so in the nominative or accusative plural, this adjectival noun just gains an 'e' ending here. · Usually all nouns, including adjectival nouns, are written with a capital letter. However, "andere" is an exception where it is deemed correct, and even preferable, to write it without a capital letter.

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Manche mögen Hunde , andere mögen Katzen .
Some like dogs, others like cats.
Warum wollen Menschen Macht über andere ?
Why do people want power over others?
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Work Your Dream: Firefighting
Ich übernehme Verantwortung für mich und andere .
I take responsibility for myself and others.
How Do Plants Get Nutrients?
Oder andere Tiere .
Or other animals.
How Consumerism Rocked Our World
weil sie irgendetwas Wertvolles besaßen , das auch Andere gut gebrauchen konnten .
because they possessed something valuable that others needed too.
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(adj.) (nom. or acc.) (pl.) other

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Andere Menschen sind schon da .
Other people are already there.
Sind andere Hunde auch so brav wie unserer ?
Are other dogs also as well-behaved as ours?
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Happy Pride, Everybody!
und andere sexuelle Minderheiten
and other sexual minorities
The Greatest Optical Illusions!
Andere optische Täuschungen basieren auf einer Reizüberflutung .
Other optical illusions are based on sensory overload.
Make a Difference: Lena's Fundraising for Schools in Uganda
Ich will , dass andere Kinder in meinem Alter auch so leben können wie ich .
I want that other children of my age can also live like I do.
Quiz Yourself on " andere"
(adjectival noun) (nominative) other one; other stuff This tip is aimed at Intermediate learners: In German, adjectives can be turned into nouns. (eg; alt = old → der Alte = the old man) · These nouns decline (have endings) just like adjectives do, depending on gender/quantity, case and the article used before it. · Definite articles (the, this, these) trigger "weak" endings, so in the masculine nominative, this adjectival noun just gains an 'e' ending here. · Usually all nouns, including adjectival nouns, are written with a capital letter. However, "andere" is an exception where it is deemed correct, and even preferable, to write it without a capital letter.

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Die andere ist zu klein .
The other one (fem.) is to small.
Wo ist der andere ?
Where is the other one (masc.)?
Ich muss das andere finden .
I need to find the other one.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Tuning Your Drums, Video Workshop
weil das eine ist coated , das andere ist clear , gut .
because the one is coated, the other is clear, good.
Als vs. Wie: Not All Comparisons Are Made Equal
Jo Meuter ist ja depp genauso deppert als wie der andere .
Yeah Meuter is really stupid, just as stupid than as that other one.
A Visit to the Reichstag, Berlin
Die eine zum hinauf die andere zum hinunter Gehen .
One to go up and the other to go down.
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(adv.) one or another


Content Editor
Vy is currently working towards a degree in Computational Linguistics. They have a background in language education and teaching.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Für das ein oder andere Problem haben wir immer eine Lösung .
We have a problem for one or the other problem.
Wir sprechen das ein oder andere Thema an .
We're discussing the one theme or another.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Working in a Grocery Store - Part 1 of 2
Kann natürlich sein , dass du die ein oder andere Kirsche findest .
It's possible, of course, that you find (the) one or another cherries.
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