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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the Spanish word "pueda" and how you use it

(v.) (present subjunctive) (yo / usted / él / ella) can; could; may; is/are/am able to

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These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
No si el cliente pueda venir .
I don't know if the client can come.
Que cada uno ayude en lo que pueda .
May each one help with what he/she can.
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Video Examples

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A Space Makes All the Difference
En caso de que pueda hacerse
In the event that it can be done,
If They Had Only Known ...
Parece mentira que alguien pueda meterse por ahí .
It seems like a lie that someone could get themselves through there.
Understanding Your Cat's Tail
y ella pueda descansar .
and she can rest.
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(v.) (present subjunctive) (se (impersonal reflexive)) one can; you can

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Espero que se pueda nadar aquí .
I hope one can swim here.
Cuando se pueda hablar libremente , lo diré .
When you can speak freely, I'll say it.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Make Decorative Flowers out of Fruit
pero cualquier fruta que se pueda pelar ,
but any fruit that you can peel,
Uruguayans Speak Up: Ex-President Mujica
Él vive en una chacra de la forma más humilde que se pueda imaginar , bueno .
He lives in a country house in the most humble way that one could imagine, ok.
Save Money on Pregnancy Clothes!
A las que no se les pueda cambiar ,
For those that you can't change,
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(phrase) (reflexive passive) (present subjunctive) can be carried out

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Es posible que la reunión se pueda llevar a cabo en dos días .
It's possible that the meeting can be carried out in two days.
No creo que el evento se pueda llevar a cabo en este lugar .
I don't think the meeting can be carried out in this place.
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Video Examples

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Environment First: Oil and the Canary Islands
para que pueda haber actividad , pues lógicamente esa actividad se pueda llevar a cabo .
so that there can be activity, well logically that activity can be carried out.
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(v.) (reflexive passive) (present subjunctive) (usted / él / ella) can be

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
No si esta tarea se pueda realizar .
I don't know if this task can be achieved.
No hay herramienta que se pueda utilizar en este lugar .
There is no tool that can be used in this place.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Why Isn't There a Cure for Cancer?
y no garantizan que este se pueda curar .
and don't guarantee that he/she may be cured.
Think Differently, Live Differently - Part 2
Pues bien , quizás el pasado no se pueda cambiar , y lo que pasó , pasado está .
Well okay, perhaps the past can't be changed, and what's done is done.
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(v. + obj.) (present subjunctive) (yo / él / ella) can ___ you

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Corre para que no te pueda alcanzar .
Run so that I can't catch you.
Habla con Luis para que te pueda ayudar con eso .
Talk to Luis so he can help you with that.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Shrek: Lord Farquaad Menacing Gingerbread Man
« Corre , corre , corre , que nadie te pueda alcanzar ;
"Run, run, run, run, that no one can catch you;
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