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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

How to say "hear" in French

(v.) (Infinitive) to hear

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These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
J' essaie d' entendre ce qu' il dit .
I'm trying to hear what he's saying.
Approche - toi si tu veux entendre .
Come closer if you want to hear.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
The Story and Science of Chocolate - Part 2 of 6
On commence à entendre le bruit du cacao qui est brassé à l' intérieur de la boule .
You can start to hear the noise of the cocoa mixing in the inside of the bowl.
"Nice to Meet You" - SCYLLA
Je ne veux pas entendre ce que les autres disent
I don't want to hear what the others say
"Nice to Meet You" - SCYLLA
Je ne veux pas entendre ce que les autres disent
I don't want to hear what the others say
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(v.) (Present) (je / tu) hear

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Tu entends ce qu' il dit ?
Do you hear what he is saying?
J' entends les chants des oiseaux .
I hear birds singing.
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Video Examples

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Mouk's Yak Milk Adventure - Part 3
T' entends , Popo ?
Do you hear, Popo?
K.C. Undercover - Interesting School Dance
Est-ce que tu m' entends ? Allô ? Maman ?
Can you hear me? Hello? Mom?
K.C. Undercover - Interesting School Dance
Est-ce que tu m' entends ?
Can you hear me?
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(v.) (Present) (il/elle / on) hear[s]

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
On entend les oiseaux chanter .
We hear the birds sing.
La petite fille entend des bruits étranges .
The little girl hears strange noises.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
It's Not Witchcraft! - World War I: War is Declared - Part 2 of 5
et on assiste à des scènes de patriotisme l' on entend la Marseillaise .
and witnessed scenes of patriotism where they launched into the French national anthem.
Let's Talk About the Train System in France
c' est quand le train est arrêté sur la voie et qu' on entend ça :
is when the train is stopped on the tracks and you hear this:
Mean What You Say and Write What You Mean
Évidemment , à l'oral on entend très bien la différence , c' est sale et c' est salé .
Obviously, when spoken you hear the difference very clearly, it's dirty or it's salted.
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(v.) (Present) (vous) hear

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Vous entendez quelque chose ?
Do you hear something?
Ce que vous entendez est la voiture .
What you hear is the car.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Mean What You Say and Write What You Mean
Et évidemment vous entendez peut-être la différence entre une « côte » et une « cote ».
And obviously here you may hear the difference between a "côte" ("slope") and a "cote" ("value").
3 French Expressions for Informal Conversation
Alors , si vous m' entendez dire à ma jeune cousine qui vient juste d' avoir son bac :
So, if you hear me say to my young cousin who just got her high-school diploma:
You Served This?!
C' est une histoire d' amour passionnel , vous entendez ?
It's a passionate love story, do you hear?
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(v.) (Present) (ils/elles) hear

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Ils entendent des bruits .
They hear noises.
Mes parents nous entendent .
My parents hear us.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Detective Pikachu - Trailer
Les gens veulent tout le temps me parler , mais ils entendent juste ' pika-pika ' .
People want to talk to me all the time, but they just hear 'pika-pika'.
Speaking in Code
Je vous dis que les adultes n' entendent pas les ultrasons .
I'm telling you that adults can't hear ultrasounds.
Speaking in Code
les vieux nous entendent pas .
old people can't hear us.
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