100 Spring Idioms and Vocabulary Words in English

Springtime is a wonderful time to learn some new English expressions and colorful phrases about the season.

In Spring, the flowers bloom, the weather warms and time-honored holidays and traditions are observed. Read this post to learn over 100 spring idioms and vocabulary words so you can speak comfortably about the season. 


Fresh English Idioms About Spring

Cheery blossoms in a tree

We love the change of seasons. Every new season has something beautiful to offer. When winter changes to spring, that might be the best change of all. Learn these sayings that are related to winter changing to spring.

1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Being away from someone (or something) you love makes you love them even more. So every time the winter feels too long and cold, just remember that it will make you love spring even more!

2. One swallow does not make a summer

The swallow is a bird that shows up when the winter is over. Just seeing one swallow doesn’t mean spring is here yet though. This saying reminds you that just because one good thing happened to you, it doesn’t mean everything else that happens to you will be good.

3. No spring chicken

Baby chickens are born in spring. But this person wasn’t just born. This is saying that this person isn’t so young anymore.

4. Let grass grow under your feet

Grass is soft and wonderful, but if you’re letting grass grow under your feet then you’re standing still or doing nothing for too long.

5. Like watching grass grow

Even if you’re not standing so still that you let the grass grow under your feet, sometimes you have to be in a situation that’s very boring. In those cases you might feel like you’re watching grass grow—it’s slow and unexciting.

6. Fresh as a daisy

A daisy is a type of flower. If you’re fresh as a daisy, you’re healthy and full of energy. This is like the way you feel after getting a really good night of sleep.

7. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

Here’s another fun way of saying “fresh as a daisy.” It means the same thing (full of energy and ready to take on life’s challenges) but brings to mind a cute squirrel instead of a flower. You can decide which saying fits you better!

8. Not a cloud in the sky

The sky is clear and things are good! If there’s not a cloud in the sky, things look like they will be good for a while and there’s nothing to worry about.

9. Head in the clouds

This saying means that you’re either not paying attention to what’s going on around you or you have too many unrealistic thoughts. It can also mean that you’re always dreaming and optimistic. If someone tells you to get your head out of the clouds, you might be spending too much time thinking or dreaming.

10. Chasing rainbows

Rainbows are just a trick of light. You can’t actually reach them or touch them. Chasing rainbows means trying to achieve something that’s not possible or not practical.

11. Soak up some sun

Enjoy the sun’s rays on your skin! You can soak up the sun on the beach and get a tan. What a perfect way to spend a summer day.

12. Fair-weather friend

Some friends stay with you no matter what happens, but your fair-weather friends only stick with you when things are going well. The moment things become difficult, these “friends” are suddenly nowhere to be found.

13. Ray of hope

A ray is a bit of light coming from the sun. When it’s cloudy, you can sometimes still see some rays peeking through the clouds. A ray of hope is a tiny bit of hope that can be found in a tough situation.

14. Ray of sunshine

Another kind of ray, a ray of sunshine is someone or something that makes you feel happy.

15. Brighten up the day

Something or someone who makes you feel good and happy for the rest of the day. Someone who is a ray of sunshine can really brighten up your day.

16. Garden variety

Typical or common, found in everybody’s garden, this English phrase means that there’s nothing special about something.

17. Lead down the garden path

Typically just said as “to lead someone on,” this saying means to deceive or lie to someone.

18. To have a green thumb

Speaking of gardens, if you have a green thumb then you’re someone who’s great at gardening.

19. Social butterfly

Butterflies like to gather around flowers, but social butterflies are people who like to gather around people. A social butterfly is someone who loves company and moves from one person to another easily, like a butterfly would fly between flowers.

20. Money doesn’t grow on trees

Spring makes things grow, but sadly there are no trees that you can just pick money from. This saying means to be careful with how you spend your money, because it’s not that easy to get more of it.

21. Take a rain check

If you plan to go on a picnic but it rains, you might take a rain check and reschedule for a later time. This saying can be used to politely decline an invitation, implying that you will accept the invitation some other time.

22. Steal someone’s thunder

You’re about to share some really exciting news, but someone else shares the news first. They just stole your thunder. This expression is usually used to describe when someone steals the praise and attention that really belong to someone else.

23. April showers bring May flowers

The rain showers of April help flowers bloom in the spring. This phrase is a way of saying that bad or unpleasant things can lead to good things happening.

24. It’s raining cats and dogs

This saying means that it’s raining very hard. It doesn’t mean that cats and dogs are actually falling from the sky.

25. Storm in a teacup

A storm in a teacup is what happens when someone makes a huge deal out of something that’s not really that important. Another very similar saying is tempest in a teapot. A tempest is a very large storm.

26. Come rain or shine

This is used to describe something that happens no matter what the weather is like. It will happen even if it’s raining and unpleasant outside.

Vibrant Spring Vocabulary Words

A vibrant field of purple flowers

Are you having trouble sitting still? Do you suddenly feel excited and ready to go on an adventure? You might have spring fever.

fever is when your body temperature is higher than normal, usually because of illness. Spring fever is not an actual illness. It’s just a saying people use to describe that feeling of restlessness (or inability to sit still) that you get when spring is near.

“I have Spring fever. I need to get out of the house!”

When the cold winter is over, it’s time to put away the warm clothes. Many people use this clothes changing as an excuse to clean the entire house.

The term spring cleaning refers to this full-house clean that happens once a year when you clear the closets so you can fill them with warm clothes.

“We’re doing Spring cleaning this week, so please organize your closet!”

In America, schools have vacation in the spring, usually in April, around Easter. It’s usually a week long, and many students take the chance to go out and have a fun time.

There are a number of movies about how wild spring break can get, like the recent “Piranha 3D.”

“For Spring break this year, we’re going to Florida.”

Spring Weather Vocabulary

A person walks with an umbrella in a rainy city

breeze is a soft and gentle wind, usually pleasant and not uncomfortable. Breeze can also be used to mean that something is very easy, as in “passing that test was a breeze because I studied hard.”

If you use it as a verb, to breeze means to casually and easily go through something. For example, “After I finished the easy test, I breezed out of that classroom.”

“There’s a refreshing breeze outside today.”

You probably take a shower every morning, but in weather, a shower is a light rain. It takes a lot of rain to make a lot of things grow, so spring can be a very rainy season.

There’s a saying, “April showers bring May flowers,” which means that the gentle rains which often come in April are what makes the flowers bloom the next month.

You can also shower someone with something, usually something positive. You can shower your friends with presents or praise, meaning you give them a lot of presents or positive words. Imagine presents falling from the sky, like rain!

“Bring your umbrella. The news said to expect rainshowers today.”

A shower might be a light rain, but a drizzle is even lighter. A drizzle is such a slight rain that you can barely call it rain. You can drizzle something too, like when you pour only a little bit of dressing on your salad.

“It’s drizzling outside today, so bring your raincoat.”

Once all that rain is done, you’re left with puddles. Puddles are small pools of water gathered on the ground. Kids love jumping in muddy puddles!

“My shoes are drenched! I stepped in a huge puddle.”

When spring brings warmth and sunshine with it, the snow from the winter begins to thaw, or melt. Sometimes people use the word to speak specifically about early springtime, when this snow melting happens.

You can also use the word to talk about anything that gets warmed up after being frozen, like meat that’s been in the freezer. For example, “Did you take the chicken out of the freezer? It needs to thaw so I can cook it for dinner.”

“The river is thawing from the warm weather.”

Sometimes you can see a rainbow after the rain—a colorful arc in the sky. Rainbows happen because of the way sunlight reacts with water particles in the air. They’re considered lucky, and you’re even luckier if you ever get to see a double rainbow!

“There’s a rainbow outside! It’s beautiful!”

Spring Nature Vocabulary

A young lamb looks at the camera

When buds grow into flowers which open their petals, they are blooming. A flower can bloom (open its petals), and it can be in bloom (when it’s already open). Spring is the time for blooming flowers!

“I love when the flowers are in bloom.”

To sprout means to begin to grow or emerge from the ground. A sprout is a young plant that has just begun to grow.

“Tiny green sprouts appeared in the garden as the first signs of spring.”

Another word for a flower is blossomBlossom is used mostly when there is more than one flower, like a group of flowers on a tree that are all blooming at the same time.

Sometimes you can even use blossom to describe something that is developing or growing in a healthy way, like a relationship or a person.

“He blossomed from a young boy into a handsome young man.”

nest is a home that birds make, where they can lay eggs and care for their young. You see a lot of nests in the spring, since that’s when birds usually lay eggs. You might say that “Love is in the air!”

“I saw a beautiful nest in the tree outside.”

When a baby bird comes out of an egg, that’s called hatching.

Hatch can also be used to describe the creation of a plot or an idea, usually one that is secret.

“The bank robbers hatched a new plan that would get them even more money.”

When a young bird loses its fluff and gets feathers it can use for flying, it’s called fledgling.

Fledgling is also a term for anything that is inexperienced or recently created, like a “fledgling organization” or a “fledgling career.”

“I put a fallen fledgling back in its nest.”

Just like a fledgling is a young bird, a seedling is a young plant. The suffix (word ending) -ling can sometimes be used to mean something small, although it’s usually used with animals.

For example, a duckling is a baby duck and a gosling is a baby goose. If someone is very weak, you can call them a weakling (but you probably shouldn’t, since that’s not very nice!).

“Be careful not to step on the vegetable seedlings.”

robin is a type of bird with a black back and a bright red chest. In many parts of North America, a robin is one of the first signs of spring. If you see a robin, you can say that spring is officially here.

“Seeing a robin is good luck.”

fragrance is a pleasant or sweet smell. Many flowers can create a fragrance, but so can perfume and cologne (perfume for men).

“What is that wonderful fragrance I can smell?”

Bouquet is a French word that the English language “borrowed.” A bouquet is a group of flowers, arranged to look nice together, and usually given in celebrations or to people.

It’s nice to bring your date a bouquet of flowers! Many spring flowers, like daisies, daffodils and tulips make great bouquets.

“It was so romantic. He gave me a bouquet of roses.”

To revive means to bring back to life or to restore to a healthy or active state. In spring, it often refers to the awakening of nature from its winter slumber.

“The warm sunshine helped revive the dormant plants in the garden.”

A tulip is a type of flowering plant that belongs to the lily family. It is known for its colorful cup-shaped flowers and is a popular symbol of spring.

“The garden was ablaze with the vibrant colors of tulips in full bloom.”

Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred from the male parts to the female parts of a flower, leading to fertilization and the production of seeds. It plays a crucial role in the reproduction of plants, especially in spring.

“Bees play a vital role in the pollination of many spring-blooming flowers.”

To migrate means to move from one region or habitat to another, often in search of better conditions or resources. Many birds engage in migration during the spring.

“The geese began to migrate northward as the days grew longer and warmer.”

To chirp means to make a high-pitched, cheerful sound, often associated with birds. The sound of chirping birds is a common and delightful springtime experience.

“In the early morning, the garden was filled with the cheerful chirping of songbirds.”

A bud is a small, undeveloped growth on a plant that has the potential to grow into a leaf, flower, or shoot. In spring, buds begin to swell and open, revealing new growth.

“The cherry tree’s buds started to open, revealing delicate pink flowers.”

A butterfly is a flying insect known for its colorful wings. It undergoes metamorphosis and is often associated with the beauty and transformation of spring.

“The garden was alive with butterflies, flitting from flower to flower in the warm spring air.”

Pollen is a fine powder produced by flowers and carried by the wind or insects to fertilize other flowers of the same species. In spring, pollen levels can rise, affecting allergies in some individuals.

“The yellow pollen covered the car, a sign that spring had fully arrived.”

A daffodil is a type of spring-blooming flower known for its trumpet-shaped corona and vibrant yellow or white petals. It’s a common symbol of the arrival of spring.

“The garden was ablaze with daffodils, their bright yellow blooms signaling the start of spring.”

Spring Holidays and Traditions

Two children explore their Easter baskets

Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection (bringing back to life) of Jesus Christ. Easter happens between March 21st and April 25th, and it’s always on a Sunday—but the celebration of Easter lasts eight days.

During Easter, kids find hidden eggs (brought to them by the Easter Bunny), and often decorate them with bright colors.

“What did you get in your Easter basket when you were a kid?”

St. Patrick’s Day is a celebration of the protector saint of Ireland. It’s celebrated on March 17 every year. In America, people dress in green on St. Patrick’s Day, drink, party and just have a lot of fun.

“If you forget to wear green on Saint Patrick’s Day, you might get pinched.”

On May 1, many countries celebrate May Day, which is a festival of the spring. “Mayday” is also a danger or emergency word used over radios by people like airplane pilots.

Surprisingly, the two phrases are not related. The emergency signal actually comes from the French m’aider, which means “Help me.” Let’s celebrate May Day without any reason to cry “Mayday!”

“We’re going to a protest for May Day this year.”

The Cherry Blossom Festival is a cultural event that celebrates the blooming of cherry blossom trees, particularly in Japan. It often involves picnics, performances, and viewing the cherry blossoms.

“We look forward to the Cherry Blossom Festival every spring to witness the stunning display of pink blossoms.”

Nowruz, meaning “New Day,” is the Persian New Year celebrated in various cultures. It involves rituals, feasts, and the setting of a Haft-Seen table with symbolic items.

“Nowruz is a time of joy and renewal, as families gather to celebrate the arrival of spring.”

Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday commemorating the victory of the Mexican army over the French at the Battle of Puebla. It is celebrated with parades, music, dancing and traditional foods.

“We join the festivities downtown every Cinco de Mayo to enjoy Mexican music and delicious cuisine.”

Holi is a Hindu festival of colors that celebrates the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil. Participants throw colored powders and water at each other in a joyful celebration.

“The vibrant colors of Holi create a lively and festive atmosphere in the community.”

Derby Day is a traditional horse racing event, particularly associated with the Kentucky Derby in the United States. It is a day of excitement, elegant attire, big hats and horse racing.

“We gather with friends for a Derby Day party, complete with big hats and mint juleps.”

Walpurgis Night, also known as May Eve, is a traditional European celebration held on the night of April 30th. It is often associated with bonfires, dancing and welcoming the arrival of spring.

“In some regions, people light bonfires on Walpurgis Night as a symbol of warding off winter spirits.”

Mother’s Day is a day dedicated to honoring and celebrating mothers and motherhood. It is marked by giving cards, gifts and spending quality time with mothers.

“On Mother’s Day, we treated our mom to a special brunch and a heartfelt card.”

Earth Day is a global event dedicated to environmental protection and raising awareness about environmental issues. It often involves tree planting, clean-up activities and educational events.

“For Earth Day, our community organized a park clean-up and planted new trees to contribute to a greener environment.”

The vernal equinox is the astronomical event that marks the beginning of spring, when day and night are approximately equal in length. It is a time of balance and the promise of warmer days.

“The vernal equinox reminds us that longer days and blooming flowers are on the way.”

An Easter egg hunt is a popular activity where children search for hidden eggs, often filled with candy or small toys. It is a fun tradition associated with Easter.

“The children eagerly gathered in the garden for the annual Easter egg hunt.”

An Easter basket is a small decorative basket in which children receive candy and small gifts on Easter morning.

“I got a huge chocolate rabbit my Easter basket this year.”

Positive Spring Adjectives

A fledgling bird sits on a bench

Something fresh is clean and new. Spring brings a fresh start for nature, fresh breezes and a fresh smell in the air. You can put on a pair of fresh socks, or feel fresh after taking a shower.

“The laundry smells so fresh after hanging on the clothesline.”

When something was made warm by the sun, you can just say it was sun-kissed—kissed by the sun. It might be a patch of grass, or even someone who has a nice tan. Isn’t that a nice image, to be kissed by the sun?

“You look great with sun-kissed skin.”

The word rejuvenating is used in soaps and creams more than in everyday conversation. It’s used to describe something that makes you feel younger or fresher, like a facial cream that promises to “rejuvenate your skin.”

“I always find swimming in the sea to be rejuvenating.”

Something or someone that’s very bright or full or energy is vibrant. A vibrant red coat is a very bright red, and someone with a vibrant personality is a very enthusiastic or energetic person.

During spring, people say the environment or landscape is vibrant since it’s so full of life.

The trees look so vibrant this time of year.”

Anything that’s alive can thrive—develop and grow very well. Things that become very successful are also described as thriving, like a “thriving company” or a “thriving relationship.”

“She’s really thriving.”

Hope is one of the most powerful feelings you can have. It’s the belief or desire for something to happen. When you’re hopeful, you are full of hope for something.

“I’m hopeful that we can work out our problems this year.”

Lush describes an environment that is full of healthy, green vegetation. Spring brings about lush landscapes as plants and trees thrive.

“After the rain, the garden transformed into a lush oasis of greenery.”

Renewed means restored or made fresh again. In spring, nature undergoes a renewed vitality after the dormancy of winter.

“The garden took on a renewed vigor as the first buds appeared.”

Balmy describes pleasantly warm and mild weather. Spring often brings balmy days that are perfect for outdoor activities.

“We enjoyed a balmy afternoon in the park, soaking up the sun.”

Cheerful means full of happiness and positivity. Spring is a cheerful season with the return of warm weather and blooming flowers.

“The cheerful chirping of birds filled the air as we strolled through the garden.”

Bountiful means abundant or producing a large quantity. In spring, the Earth becomes bountiful with the growth of new plants and flowers.

“The bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables signaled a successful spring season.”

Invigorating means giving vitality and energy. Spring’s fresh air and blooming nature have an invigorating effect on people.

“The invigorating breeze on the hilltop made us feel alive and refreshed.”

Joyful means full of joy and happiness. Spring brings a joyful atmosphere as people celebrate the return of warm weather and longer days.

“Children’s laughter echoed through the park, adding to the joyful spirit of spring.”

Renewing means making something new or restoring its vitality. Spring is a season of renewing life and growth in the natural world.

“The renewing energy of spring inspired us to start new projects.”

Energetic means having a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Spring’s arrival brings an energetic burst of life to the natural world.

“The energetic squirrels darted through the trees, full of vitality in the spring air.”

Promising means showing potential for success or positive outcomes. Spring carries a promising feeling of growth and new beginnings.

“The first signs of green buds on the trees were a promising indication of spring’s arrival.”

Exuberant means filled with enthusiasm and high spirits. It’s a word often used to describe the lively and energetic nature of spring.

“The exuberant blooms in the garden brought a burst of color to the landscape.”

Awakening describes the process of coming to life or becoming active after a period of dormancy. Spring is a time of awakening for the natural world.

“The awakening buds signaled the arrival of spring in the forest.”

Revitalizing means restoring vitality and freshness. Spring’s arrival is often described as revitalizing for both nature and people.

“A day in the revitalizing countryside was just what we needed to recharge our spirits.”

Wholesome means promoting health and well-being. Spring brings about wholesome activities like outdoor exercise and fresh, seasonal produce.

“We enjoyed a wholesome picnic in the park, savoring the springtime fruits.”

Enchanting means captivating and delightful. Spring’s beauty and blooming flowers create an enchanting atmosphere.

“The enchanting garden seemed like something out of a fairy tale.”

Tranquil means calm and peaceful. Spring mornings often bring a tranquil atmosphere to natural settings.

“We sat by the tranquil pond, listening to the sounds of nature in the early spring morning.”

Spring Idioms and Vocabulary Learning Resources

Now that you’ve made it through these Spring idioms and vocabulary, the next step is to practice them!

You can do this with many different resources, so I’ll list three below to get you started.  

  • Anki: You can create flashcards using this app and review new words here. You can also personalize each flashcard with audio, video and images. Picking memorable images and recording yourself saying them can help you create memories with each saying and memorize them quicker.
  • FluentU: You can watch native speakers using sayings like these in context with various English videos on this language program.
  • Tandem: There’s no better way to practice a new phrase than by using it with a real person. You can use this app to find a language partner and practice these sayings with them. Plus, they can probably give you tips and help you understand these phrases better.

Well, now you’ve got some great sayings and vocabulary to use when talking and writing about Spring. Don’t forget that you can use them during the rest of the year, too!

We hope you’re bright-eyed and bushy-tailed so you can soak up the sun and enjoy the beautiful weather of spring!

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