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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the French word "confiance" and how you use it

(n.) (fem.) (sing.) trust; confidence

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These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Il faut que tu aies confiance en toi-même .
You should have confidence in yourself.
Patricia n' est pas une personne de confiance .
Patricia is not a person of trust.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Consequential Doubts About the Economy
Elles font moins confiance aux entreprises quant à leur capacité de remboursement .
They are less confident in businesses with regards to their ability to pay back.
Why Are Airplane Seats Nearly Always Blue?
Selon l' avis des scientifiques , la plupart des gens associent le bleu à la confiance et à la sécurité ,
According to the advice of scientists, most people associate blue with trust and safety,
Anne Hidalgo's Dream for Paris
capable de regarder demain avec confiance .
capable of looking to tomorrow with confidence.
Quiz Yourself on " confiance"
(v.) (Infinitive) to trust [somebody]

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Elle doit apprendre à faire confiance .
She has to learn to trust.
Il ne peut pas faire confiance à sa mémoire .
He can't trust his memory.
Quiz Yourself on " faire... confiance"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Your Fears, Your Choices, Your Life - Part 2 of 2
Faites - vous confiance si vous voulez faire confiance aux autres .
Trust yourself if you want to trust other people.
Indirect Object Pronouns: Lui and Leur - Part 2 of 2
j' ai « peut » et l' expression « faire confiance » , avec le verbe « faire » .
I have "peut" and the expression "faire confiance", with the verb "faire."
Indirect Object Pronouns: Lui and Leur - Part 2 of 2
Elle ne peut pas leur faire confiance .
She cannot trust them.
Quiz Yourself on " faire... confiance"
(v.) (Imperative) (tu) trust [sb]

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Fais - moi confiance .
Trust me.
Fais confiance à ta mère , elle a raison .
Trust your mother, she is right.
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Video Examples

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"Notes for Too Late" - Barbara Pravi
Fais - moi confiance , c' est en parlant qu' on commence à guérir
Trust me, it's through talking that we start to heal
Monster High: The Killer Crush
Fais - moi confiance , je te dis qu' elle n' est pas dans son assiette .
Trust me, I’m telling you that she’s feeling under the weather.
The Secret Life of Lionel
N' oublie pas ce que je t' ai dit , ne fais confiance à personne !
Don't forget what I told you, don't trust anyone!
Quiz Yourself on " Fais... confiance"
(n.) (fem.) (sing.) confidence

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
La confiance est quelque chose qui se cultive .
Confidence is something that is cultivated.
Il a connu une perte de confiance après sa nouvelle défaite .
He experienced a lack of confidence after his latest defeat.
Quiz Yourself on " confiance"

Video Examples

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Self-Love with Lous and the Yakuza
j' ai réussi à mettre de la valeur sur la confiance en soi
I also succeeded in putting value on self-confidence
Self-Love with Lous and the Yakuza
j' ai cette question en permanence " comment tu as cette confiance en toi ?",
I get this question constantly "how do you have this self-confidence?",
Self-Love with Lous and the Yakuza
La confiance en soi , ça se cultive via toutes les choses qui font qui nous sommes .
Self-confidence is cultivated through all of the things that make [us] who we are.
Quiz Yourself on " confiance"
(expression) (Infinitive) to trust [sb]

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Il faut faire confiance à cette personne .
You must trust this person.
Je ne veux pas faire confiance à ma sœur .
I don't want to trust my sister.
Quiz Yourself on " faire... confiance... à"

Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
Indirect Object Pronouns: Lui and Leur - Part 2 of 2
Elle ne peut pas faire confiance à ses collègues .
She cannot trust her colleagues.
Quiz Yourself on " faire... confiance... à"

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