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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the German word "seien" and how you use it

(verb) (Indirect Speech (Konjunktiv I)) (wir / sie / Sie) to be; to exist In formal texts or speech there is a specific subjunctive verb form for indirect speech. (reporting what someone else has said) This is called the "Konjunktiv i". The third person singular (he/she/it) is formed by taking the stem of the verb (eg; machen --> mach) and then adding on the verb ending 'e', (eg; mach --> er/sie/es mache). The third person plural looks the same as the indicative (normal) conjugation, so often to avoid confusion the "würden + [infinitive]" or Konjunktiv ii form is used.


Content Editor
Vy is currently working towards a degree in Computational Linguistics. They have a background in language education and teaching.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Er sagt , sie seien seine Eltern .
He says they're his parents.
Er sagt , sie seien heute krank .
He says they're sick today.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
What Do Germans Fear the Most?
Trotzdem seien die Deutschen oft ein negatives Völkchen .
Nevertheless, the Germans are often a negative nation.
Why Do Germans Count Backwards? - Part 1 of 2
Es heißt sogar deutsche Schulkinder seien schlechter in Arithmetik .
It even means that German school children are said to be worse at arithmetic.
Lost In Germany: Window Shopping
Viele im Ausland sagen , dass die Deutschen eingebildete Kranke seien , die auffallend schicke Brillen tragen .
Many abroad say that the Germans are conceited weirdos, who wear noticeably fancy glasses.
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(verb) (Indirect Speech (Konjunktiv I)) (present) (wir / sie / Sie) to be (quality) [reported speech] In formal texts or speech there is a specific subjunctive verb form for indirect speech. (reporting what someone else has said) This is called the "Konjunktiv i". The third person singular (he/she/it) is formed by taking the stem of the verb (eg; machen --> mach) and then adding on the verb ending 'e', (eg; mach --> er/sie/es mache). The third person plural looks the same as the indicative (normal) conjugation, so often to avoid confusion the "würden + [infinitive]" or Konjunktiv ii form is used.

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Laut ihm seien Ärzte unterbezahlt .
According to him, doctors are underpaid.
Die Regierung sagt , dass die Tests zu teuer seien .
The government says that the tests are too expensive.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Mansplaining - What Is It?
Je mehr Frauen beteiligt sind , desto konstruktiver seien auch die Lösungswege der Gruppe .
The more that are involved, the more constructive the group's solutions are too.
Should Cannabis Be Legalized?
Dort seien Drogen unkontrolliert zugänglich .
(They say) There drugs are available unchecked.
Should Cannabis Be Legalized?
Kinder und Jugendliche seien ungeschützt .
(They say) Children and young people are unprotected.
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(verb) (Imper.) (sing.) (Sie) to be


Content Editor
Vy is currently working towards a degree in Computational Linguistics. They have a background in language education and teaching.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Seien Sie bitte kurz still .
Please be quiet briefly.
Seien Sie einfach Sie selbst .
Just be yourself.
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Video Examples

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The Imperative 4
Seien Sie bitte leise !
Be quiet please!
Easily Give Instructions Using the Infinitive
Seien Sie so nett und halten Sie bitte Abstand !
Be [formal] so kind and please keep your distance!
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(verb) (Imper.) (wir) to be (status) If you want to make a suggestion to a group of people you are with, eg; "Let's go to the cinema!", you can use the "wir" imperative form. This is easily formed by swapping the subject and verb around. So, "Wir gehen ins Kino" (We're going to the cinema) becomes --> "Gehen wir ins Kino!" (Let's go to the cinema!)


Content Editor
Vy is currently working towards a degree in Computational Linguistics. They have a background in language education and teaching.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Seien wir dankbar .
Let's be grateful.
Seien wir doch ehrlich , das war eine Katastrophe !
Let's be honest, it was a disaster!
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Video Examples

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"No Party" - Deichkind
Seien wir doch mal ehrlich
Let's be honest
The Meaning of Life
Seien wir ehrlich , eure Ehe war sowieso vorbei .
Let's be honest, your [plural] marriage was over anyway.
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(verb) (Indirect Speech (Konjunktiv I)) to be (being) [reported speech]

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Hohe Preise seien nötig .
High prices are necessary.
Viele Menschen seien enttäuscht .
Many people are disappointed.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Should Robots Have Rights?
dass Tiere nur Automaten seien , quasi Roboter .
that animals were just automatons, effectively robots.
Should Robots Have Rights?
dass die Opfer eher Tiere seien , als zivilisiert e Menschen .
that the victims were more animals than civilized humans.
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