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The meaning of the German word "deutschen" and how you use it

(noun) (masc.) (pl.) Germans [weak/mixed declension] In German, adjectives can be turned into nouns. (eg; der Alte = the old man) These nouns decline (have endings) just like adjectives do, depending on gender/quantity, case and the article used before it. Definite and indefinite articles (the, this, these) trigger "weak" and "mixed" endings respectively, which for plurals nouns always means an '-en' ending in every case.

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Man sagt , dass die Deutschen immer sehr pünktlich sind .
They say that the Germans are always very punctual.
Gesundheit ist den Deutschen sehr wichtig .
Health is very important to (the) Germans.
Was sind die beliebtesten Hobbys der Deutschen ?
What are the Germans' most popular hobbies?
Quiz Yourself on " Deutschen"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
What Does a German Life Look like in Statistics?
Verstehen Sie Deutsch oder wenigstens die Deutschen ?
Do you understand German or the Germans, at least?
Minimalistic Living
Shoppen zählt zu den Lieblingshobbies der Deutschen .
Shopping ranks among Germans' favorite hobbies.
What Do You Do to Help the Environment?
Ja , die Deutschen tun was und die Technik hilft .
Yes, the Germans do something and the technology helps.
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(adj.) German

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Die deutschen Studenten waren sehr sympathisch .
The German students were very friendly.
Er wohnt in einer großen deutschen Stadt .
He lives in a German city.
Das ist ein wichtiger Teil der deutschen Geschichte .
That's an important part of (the) German history.
Quiz Yourself on " deutschen"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
A Multi-Generational House in Offenbach
Die Stadt liegt direkt neben der deutschen Finanzmetropole , Frankfurt am Main .
The town is right next to the German financial metropolis Frankfurt am Main.
Fall of the Berlin Wall - The First News Report
In den ausländischen Zeitungen war neben Zustimmung zur deutschen Einheit auch Skepsis spürbar ,
In the foreign newspapers alongside approval for German unification, skepticism was palpable
Seven German Words No One Will Understand
Dann solltet ihr es mit sieben Wörtern versuchen , die sich in der deutschen Sprache nie durchsetzen konnten .
Then you should try it with seven words that never could win acceptance in the German language.
Quiz Yourself on " deutschen"
(adjectival noun) (acc., dat. or gen.) (neut.) (sing.) German; the German language This tip is for intermediate learners: In German, adjectives can be turned into nouns. (eg; der Alte = the old man) These nouns decline (have endings) just like adjectives do, depending on gender/quantity, case and the article used before it. Definite and indefinite articles (the, this, these) trigger "weak" and "mixed" endings respectively, which means the noun gains an '-en' ending in the accusative, dative and genitive case.

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Das sagt man nicht im Deutschen .
You don't say that in German.
Die meisten Nomen im Deutschen sind weiblich .
Most nouns in German are feminine.
Quiz Yourself on " Deutschen"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Three Words That Only Exist in German
die es so wirklich nur im Deutschen gibt .
that really only exist in German
German's Lost Script - Part 1 of 2
Meine Mutter übersetzt gar nicht aus einer anderen Sprache , sondern aus dem Deutschen .
My mother isn't translating from another language at all, but rather from German.
Avoid This Beginner's Mistake!
" Ich bin gut " benutzt man im Deutschen nur , wenn man in einer Sache gut ist .
You only use "I am good" in German when you are good at a thing.
Quiz Yourself on " Deutschen"
im deutschen
(prepositional phrase) in German (language)


Content Editor
Vy is currently working towards a degree in Computational Linguistics. They have a background in language education and teaching.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Im Deutschen sagt man das nicht .
We [one] don't say that in German.
Es gibt im Deutschen ein schönes Wort dafür .
There is a nice word in German for that.
Quiz Yourself on " im deutschen"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
German for Debates: Expressing Your Opinion
Wenn das zu einfach ist , gibt es noch im Deutschen ein sehr schönes Wort .
If that's too simple, there's also a very nice word in German.
Why Does German Sound So Aggressive? - Part 2 of 2
Im Deutschen gibt es dagegen viele seltene komplexe Laute , die für Außenstehende besonders fremd und auch unangenehm klingen .
In German, however, there are lots of rare, complex sounds, that are particularly foreign to outsiders and also sound unpleasant.
Counting in German: 20 - 100
Und im Deutschen funktioniert das Ganze allerdings anders .
And in German, however, the whole thing works differently.
Quiz Yourself on " im deutschen"
(adjectival noun) (acc. or dat.) (masc.) (sing.) German (man) This tip is aimed at Intermediate learners: In German, adjectives can be turned into nouns. (eg; alt = old → der Alte = the old man) · These nouns decline (have endings) just as adjectives do, depending on gender/quantity, case and the article used before it. · Definite and indefinite articles used before the noun (eg; the, this, these, a, an) trigger "weak" endings, so in the masculine accusative, dative or genitive, the adjectival noun gains an 'en' ending.


Content Editor
Vy is currently working towards a degree in Computational Linguistics. They have a background in language education and teaching.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Ich habe einen Deutschen geheiratet .
I married a German (man).
Wir sprechen mit dem Deutschen .
We're speaking with the German (man).
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Telling the Time - Informal Version
Aber : Wenn ihr einen Deutschen fragt :
But: If you [plural] ask a German:
The Tallest Person in Germany
Hier sind wir mit dem größt en Deutschen verabredet .
Here we are meeting the tallest German.
Quiz Yourself on " Deutschen"

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