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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the German word "seiner" and how you use it

(possessive article) (dative) (fem.) (sing.) his; its

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These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Er hat seiner Schwester eine Postkarte geschickt .
He sent this sister a postcard.
Hat er von seiner Mutter gehört ?
Has he heard from his mother?
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Video Examples

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Lost in Germany: Shooting Festivals
wurde der Neusser Bürgerschützenverein in seiner jetzigen Konstitution gegründet .
the Neusser citizens' shooting association was established in its current constitution.
Adidas Superstars
Und zu seiner Zeit war es eben so , dass sich die Schuhentwickler wirklich gesagt haben ,
And at their time it was simply that the shoe designers actually said
Ladykracher: Women Know Everything
Weil , weil Charles Darwin das in seiner Evolutionstheorie so erklärt
Because, because Charles Darwin explains it in his evolutionary theory
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(possessive article) (genitive) (pl.) his

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These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Das ist das Haus seiner Eltern .
That's his parents' house.
Er stellt eine Auswahl seiner Gemälde vor .
He is presenting a selection of his paintings.
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Video Examples

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Preparing for #Cometlanding
Philae fing an ein paar seiner Lieblingsstellen herauszusuchen ,
Philae began to choose a few of his favorite places,
How To: Expose a Liar
Der wahre Profi übrigens trägt die ausgediente Sonnenbrille seiner Oma .
By the way, the true professional wears his grandma's obsolete sunglasses.
German Schools: A Migrant's Experience
Der Witwer erlebt , dass die meisten Freunde seiner Kinder zu Hause kein Deutsch sprechen .
The widower knows that most of his children's friends don't speak German at home.
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(possessive article) (genitive) (fem.) (sing.) his; its

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Hast du das Auto seiner Frau gesehen ?
Have you seen his wife's car?
Trotz seiner ungesunden Lebensweise ist er noch fit .
Despite his unhealthy lifestyle he is still fit.
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Video Examples

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The Holy Three Kings
Sein Thron sind die Arme seiner Mutter , die ihn tragen und ihm zeigen , wer ihn liebt .
His throne is the arms of his mother, which carry him and show him who loves him.
Lost In Germany: Window Shopping
dass ich wegen seiner Ordentlichkeit , seiner Sorgfältigkeit , seiner Vernunft schätze so viel Geld ausgegeben wird für solche Nebensächlichkeiten .
that because of its orderliness, its care, it's rationality, I estimate so much is spent on such accessories.
Just What Is Discrimination?
Denn wer aufgrund seiner Herkunft , seines Geschlecht es , seiner sexuell en Neigungen , religiös en Ansichten oder aber ander en Gründen schlechter behandelt wird als andere , wird diskriminiert .
As anyone who gets treated worse than others based on their heritage, their gender, their sexual preferences, religious views or other reasons are being discriminated against.
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(adv.) at his side; at its side

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Der Hund findet sich immer an seiner Seite .
The dog is always at his side.
Seine Freundin ist nicht an seiner Seite .
His girlfriend is not at his side.
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alles zu seiner zeit
(expression) all in good time

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Wie mein Opa immer sagte : " Alles zu seiner Zeit . "
As my granddad always said: "All in good time".
Warum machen wir das nicht sofort ? / Alles zu seiner Zeit !
Why don't we do that right now? / All in good time!
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Video Examples

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"Dare" - Berge
Alles zu seiner Zeit .
All in good time.
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