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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the German word "dabei" and how you use it

(adv.) in doing so; in the process; doing so; whilst

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Er wurde dabei erwischt .
He was caught in doing so.
Der Junge ist vom Rad gefallen und hat sich dabei schwer verletzt .
The boy fell from his bicycle and injured himself badly in the process.
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Video Examples

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The Primary Colors
Hey was kommt dabei raus ?
Hey, what comes out in the process?
Viktor E. Frankl: The Prisoner's Mind in a Concentration Camp - Part 1 of 2
der nicht nur die Hölle des Holocausts an seinem eigenen Leibe erfahren und dabei seine Familie verlieren wird ,
who not only will experience the hell of the Holocaust first hand and lose his family in the process,
WM '14 | 5 Scientific Facts
Sie erkennen dabei ein Tor nur ,
In doing so they only recognize a goal
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(adv.) here; with this; regarding this; where (regarding thing just mentioned) [often not translated]


Content Editor
Vy is currently working towards a degree in Computational Linguistics. They have a background in language education and teaching.
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Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Das Wichtige dabei ist , nicht aufzugeben .
The important thing here is to not give up.
Wie der Titel verrät , handelt es sich dabei um eine Autobiografie .
As the title gives away, it is an autobiography.
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Video Examples

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Missiles on the High Seas: The German Navy
Es handelt sich dabei um eine sogenannte Fire-and-forget-Waffe .
It is a so-called 'fire-and-forget-weapon'.
All About the Brain
Die sensorischen Regionen sind dabei zuständig für die Verarbeitung unserer Sinneswahrnehmungen , wie Riechen , Sehen oder Fühlen .
The sensory regions are here responsible for the processing of our sensory perceptions, like smelling, vision, or feeling.
The Alpen Adria Grammar School
Dabei lassen zwei eigene Turnsäle und eine Sportanlage jedes Sportlerherz höher schlagen .
Here, two individual gyms and a sports center allows every sporting heart to beat faster.
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(adv.) present; (be) there; (be) involved; (to join in)

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Er war beim Meeting dabei .
He was present at the meeting.
Weißt du schon , ob du dabei bist ?
Do you know yet if you're going to be there?
Kommst du zur Party ? / Ich bin dabei !
Are you coming to the party? / I'm there!
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Everyday Dating Issues - Explained!
dass in deinem Freundeskreis , oder in Schule , Studium und Arbeit einfach nicht dein Traumpartner dabei ist .
that your dream partner just isn't in your friendship circle, or at school, degree program and work.
Everyday Dating Issues - Explained!
wenn im direkten Umfeld niemand dabei ist
if there's no-one in your direct environment
Interview with Actress Christiane Paul
Schön , dass Sie dabei sind , meine Damen und Herren ,
It is great that you are here ladies and gentleman,
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(adv.) with [me]; here (on your person)

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Ich habe leider kein Geld dabei !
I unfortunately don't have any money with me!
Haben Sie Ihren Pass dabei ?
Do you have your passport with you [formal]?
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Video Examples

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 "Longing" - Laing
jedes mal hast du eine ganze Schachtel neue dabei .
every time you have a whole new pack with you.
On the Street - Part 2 of 2
Haben Sie einen anderen Ausweis dabei ?
Do you have a different identification document with you?
 "Longing" - Laing
Wenn ich unterwegs bin , hab ich immer eine Packung ' Hallo Schatz !" dabei .
If I'm out and about I always have a pack of 'hey sweetheart!' with me.
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(adv.) and yet; at the same time; although; whereas

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Er ist sehr beschäftigt , aber dabei immer freundlich .
He is very busy, but at the same time always friendly.
Sie spielt immer noch mit Puppen , dabei ist sie schon über vierzig .
She still plays with dollies, and yet she's (already) over forty.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
The German Health System Explained
Dabei müssen in Deutschland täglich über eine Milliarde Euro für Gesundheitsleistungen aufgebracht werden .
And yet in Germany over a billion euros must be raised for medical services every day.
The Quintuplets Turn 16!
Dabei erinnern sich die Eltern Ursula und Markus noch ganz genau , wie schockiert sie damals waren .
At the same time the parents Ursula and Markus still remember quite precisely how shocked they were back then.
The Exotic Delights of the Papaya Fruit
dabei sind sogar diese Kerne essbar .
and yet even these seeds are edible.
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