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Video Dictionary for Language Learners

The meaning of the French word "commun" and how you use it

(adj.) (masc.) (sing.) common

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Ce n' est pas commun de te voir ici .
It is not common to see you here.
Il est commun d' avoir le vertige .
It is common to have vertigo.
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Video Examples

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Doxa: Free Will and Free Thought
En tout cas , ce n' est pas un hasard si ce sentiment nous est commun
In any case, it's not a coincidence if this feeling is common for us
Mélenchon on the 'Yellow Vest' Protests
par le crédit d'impôt compétitivité-emploi que vous allez passer dans le droit commun
via the tax credit for employment and competitiveness that you are going to pass in common law
Secularism in France Explained
il souligne la contribution des religions à la vie de la cité et au bien commun .
he highlights religions' contribution to public life and to the common good.
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transports en commun
(n.) (masc.) (pl.) public transportation

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Je voyage par les transports en commun .
I travel by public transportation.
Il n' y a pas beaucoup de transports en commun ici .
There isn't a lot of public transportation here.
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Video Examples

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It's Not Witchcraft! - All About Tobacco: Part 6/8
ainsi que dans les transports en commun .
as well as on public transport.
Travel with the Swiss Travel Pass
c' est qu' il est très facile de se déplacer en transports en commun .
that it's really easy to get around on public transport.
Travel with the Swiss Travel Pass
... qui nous permet de prendre tous les transports en commun .
...which allows us to take all public transport.
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hors du commun
(adj.) (sing./pl.) extraordinary

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
C' était quelque chose d' hors du commun .
It was something extraordinary.
L' ouïe de mon chien est hors du commun .
My dog's hearing is extraordinary.
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Video Examples

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Tribute to Daniel Cordier: French Resistance Hero
100 ans d' existence hors du commun .
100 years of extraordinary existence.
The History of Maison Cartier
des personnalités hors du commun qui trouvent chez Cartier un esprit d' excellence qui depuis toujours anime la maison .
extraordinary personalities who find at Cartier a spirit of excellence which always keeps the company going.
Love at First Sight at the Supermarket - Modern Love Clip
Parce que vous avez l' air d' avoir une énergie hors du commun .
Because you seem to have extraordinary energy.
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(expression) (Present) (ils/elles) bring together; pool together

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Ils mettent leurs revenus en commun .
They pool together their incomes.
Elles mettent en commun toutes les ressources .
They bring their resources together.
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Video Examples

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Who's Doing the Household Chores?
et mettent en commun leurs revenus , mais l' égalité à la maison n' est pas encore acquise .
and put their revenues together, but equality at home has not yet been attained.
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point commun
(n.) (masc.) (sing.) something in common; common feature

Clickable Example Sentences

These examples and translations are created specifically for language learners, and are manually reviewed. Click on words to look them up.
Ils ont tous un point commun , c' est qu' ils sont incapables .
They all have a common feature, that they are incapable.
Nous avons un point commun vous et moi .
We have something in common, you and I.
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Video Examples

Video examples are manually reviewed for accuracy.
The Benefits of Cold Water Swimming
leur point commun , s' adonner à un passe-temps
what they have in common, dedicating themselves to a pastime
French People's Favourite French Person
Quel est le point commun entre ...
What is the thing in common between...
Why 'Roasting' Hasn't Taken Off in France
Quel est le point commun entre Juliette Binoche , Ricky Gervais et Booba ?
What is the thing in common between Juliette Binoche, Ricky Gervais and Booba?
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