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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

How to say "cookie" in Spanish

(n.) (fem.) (sing.) cookie; biscuit

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¿ Dónde está mi galleta ?
Where is my cookie?
Esta galleta está muy rica .
This cookie is very tasty.
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Video Examples

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Easy Mango Ice Cream Cake
Combinamos la galleta molida con el azúcar en un tazón .
We combine the pulverized cookie with the sugar in a bowl.
Easy Mango Ice Cream Cake
Horneamos esta base durante 10 a 15 minutos hasta que se dore la galleta .
We bake this base for 10 to 15 minutes until the cookie browns.
How to Make Delicious Fried Cheese
después en el preparado de pan rallado con galleta .
next in the preparation of bread crumbs with cookie.
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(n.) (fem.) (sing.) baking tray; cookie sheet

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La bandeja del horno está sucia .
The baking tray is dirty.
Tienes que limpiar la bandeja del horno .
You have to clean the cookie sheet.
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Video Examples

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Easy Recipes: Goat Cheese and Honey Crostini
Ponlo en la bandeja del horno .
Put it on the baking tray.
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(n.) (colloquial) (fem.) (sing.) little cookie; little biscuit Diminutive for "galleta." The ending "-ita/-ica(s)" or "-ito/-ico(s)" or "-illo/-illa(s)" can be added to the end of nouns (casa - casita; amigos - amiguitos; empanada - empanadilla, etc.) or adjectives (clara - clarita; quieto - quietico; etc.), or adverbs (temprano - tempranito, etc.), making the translation more familiar or affectionate, or implying to a lesser extent or in a smaller quantity in some cases.

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Quiero una galletita .
I want a cookie.
Una galletita no te va a hacer gordo .
One little biscuit is not going to make you fat.
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Video Examples

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Exclusive Tour: One of Madrid's Coolest Neighborhoods
Y , y también siempre te ponemos una galletita ,
And, and also we always put in a cookie for you,
Light & Easy Sugar-Free Cheesecake
A nosotros nos han salido ocho tartitas individuales , y les vamos a poner una galletita redonda a cada una
We've turned out with eight individual little cakes, and we're going to add a little round cookie to each one
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(n.) (masc.) (sing.) sandwich cookie (Argentina, Uruguay) An alfajor is a typical South American cookie, most commonly found in Argentina and Uruguay, that consists of two sugar cookies with a dulce de leche or a chocolate filling.

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Comí más de un alfajor .
I ate more than one sandwich cookie.
Ese alfajor en rico .
That sandwich cookie is tasty.
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Video Examples

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What's the Weirdest Cake You've Had?
La capa de alfajor sería con alfajores simples , triples y ninguno más .
The layer of the sandwich cookie would be single-layer, triple-layer sandwich cookies and nothing else.
What's the Weirdest Cake You've Had?
Una capa de dulce de leche , una capa de crema , una capa de chocolate y una capa de ... de alfajor .
A layer of dulce de leche, a layer of cream, a layer of chocolate, and a layer of ... of a sandwich cookie.
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(adj.) (fem.) (sing.) cookie-making; (dealing with) cookie

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
La industria galletera está mejorando sus beneficios .
Cookie companies are improving benefits.
¿ Sabes cómo funciona una máquina galletera ?
Do you know how a cookie-making machine works?
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Video Examples

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Quiz Yourself on " galletera"

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