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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

How to say "umbrella" in Spanish

(n.) (masc.) (sing./pl.) umbrella(s) Some words, such as this one, stay the same for singular or plural. We can distinguish singular and plural by the article: el análisis / los análisis. And adjectives also reflect this: un análisis necesario / unos análisis necesarios.
Adrián Camacho

Adrián Camacho

Content Editor
Adrián is a SP language assistant, EN-SP content localizer, and EN tutor living in Guadalajara, Mexico. He holds a bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures and has worked in language-learning for almost 10 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Mi paraguas está roto .
My umbrella is broken.
Necesito comprar un paraguas nuevo .
I need to buy a new umbrella.
Está lloviendo , así que no olviden sus paraguas .
It's raining, so don't forget your umbrellas.
Quiz Yourself on " paraguas"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Superstitions in Spanish - Part 1 of 2
abrir el paraguas dentro de una habitación , dejar las tijeras abiertas ,
to open the umbrella inside a room, to leave scissors open,
Typical Things Parents Say
Llévate el paraguas .
Take the umbrella with you.
Let's Talk Weather
Tendré que pensar otro plan para hoy y coger el paraguas .
I'll have to think of another plan for today and grab the umbrella.
Quiz Yourself on " paraguas"
(n.) (fem.) (sing.) umbrella


Content Editor
Ildu is an English and Spanish translator and editor living in Guatemala City, Guatemala. She holds a BA degree in Legal Sworn Translation and has been working as a translator and linguist for over 15 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Debo comprar una sombrilla .
I must buy an umbrella.
Mi sombrilla es vieja .
My umbrella is old.
Quiz Yourself on " sombrilla"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Children's Songs: Martinillo
Abre la sombrilla , abre la sombrilla y escóndete , y escóndete .
Open the umbrella, open the umbrella and hide, and hide.
At the Beach with Pato
¡ Sombrilla !
The Beach Is Great!
Sombrilla .
Quiz Yourself on " sombrilla"
(n.) (colloquial) (fem.) (sing.) umbrella; little umbrella Diminutive for "sombrilla." The ending "-ita/-ica(s)" or "-ito/-ico(s)" or "-illo/-illa(s)" can be added to the end of nouns (casa - casita; amigos - amiguitos; empanada - empanadilla, etc.) or adjectives (clara - clarita; quieto - quietico; etc.), or adverbs (temprano - tempranito, etc.), making the translation more familiar or affectionate, or implying to a lesser extent or in a smaller quantity in some cases.

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Esta sombrillita es preciosa .
This umbrella is beautiful.
La niña tiene una sombrillita .
The girl has a little umbrella.
Quiz Yourself on " sombrillita"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Describing a Day at the Beach - Part 2
Para ir a la playa es recomendable llevar una sombrillita y toallas para tumbarse en el suelo o para secarse .
To go to the beach it's recommended to take a little umbrella and towels to lie down on the ground or to dry off.
Quiz Yourself on " sombrillita"

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