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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the Spanish word "escala" and how you use it

(n.) (fem.) (sing.) scale


Content Editor
Ildu is an English and Spanish translator and editor living in Guatemala City, Guatemala. She holds a BA degree in Legal Sworn Translation and has been working as a translator and linguist for over 15 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
En una escala del uno al diez , este libro merece un nueve .
On a scale of one to ten, this book deserves a nine.
En una escala de rendimiento , esta no fue tu mejor semana .
On a performance scale, this wasn't your best week.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Geostorm - Official Trailer
Podría haber catástrofes meteorológicas a escala global .
There could be meteorological catastrophes on a global scale.
Loads of Used Batteries After Hurricane Maria
No hay economía de escala suficiente aquí .
There isn't enough of an economy of scale here.
7.1 Earthquake Hits Mexico
También en el estado de Morelos , siete punto un grados en la escala de Richter
Also in the state of Morelos, 7.1 degrees on the Richter scale
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a escala
(phrase) scale; on a...scale


Content Editor
Ildu is an English and Spanish translator and editor living in Guatemala City, Guatemala. She holds a BA degree in Legal Sworn Translation and has been working as a translator and linguist for over 15 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Es una maqueta a escala 1 : 100 del museo .
It is a model of the museum to the scale of 1:100.
La escultura del héroe se hizo a escala humana .
The sculpture of the hero was made on a human scale.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Set Design - The Production of "House of the Dragon"
tuvo , de igual manera , que trabajarse desde el diseño a mano hasta una impresión a escala en 3D para , finalmente , armar las piezas en tamaño real .
likewise had to be worked on from the design by hand to a 3D scale printout to, finally, assemble the pieces in real size.
History vs. Napoleon Bonaparte - TED-Ed
Trató de implementar un bloqueo a Gran Bretaña a escala europea , invadió todo país que no cumpliera
He tried to implement a blockade to Great Britain on a European scale, invaded every country that didn't obey,
What's Behind the Fear of ChatGPT and Other AI Systems?
« Con la inteligencia artificial , será posible crear un video fácilmente y podría verse bien . Pero a escala social , puede causar mucho daño » .
"With artificial intelligence, it will be possible to easily create a video and it could look good. But on a social scale, it can cause a lot of damage."
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a gran escala
(phrase) on a large scale; on a broad scale

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
La producción de automóviles se realiza a gran escala .
Automobile production is done on a large scale.
La difusión de noticias a gran escala es un fenómeno muy reciente .
Large-scale news dissemination is a very recent phenomenon.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Origins of Humanity
La agricultura nos dio una fuente de alimentos fiable y predecible y nos permitió almacenar comida a gran escala por primera vez .
Agriculture gave us a reliable and predictable source of food and allowed us to store food on a large scale for the first time.
Origins of Humanity
Desde la composición de su atmósfera a cambios a gran escala en el paisaje y en términos de los demás animales que existen .
From the composition of its atmosphere to large-scale changes in the landscape and in terms of the other animals that exist.
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(v.) (present) (usted / él / ella) climb(s)

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Ella escala la montaña sola .
She climbs the mountain alone.
La gente escala las montañas desde temprano .
People climb the mountains since early morning.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Ouka, the Flying Dog from the Alps
Miramos a la gente que escala las montañas , las cosas que van quedando atrás . . .
We look at the people who climb the mountains, the things that are being left behind...
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