Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the German word "wurde" and how you use it

(auxiliary verb) (dynamic passive) (simple past) (ich / er/sie/es/man) to be (forms passive voice) The passive voice is when the recipient of the verb becomes the subject of the sentence. Eg; "John writes the letter"; in this sentence, "John" is the subject, as he is doing the verb "to write". However, if we want to emphasise the letter, rather than John, we can make this sentence passive --> "The letter is written". The passive works similarly in German, and is formed using the verb "werden" and the past participle of the verb, eg; "Der Brief wird geschrieben." (The letter is written) As you can see, the past participle is sent to the end of the sentence.

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Er wurde geschlagen .
He was hit.
Das Gebäude wurde zerstört .
The building was destroyed.
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Video Examples

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The Lowdown on the Fall of the Berlin Wall
und wurde ebenfalls zwischen den Allierten aufgeteilt .
and was also divided between the allies.
What Is Laziness?
Piggeldy wurde traurig .
Piggeldy became sad.
Top 10 Most Hilarious Banned Baby Names
so der Richter und wurde daher in Neuseeland verboten .
so saw the judge and it thus became banned in New Zealand.
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(verb) (simple past) (ich / er/sie/es/man) to become; to get; to turn; to go

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Es wurde auf einmal sehr dunkel .
It became very dark all of a sudden.
Er wurde endlich ein Lehrer .
He finally got to be a teacher.
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Video Examples

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"Elderflowers" - From Volker Koepp's "Holunderblüte"
... und es war Frühling und es wurde Sommer
...and it was spring, and it became summer
"Elderflowers" - From Volker Koepp's "Holunderblüte"
und es war Herbst und es wurde Winter .
and it was fall and it became winter.
An Overview of Berlin's Museum Island
Weltberühmt wurde es durch die imposanten Rekonstruktionen archäologischer Bauensembles ,
It became world famous through the imposing reconstructions of archeological ensembles of buildings,
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(phrasal verb) (idiomatic) (simple past) (ich / er/sie/es/man) to become a living hell

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Ich wollte kündigen , weil meine Arbeit zur Hölle wurde .
I wanted to resign because my work became a living hell.
Ich haute ab , weil mein Leben zur Hölle wurde .
I ran away because my life had become a living hell.
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(auxiliary verb) (simple past) (er/sie/es/man) there was; it was; people were (forms indefinite passive) The impersonal passive is used when there we want to refer to a general activity or action, using a verb without an object. It is formed using the "es + werden + [past participle]". (eg; es wird viel geraucht - There is lots of smoking) · If the word order is inverted, then the "es" is usually omitted. (eg; "Auf der Party wird viel geraucht.") · This structure doesn't exist in English, so this idea of a general action is usually rendered as "there was [+ noun]" or "people were [doing something]".

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Es wurde nicht geredet .
People weren't talking.
Auf der Party wurde viel getanzt .
There was lots of dancing at the party.
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Video Examples

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The History of Switzerland's Biggest Carnival
wurde noch einmal richtig wild gefeiert und ordentlich gefuttert und getrunken .
(people) once again, partied really wildly and devoured and drank copious amounts (of food and drink).
Frozen in Time - How the Last Ice Age Began
So wurde auch die Verbindung zwischen Pazifik und Atlantik unterbrochen .
This also interrupted the connection between the Pacific and the Atlantic.
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