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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the Spanish word "caballero" and how you use it

(n.) (masc.) (sing.) gentleman


Content Editor
Ildu is an English and Spanish translator and editor living in Guatemala City, Guatemala. She holds a BA degree in Legal Sworn Translation and has been working as a translator and linguist for over 15 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Leo es un verdadero caballero .
Leo is a real gentleman.
Mateo es el caballero del grupo .
Mateo is the gentleman of the group.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Tragedy in Colombian Soccer
Allí quedó el Caballero del Fútbol .
There remained the Gentleman of Soccer.
"Cucú" Sang the Frog
Cucú , cucú pasó un caballero .
Cucú, cucú, a gentleman passed by.
"Cucú" Sang the Frog
Cucú , cucú pasó un caballero .
Cucú, cucú, a gentleman passed by.
Quiz Yourself on " caballero"
(n.) (masc.) (sing.) knight


Content Editor
Ildu is an English and Spanish translator and editor living in Guatemala City, Guatemala. She holds a BA degree in Legal Sworn Translation and has been working as a translator and linguist for over 15 years.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Un caballero viaja a caballo .
A knight travels on a horse.
Douglas es el caballero más valiente .
Douglas is the bravest knight.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Don Quixote de la Mancha, Animated and Abridged
Un hidalgo caballero siempre trata de establecer la justicia
A gentlemanly knight always tries to establish justice
Don Quixote de la Mancha, Animated and Abridged
El Caballero Don Quijote .
The Knight Don Quixote.
Don Quixote de la Mancha, Animated and Abridged
No huyáis , cobardes y viles criaturas , que un solo caballero es el que os acomete .
Don't flee, cowardly and vile creatures, because it is a sole knight who assails you.
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(n.) (masc.) (sing.) knight errant A knight errant was a medieval knight who traveled in search of chivalrous adventures.

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
El caballero andante murió .
The knight errant died.
El caballero andante pelea contra el enemigo .
The knight errant fights against the enemy.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
The Equalizer - Trailer
Va de un tío que es un caballero andante pero vive en un mundo en el que los caballeros ya no existen .
It's about a guy who is a knight errant but he lives in a world in which knights no longer exist.
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