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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the Spanish word "malo" and how you use it

(adj.) (masc.) (sing.) bad; mean


Content Editor
Ildu is an English and Spanish translator and editor living in Guatemala City, Guatemala. She holds a BA degree in Legal Sworn Translation and has been working as a translator and linguist for over 15 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Mi perro no es malo .
My dog isn't bad.
Beber mucho alcohol es malo para tu salud .
Drinking a lot of alcohol is bad for your health.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Behind the Scenes - The Cartel of the Snitches
del típico cliché del mafioso bravo , malo ,
of the typical cliché of the angry, bad mafioso,
Love & Embarrassment in Aisle 4
No puede pasar nada malo .
Nothing bad can happen.
Muppets 2: Most Wanted - The Band Reunited - Trailer
No , es tan malo como suena .
No, it's as bad as it sounds.
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(phrase) (masc.) the bad; the bad thing; what's bad
Adrián Camacho

Adrián Camacho

Content Editor
Adrián is a SP language assistant, EN-SP content localizer, and EN tutor living in Guadalajara, Mexico. He holds a bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures and has worked in language-learning for almost 10 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Lo malo es que no creo en ti .
The bad thing is that I don't believe in you.
Lo malo no es perder , es rendirse .
What's bad is not losing, it's giving up.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
How to Make a Strawberry Smoothie
Es lo malo que tienen .
It's the bad thing that they have.
Chatting with Music Superstar Ricardo Arjona
Lo bueno , lo malo , las ausencias , las llegadas y todas esas cosas están puesto ahí .
The good, the bad, the absences, the arrivals, and all those things are put there.
Movie Critic: Interstellar - The Not So Good
Lo malo .
The bad.
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(n.) (masc.) (sing.) bad person/one/male; (male) villain


Content Editor
Ildu is an English and Spanish translator and editor living in Guatemala City, Guatemala. She holds a BA degree in Legal Sworn Translation and has been working as a translator and linguist for over 15 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
El caballo del malo siempre corre más lento .
The horse of the villain always more slowly.
El malo siempre muere al final de la película .
The bad guy always dies at the end of the film.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Disney's Wreck It Ralph: The Bad Guy Creed
Soy un malo , y eso es bueno .
I'm a bad guy, and that is good.
"Blame Me" - Luis Fonsi and Demi Lovato
Y aunque duela tanto , tengo que aceptar que no eres la mala , que el malo soy yo .
And although it hurts so much, I have to accept that you're not the bad one, that the bad one is me.
Disney's Wreck It Ralph: The Bad Guy Creed
Ya no quiero seguir siendo el malo .
I don't want to keep being the bad guy.
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(expression) (present) (impersonal) there is nothing wrong with

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Esto no tiene nada de malo .
There is nothing wrong with this.
Ese evento no tiene nada de malo .
There is nothing wrong with that event.
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Video Examples

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Here's What Your Musical Taste Says About You
simplemente , algunas personas son naturalmente más conservadoras y eso no tiene nada de malo .
simply, some people are naturally more conservative and there is nothing wrong with that.
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no...tendría...nada de...malo
(phrase) (conditional ) (él / ella / impersonal) there would be nothing wrong with that/it

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
No tendría nada de malo salir de vacaciones .
There would be nothing wrong with going away on vacation.
¿ Podría yo organizar la fiesta ? / , creo que no tendría nada de malo .
Could I organize the party? / Yes, I think there would be nothing wrong with that.
Quiz Yourself on " no... tendría... nada de... malo"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Fight between Shrek and Fiona's Father - Shrek 2
Ogro , . / Aunque eso no tendría nada de malo , ¿ o sí , Harold ?
An ogre, yes. / Although there would be nothing wrong with that, right, Harold?
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