Author Archive | Sheena Dizon

The Chinese De: A Simple Guide on Using 的, 得 and 地

Ever heard of the Chinese de? It may sound like the exclamation “duh” in English, but it’s slightly more complicated than that. The Chinese de isn’t just some simple utterance, but rather, an important and nuanced element of Chinese grammar…

Chinese Grammar: The Complete Guide to 15 Core Elements

Chinese grammar is logical, structural and simple. And to be completely honest, Chinese language structures make more sense to me than grammar rules of other languages—English included. From measure words to basic sentence structures, learn all the key grammatical elements …

Top 28 Chinese Apps You Must Download in 2024

No access to Google, YouTube, Facebook or Whatsapp in China? No problem! The Great Firewall of China might prevent you from browsing your usual sites and platforms, but there are plenty of alternatives and essentials that will tide you over.…

The Master List of Chinese Resources for Learners

If you’re looking for new Chinese learning resources, here’s a list of our top picks, as recommended by our team of real language learners. Find everything from digital learning resources like apps and courses to more traditional fare like flashcards …

24 Best Apps for Learning Chinese to Improve Your Skills in 2024

Chinese learning apps are an awesome addition to your study toolbox. They can connect you with native speakers, teach you how to write Chinese characters, help you remember vocabulary and more. We’ve been reviewing Chinese learning resources and writing hundreds …

Pinyin Subtitles: 6 Useful Tools for Watching Chinese Videos with Ease

If you’re interested in Chinese culture, you might have gotten into it by being captivated by Mandarin-language movies and television shows. Unfortunately for beginner learners, watching Chinese films authentically usually isn’t possible. Most Chinese films offer 汉字 (hàn zì) — …