50 Best German Pick-up Lines
Each country may have its own language(s), but there’s certainly one language that’s universal and easy for everyone to learn: the language of love.
If you fancy dabbling into the world of German romance, it’s probably a good idea to prepare with some pick-up lines.
Otherwise how else will you let The One know you’re into them?!
So if you have a few of these up your sleeves, you’ll find it easy to woo that person of your dreams. Learning them will also help improve your German fluency, not to mention the smiles they’re sure to crack!
Here’s our guide to learning German pick-up lines, including 50 of our favorites.
- Top 10 German Pick-up Lines
- More Fun German Pick-up Lines
- Why Learn German Pick-up Lines?
- How to Learn German Pick-up Lines
- And One More Thing...
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Top 10 German Pick-up Lines
1. Ich habe eine Reise in den siebten Himmel geplant, willst du mich begleiten?
English: I’ve got a trip to cloud nine planned, do you wanna join me?
This line might be cheesy, but it shows off the equivalent of the phrase “cloud nine” — der siebte Himmel, literally: “the seventh heaven”. The views might not be from as high a vantage point, but closer to Earth, at least.
2. Ich möchte dich nicht dumm anmachen, aber ich hätte nichts dagegen, wenn du es tust.
English: I don’t want to hit on you, but I wouldn’t mind if you did.
This sentence uses the conditional tense. You’ll spot it in the second clause: aber ich hätte nichts dagegen (but I wouldn’t mind).
3. Ich bin Schriftsteller und schreibe ein Telefonbuch. Deine Nummer fehlt mir aber noch.
English: I’m a writer and am writing a telephone book. I’m missing your number though.
You’ll notice that ich bin Schriftsteller translates literally as “I am writer.” That’s because whenever you say what job you do, you don’t ever need an indefinite article.
Also, this example is for the guys, as Schriftsteller means “male writer.” If you’re female and want to use this line, simply add an -in to the end of the word and say “Schriftstellerin” (female writer).
4. Ich bin neu in der Stadt. Kannst du mir den Weg zu deiner Wohnung zeigen?
English: I’m new in the city. Can you show me the way to your apartment?
You can see a two-way preposition at work in this sentence. In (in, into) takes the accusative case when there’s movement in the sentence and the dative when there’s no movement.
In this case, there isn’t any movement so the dative case makes Stadt take der.
5. Ich wäre gern der Grund für deine schlaflose Nacht.
English: I’d like to be the reason for your sleepless night.
Here’s another example of the conditional tense. This time using the subjunctive form of sein (to be) —wäre (would be).
Most pick-up lines deal with hypothetical situations, so the conditional comes out to play a lot!
6. Hat’s eigentlich wehgetan, als du vom Himmel gefallen bist?
English: So did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Both clauses in this sentence use the perfect tense. You can see this because two past participles have been used: wehgetan (hurt) and gefallen (fell).
7. Was gibt es sonst noch für Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Stadt außer dir?
English: What sights are there in the city, apart from you?
And here’s another fine example of the dative case in action! Außer (except, apart from) takes the dative case, so to translate “you,” we need its dative form, dir.
8. Ich habe in der Zeitung gelesen, dass Küsse glücklich machen. Darf ich dich glücklich machen?
English: I read in the newspaper that kissing makes you happy. May I make you happy?
The second clause in the first sentence is a relative clause. This means the verb machen (to make) gets sent to the end of the clause.
9. Ich bin ein hervorragender Koch. Meine Spezialität ist Frühstück im Bett.
English: I’m an excellent cook. My specialty is breakfast in bed.
Here we see an exception to the rule about jobs, if an adjective comes before it, here hervorragend, you need to put an ein if you’re a man, and eine if you’re a woman. And don’t forget the adjective endings: –er for men and –e for women.
10. Deine Augen haben die gleiche Farbe wie mein Porsche.
English: Your eyes are the same color as my Porsche.
Lastly, here’s an example of when languages just don’t translate. If you tell an American girl her eyes are the same color as your Porsche, she might not be that impressed. However, this is a tried-and-tested pick-up line used across Germany and is guaranteed to turn you into a real Casanova.
More Fun German Pick-up Lines
German | English |
Bist du eine Hexe? Denn du hast mich verzaubert. | Are you a witch? Cause you've put a spell on me. |
Ich bin kein Fotograf, aber ich kann uns zusammen sehen. | I'm not a photographer, but I can picture us together. |
Ich habe meine Schlüssel verloren, kann ich bei dir schlafen? | I've lost my key, can I sleep at yours? |
Als Gott dich schuf, wollte er sicher angeben. | When god made you, he must have been showing off. |
Sind deine Eltern Diebe? Dann haben sie die Sterne vom Himmel geholt und dir in die Augen getan. | Are your parents thieves? Cause they took the stars out of the sky and put them in your eyes. |
Heißt du Zucker oder warum bist du so süß? | Is your name sugar or something, why are you so sweet? |
Sind deine Eltern Architekten? Denn du bist wie ein Meisterwerk. | Are your parents architects? Because you are a masterpiece. |
Bist du eine Kamera? Denn jedes Mal, wenn ich dich sehe, muss ich grinsen. | Are you a camera? Because every time I see you, I have to smile. |
Entschuldigung, aber ich habe mich in deinen Augen verloren. Kannst du mir den Weg zurück zeigen? | Excuse me, but I got lost in your eyes. Can you show me the way back? |
Bist du Innenausstatter/in? Als du hereinkamst, wurde der ganze Raum viel schöner. | Are you an interior designer? Cause the room got a lot nicer when you walked in. |
Entschuldigung, ich hab meine Telefonnummer verloren. Kannst du mir deine borgen? | Excuse me, I've lost my phone number. Can you lend me yours? |
Hast du mal einen Stift? Ich möchte mir deine Nummer aufschreiben. | Have you got a pen? I'd like to write down your number. |
Bist du ein Ohrwurm? Denn du gehst mir nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. | Are you an ear worm? Cause I can't get you out of my head. |
Glaubst du an Liebe auf den ersten Blick oder soll ich nochmal vorbeigehen? | Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? |
Tun dir die Beine etwa weh? Du bist mir die ganze Nacht durch den Kopf gegangen. | Are your legs not sore? You've been running through my mind all night. |
Hast du einen Namen oder darf ich dich "meins" nennen? | Do you have a name, or can I call you "mine"? |
Hat dir schon mal jemand gesagt, dass du aussiehst wie Heidi Klum?“ | Has anyone ever told you that you look like Heidi Klum? |
Du musst der wahre Grund für die globale Erderwärmung sein. | You must be the real reason for global warming. |
Hast du ein Foto von dir dabei? Ich möchte dem Weihnachtsmann helfen, meinen Wunschzettel zu erfüllen. | Have you got a photo of you on you? I wanna help out Santa Claus with my wish list. |
Hast du vielleicht ein Navi dabei? Ich bin neu hier und suche den Weg zu deinem Herzen. | Have you got a SatNav on you maybe? I'm new here and am looking for the way to your heart. |
Bist du Google? Denn du bist alles, was ich gesucht habe. | Are you Google? Because you are everything I've been searching for. |
Ich bin kein Zauberer/keine Zaubrerin. Aber wenn du möchtest, kann ich dein Herz verzaubern. | I'm not a wizard. But if you'd like, I can enchant your heart. |
Du bist Single? Ich auch. Lass uns zusammen 'ne LP machen. | Are you single? Me too. Let's make an LP together. |
Entschuldigung, aber ich bin ein Dieb/eine Diebin, und ich bin hier, um dein Herz zu stehlen. | Excuse me, but I'm a thief, and I'm here to steal your heart. |
Ich bin kein Astronom/keine Astronomin. Aber du bist der hellste Stern in meinem Universum. | I'm not an astronomer. But you're the brightest star in my universe. |
Bist du Magier/Magierin? Denn immer wenn ich dich anschaue, verschwinden alle anderen. | Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears. |
Hast du Fieber? Du siehst nämlich so heiß aus. | Have you got a fever? Cause you look so hot. |
Ich bin von einem anderen Planeten, willst du mal mein Raumschiff sehen? | I'm from another planet. Wanna see my spaceship? |
Wenn du eine Kartoffel wärst, dann wärst du eine Süßkartoffel. | If you were a potato, you'd be a sweet potato. |
Ist es so heiß hier drin oder bist du das? | Is it hot in here or is it you? |
Ich hoffe, du kennst dich mit Wiederbelebungsmaßnahmen aus, denn mir bleibt deinetwegen gleich die Luft weg. | I hope you know CPR, cause you've got me breathless. |
Du bist so schön, dass es weh tut, dich anzusehen. | You're so beautiful that it hurts to look at you. |
Träume sind schön, aber mir ist gerade die Realität schöner. | Dreams are nice, but I'm finding reality nicer right about now. |
Bist du ein Magnet? Denn ich bin Metall und du ziehst mich an! | Are you a magnet? Because I'm metal and you're attracting me! |
Hallo, ich schreibe gerade ein Buch über die wunderschönste Dinge auf der Erde. Kann ich dich dazu interviewen? | Hello, I'm writing a book about the most beautiful things on earth. Can I interview you for it? |
Steck mal deinen Finger in meinen Kaffee, ich hab keinen Zucker mehr. | Stick your finger in my coffee, I'm out of sugar. |
Wäre ich eine Katze, würde ich alle meine neun Leben mit dir verbringen wollen. | If I were a cat, I'd want to spend all my nine lives with you. |
Wir sind zwar keine Socken, aber ich denke wir könnten eine passendes Paar sein. | We may not be a pair of socks, but I think we could be a matching pair. (Paar — pair/couple) |
Hey, du siehst aus wie mein/meine zukünftiger/zukünftige Freund/in. | Hey, you look like my future boyfriend/girlfriend. |
Weißt du einen guten Anmachspruch, der bei dir funktioniert? | Do you know a good pick-up line that'll work on you? |
There are tons of other German pick-up lines, and you can find new ones by watching romantic German movies and TV shows. To expand your conversational vocabulary (and get more comfy with talking to Germans!), one helpful resource would be FluentU.
FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.
You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.
P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)
Why Learn German Pick-up Lines?
Pick-up lines can be a fun way of picking up any language, as they often involve funny puns and plays on words. This also means that they’re usually fairly easy to learn, as the jokey nature of them helps you remember them. Once you begin to notice puns and language jokes, you’ll also increase your fluency in every aspect of the language.
Knowing pick-up lines is one thing, being able to go up to someone in a bar and charm them is completely different. If you do know pick-up lines, that’s half the battle though!
And hey, if you do manage to pick up a German boyfriend or girlfriend, you’ll definitely feel more integrated into the German culture. Even if you don’t manage to pull it off, it’s one more language skill that ups your fluency and, ultimately, will help integrate you and make you feel much more local.
How to Learn German Pick-up Lines
You could just sit down with a list of pick-up lines and try to commit them to memory, but you’ll get bored super quickly!
Add some more fun to your studies by role-playing with your friends. You could invite them over to your place and act out different scenarios with them. Try to think of ways to incorporate pick-up lines—maybe you could pretend to be in a club, or you’ve just joined a new sports team. Any scenario that involves meeting new people can easily incorporate a few pick-up lines!
Once you’re quite comfortable with German pick-up lines (and if you’re feeling fairly brave), you can try and test them out on German dating websites. There are a few different ones to choose from:
- If you already have Tinder, you can upgrade to get swiping in Germany
- eDarling is one of Europe’s most popular dating sites
- OkCupid attracts a younger crowd than many online dating websites
Finally, the ultimate way to test out your language is to try and make up your own pick-up lines.
Constructing complex sentences, thinking of puns and trying to make it all sound natural doesn’t come easy. If you can concoct your own cheesy chat-up line, you’ll know your language is at a peak!
Hopefully, these pick-up lines will give you a great starting point for your German romantic adventures!
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And One More Thing...
Want to know the key to learning German effectively?
It's using the right content and tools, like FluentU has to offer! Browse hundreds of videos, take endless quizzes and master the German language faster than you've ever imagine!
Watching a fun video, but having trouble understanding it? FluentU brings native videos within reach with interactive subtitles.
You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. If you see an interesting word you don't know, you can add it to a vocabulary list.
And FluentU isn't just for watching videos. It's a complete platform for learning. It's designed to effectively teach you all the vocabulary from any video. Swipe left or right to see more examples of the word you're on.
The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you're learning, and gives you extra practice with difficult words. It'll even remind you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned.
Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)