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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the Spanish word "trabajando" and how you use it

(v.) (gerund) working (on)

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Sigo trabajando en el mismo proyecto .
I keep working on the same project.
Trabajando juntos , cumpliremos los objetivos .
Working together, we will meet the objectives.
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Video Examples

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The Digital Age Family
Voy a seguir trabajando .
I'm going to continue working.
If I Were a Senator...
Llevo 26 años trabajando ahí .
I've been working there for 26 years.
Bread Is Life
Llevo unos 27 años trabajando de panadero .
I've been working as a baker for 27 years.
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(v.) (present progressive) (ustedes / ellos / ellas) are working

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Ustedes están trabajando demasiado .
You are working too much.
Ellos están trabajando en la playa .
They are working at the beach.
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Video Examples

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The Scarcity of Fresh Water: An Introduction to the Worldwide Problem
e incluso la iglesia católica están trabajando en el tema .
and even the Catholic church are working on the topic.
Let's Learn About Good Manners
Yo en orden me traslado , si otros están trabajando , no los quiero molestar .
And I move in an orderly way, if others are working, I don't want to bother them.
What Products Are in Short Supply in the World and Why? -  Part 3 of 3
Aquí los principales puertos marítimos están trabajando las veinticuatro horas del día durante los siete días de la semana
Here the main seaports are working twenty-four hours a day during the seven days of the week
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(v.) (present progressive) (tú / vos) are working

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
¿ Estás trabajando ?
Are you working?
Estás trabajando mucho .
You're working a lot.
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Video Examples

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One of the Last Knife Sharpeners in Spain
y esto es un oficio muy bonito , porque te , te , a la par de que estás trabajando , estás conociendo a la gente .
and this is a very nice trade, because for you, for you, at the same time you're working, you're meeting people
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(v.) (present progressive) (nosotros) are working

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Estamos trabajando por el país .
We are working for the country.
Estamos trabajando todos los días .
We are working every day.
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Video Examples

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Toa Baja, Puerto Rico 2 Months After Hurricane Maria
Estamos trabajando fuerte con el recogido de escombros
We're working hard on the retrieval of debris
Three-Day Weekend!
Ya estamos trabajando de lunes a jueves y los empleados están conformes .
We are already working from Monday to Thursday and the employees are satisfied.
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(v.) (present progressive) (usted / él / ella) is/are working

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
El recepcionista está trabajando dos turnos .
The receptionist is working two shifts.
Usted está trabajando mucho .
You are working a lot.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
What Is the Cloud?
Imagine que Carlos está trabajando en un documento junto con su amiga Margarita ,
Imagine that Carlos is working on a document together with his friend Margarita,
Sheldon Excludes Leonard & Howard from His Work - The Big Bang Theory
¿ Está trabajando en nuestro sistema de navegación o no ?
Is he working on our navegation system or not?
Harvey Tells Donna about His Relationship with Paula - Suits
Si en verdad quieres saber , un homicida está trabajando con Mike en un caso en el que había jurado que no iba a trabajar .
If you really want to know, a killer is working with Mike on a case in which he had sworn that he wasn't going to work on.
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